Celebrate gift giving and the spirit of Christmas with 12 Days, a lovingly illustrated card game by renowned artist Echo Chernik. 12 Days is an experience the whole family can enjoy! Inspired by the iconic Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas" and designed by James Ernest and Mike Selinker, 12 Days is ingrained with familiar play patterns of traditional card games; 12 Days feels like a true... [click here for more]
PAIRS is the "New Classic Pub Game" introduced by Cheapass Games in 2014. This is the Goddesses of Cuisine Deck, featuring ten beautiful card designs by Echo Chernik.
Pairs is a basic press-your-luck game in which the goal is not to catch a pair. The game is fast, easy, and has only one loser, who must perform a penalty like singing a song or making a strange noise.
The deck has just the numbers... [click here for more]