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The Deck of Tales

The Deck of Tales

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words... The Deck of Tales is a set of 120 card faces (not counting the instructions) that provide images as inspiration for story telling. Roleplayers, solo gamers, and authors can take advantage of 360 pictures, 240 unique combinations of symbols, and more! Those numbers may sound relatively small, but consider this: Relying solely on the primary pictures,...   [click here for more]
Larcenous Designs, LLC  $4.99

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Anxiety is a beast. Try to survive and thrive while enduring breathing difficulties, sleeplessness, and intense worry and dread. Try to get through the entire deck without your Panic Level reaching 20 to win the game! This is a solitaire card game that takes 15-30 minutes to play. 2-5 player cooperative rules are available. All icons from CC BY 3.0 ...   [click here for more]
David Libby  $13.03

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The GameMaster's Apprentice: Universal Instruction Cards

The GameMaster's Apprentice: Universal Instruction Cards

Quick-Reference Cards for the GMA Decks! Note: If you wish to purchase the Print on Demand Instruction Cards to keep with your deck, be sure to combine your order of this product with the deck itself, or order two or more copies of the Instruction Cards! This mini-set is only six cards, and DriveThru will not print orders that small individually. The GameMaster's Apprentice decks...   [click here for more]
Larcenous Designs, LLC   FREE 

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