IntroductionHumanity is a trading card game that celebrates the vast spectrum of human achievement. Players take on the roles of rival civilizations competing to determine who will have a greater impact on future cultures. The cards are inspired by our shared heritage, taking the form of ancient rulers, great works of art, philosophical breakthroughs, and mythical beings.... [click here for more]
IntroductionHumanity is a trading card game that celebrates the vast spectrum of human achievement. Players take on the roles of rival civilizations competing to determine who will have a greater impact on future cultures. The cards are inspired by our shared heritage, taking the form of ancient rulers, great works of art, philosophical breakthroughs, and mythical beings.... [click here for more]
Free Rules Download for Humanity: A Game of CivilizationsIntroductionHumanity is a trading card game that celebrates the vast spectrum of human achievement. Players take on the roles of rival civilizations competing to determine who will have a greater impact on future cultures. The cards are inspired by our shared heritage, taking the form of ancient... [click here for more]
This pack contains 18 Egypt-themed cards to help fill out your Humanity deck.
Civilization Cards 1
Rares 2
Uncommons 6
Common 9
All images have been AI generated. ... [click here for more]
This pack contains 18 India-themed cards to help fill out your Humanity deck.
3 rare 5-star cards
6 uncommon 3 and 4-star cards
9 common 1 and 2-star cards ... [click here for more]
This pack contains 18 Mesopotamia-themed cards to help fill out your Humanity deck.
Civilization Cards Ancient Mesopotamia
Rares 2
Uncommons 6
Common 9 ... [click here for more]
This pack contains 18 Persia-themed cards to help fill out your Humanity deck.
Civilization Card Achaemenid Empire
Rares 2
Uncommons 6
Common 9 ... [click here for more]
This pack contains 18 Prehistory-themed cards to help fill out your Humanity deck.
Civilization Cards Çatalhöyük
Rares 2
Uncommons 6
Common 9 ... [click here for more]