CAROLINA DEATH CRAWL is a swampy Southern Gothic roleplaying card game for three or more players from the creators of FIASCO. At the height of the American Civil War, your characters have been abandoned deep behind Confederate lines. Can they fight their way through enemy territory and treacherous terrain back to safety? For all but one, the answer is “no!”, but... [click here for more]
WINTERHORN is a live action game for 3-8 players about how governments degrade and destroy activist groups. By playing law enforcement and intelligence operatives working diligently to demoralize and derail, you’ll learn about the techniques used in the real world in pursuit of these goals. By playing WINTERHORN you’ll have a chance to reflect on weak points in your own activism,... [click here for more]
There was a night bomber regiment in World War Two composed entirely of women. Natural-born Soviet airwomen.
These 200 women and girls, flying outdated biplanes from open fields near the front lines, attacked the invading German forces every night for 1,100 consecutive nights. When they ran out of bombs they dropped... [click here for more]
This high quality deck of cards is an excellent supplement for a game of Night Witches. Each deck includes a set of quick advancement cards with fictional prompts that make running a one-shot even easier. In addition there are portrait cards and medal cards, both of which can be used as visual props in play.
This is a full-color deck of 109... [click here for more]
On this night of the full moon at New World Magischola, you are in detention with other students, some of whom are secret Lycans, struggling to find the potion to keep them from changing and outing their condition. What will you do? ... [click here for more]
Two games of survival horror, often without the survival.
Desperation is two small roleplaying games, built on the same dark tone and mechanics, that are truly pick-up-and-play experiences for you and your friends.
Both games are designed for 1-5 players in an hour or two.
DEAD HOUSEis set during the great blizzard of 1888,... [click here for more]