Treasure Map contains 16 unique two-sided cards. The island side is used to make a board. The map side is used to play a game on that board. Multiple game modes available and make your own.
The original game mode is a 2-Player cooperative game where one player builds a treasure map and the other player tries to find the treasure using that map. ... [click here for more]
There has been a murder. Players are all detectives charged with solving the crime. But solving a crime is hard work and you all are feeling lazy. So instead, you're trying to frame each other for the murder. ... [click here for more]
Everyone is part of an unstable isotope that is going to become stable. And you don't want to be the one kicked out to do so. Everyone gets a hand of subatomic particles that point to each other. One by one, particles get ejected from the isotope until it becomes stable. ... [click here for more]