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Pairs: Infinite Space

Pairs: Infinite Space

PAIRS is a pub game created by James Ernest and Paul Peterson of Cheapass Games (see Kill Doctor Lucky, Give Me the Brain, Lightspeed, and many more). PAIRS is lightweight, entertaining, and a perfect way to decide who pays for the next round of Tiberian Moonshine. PAIRS: Infinite Space features starships from the universe of Digital Eel's...   [click here for more]
Digital Eel  $9.99

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Infinite Space Battle Poker

Infinite Space Battle Poker

Infinite Space Battle Poker is a hybrid cardgame that twists the mechanics and flexibility of poker into a head-on battle between mighty starships! (Battle Poker features character, item and starship art from Digital Eel's Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars computer game.) Note that this isn't merely a themed ordinary deck. It's a completely diferent set of cards. Here's...   [click here for more]
Digital Eel  $9.99

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