These are the printed Adventurer cards for Dave's Caves! Customer will need to purchase both "Dave's Caves (main deck)" and "Dave's Cave's (adventurers)" to ensure you get all you need to play.PDF instructions, bestiary, damage tracker, etc., are provided with your physical cards purchase of "Dave's Caves (main deck)." Game requires one six-sided die (1d6) which is not... [click here for more]
These are the printed main game cards for Dave's Caves! Customer will need to purchase both "Dave's Caves (main deck)" and "Dave's Cave's (adventurers)" to ensure you get all you need to play. PDF instructions, bestiary, damage tracker, etc., are provided with your physical cards purchase of "Dave's Caves (main deck)." Game requires one six-sided die (1d6) which is not included.
Greetings... [click here for more]