The Advantages and Disadvantages expansion includes the rules for using Adv&Disadv, and the card files to allow you to print your own copy. There are 40 A&D cards in this deck.
Should you wish to buy the full game it is available at as a Print&Play download, and on DriveThruCards as a physical copy (soon).
Please visit us at:
PnP versions of... [click here for more]
The Enchantments expansion includes the rules for using Enchantments, and the card files to allow you to print your own copy. There are 52 Enchantment cards in this deck.
Should you wish to buy the full game it is available at as a Print&Play download, and on DriveThruCards as a physical copy (soon).
Please visit us at:
PnP versions of this game can... [click here for more]
The Potions expansion includes the rules for using Potions, and the card files to allow you to print your own copy. There are 52 Potion cards in this deck.
Should you wish to buy the full game it is available at as a Print&Play download, and on DriveThruCards as a physical copy (soon).
Please visit us at:
PnP versions of this game can be found at DriveThruRPG.... [click here for more]
The Powers expansion includes the rules for using Powers, and the card files to allow you to print your own copy. There are 48 Power cards in this deck.
Should you wish to buy the full game it is available at as a Print&Play download, and on DriveThruCards as a physical copy (soon).
Please visit us at:
PnP versions of this game can be found at DriveThruRPG.... [click here for more]
The Traps PnP expansion includes the rules for using Traps, and the card files to allow you to print your own copy. There are 40 Trap cards in this deck.
Should you wish to buy the full game it is available at as a Print&Play download, and on DriveThruCards as a physical copy (soon).
Please visit us at:
PnP versions of this game can be found at DriveThruRPG.... [click here for more]