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 What's Your Favorite? is the creation of 2 dads based on a game they play with their kids at the pool. They would ask "What's Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor (for example)?" and the kids would jump into the pool screaming their favorite ice cream flavor. The kids (ranging in age from 7 to 11 at the time) loved the game and still do. As a result the "What's Your Favorite" card game was born.
Do you... [click here for more] |
2FunDads |
$7.99 $6.90
No. 02 in the 7 KickAss Games - Master Gamers Collection -
Ultimate Driver 300!
Revel in the glory of your win, as you know your are the Ultimate racing champion, the “Ultimate Driver 300!”.
Revel in the glory of your win, as you know your are the ultimate racing champion, the “Ultimate Driver” and that you have out-played, out-raced, out-smarted your opponents in the... [click here for more] |
7 KickAss Games |
No. 03 in the KickAss Games - Master Gamers Collection -
Ninja Stars!
An evil Black Ninja Clan has come in the middle of the night to settle an ancient vendetta with you and your Clan. They silently move in ever closer and there is only you who can stop them. You are a Master in the ancient Ninja Throwing Stars called “Shuriken”, a ancient secret skill passed on down from your... [click here for more] |
7 KickAss Games |
 TDD is a planning poker deck of cards, mainly based on the Fibonacci sequence, that agile teams use during the estimation workshops.
This deck however is unique for different reasons • Every symbol (for a single member) has 9 cards and is on a single page page of the PDF so it can be easily escalated • The Fibonacci sequence is the real one with "infinite" (cannot estimate) and a multi-purpose... [click here for more] |
Agile Game Factory |
Pay What You Want
We often have been joining talks and conferences about the “Values>Principles>Practices” chain or maybe about “DO agile vs BE agile” or Dan Pink’s motivators... All of them are around the concept of “Agile Mindset”, but how can we to make this growing across our teams?
This serious game has been designed to bring to life the Agile Mindset and help the teams understanding... [click here for more] |
Agile Game Factory |
$10.50 $5.25
 Stimulation, mastery, validation, freedom, certainty, authenticity — basic human needs that everyone seeks to fulfil.
Or do they?
Sometimes it seems as if people are acting against their own best interests. Perhaps they have a secret agenda — motivations that are hidden from everyone else. Perhaps you are a Dominator, an Idealist, a Pragmatist , a Spoilsport, a Victim... only you know.... [click here for more] |
Agreedibus Games |
 All or Nothing cards is a game about competition. It's a standard trick taking game, you deal 10 cards to 3 or 4 players, 8 cards to 5 or 6. You're bidding to take all the tricks, or none of the tricks. The catch? There are 4 All cards in the deck, as well as 4 Nothing cards. And they aren't very reliable. If another plays the right card, your All can become a Nothing and your Nothing can become an... [click here for more] |
All or Nothing Cards |
$13.99 $11.05
 Superset is all about finding beautiful collections of cards as fast as you can! It comprises 243 cards, and certain collections of cards are called Subsets. A Subset is a collection of three cards where for each attribute, the cards either have that attribute in common or all have different values for that attribute. Each card has five attributes: Background (white, gray,... [click here for more] |
AlteredCards |
Yes the Pirates and Ninjas Playing cards!
I have maintained all of the cards from a regular deck of cards like the man with the Axe, the one-eyed Jack, the Suicide King, bedpost queen and so on!
Pirates are Black Cards and Ninjas are Red Cards! ... [click here for more] |
Art of Nigel Sade |
This version does not come with a tuckbox. For those who want a custom tuckbox, please click here.
Changing rules with every card will keep you on your toes. The gameplay is simple; to win may not be.
Set up by dealing 7 cards to each player (5 cards each if 4+ players). Deal one card face up in front of each player. This starts what's called a stack. Every... [click here for more] |
BeholderGames |
This option comes with a custom tuckbox. For those who want no tuckbox, or to use a deckbox, click here.
Changing rules with every card will keep you on your toes. The gameplay is simple; to win may not be.
Set up by dealing 7 cards to each player (5 cards each if 4+ players). Deal one card face up in front of each player. This starts what's called a stack.... [click here for more] |
BeholderGames |
 What's in the deck?
The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types. D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part. Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart.
How to use the deck?
Split the deck into the two halves, add one of the re-shuffle cards to each sub dekc and shuffle. Place the decks... [click here for more] |
Ben Hesketh |
What's in the deck?
The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types.
D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part.
Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart.
How to use the deck?
Split the deck into the two halves, add one of the re-shuffle cards to each sub dekc and shuffle.
Place the decks... [click here for more] |
Ben Hesketh |
 What's in the deck?
The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types.
D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part.
Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart.
How to use the deck?
Split the deck into the two halves, add one of the re-shuffle cards to each sub dekc and shuffle.
Place the decks... [click here for more] |
Ben Hesketh |
 This sample deck contains one of every kind of card from the Dice Deck sets.
Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Stone
Buy them all in a bundle and save!
... [click here for more] |
Ben Hesketh |
 What's in the deck?
The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types. D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part. Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart.
How to use the deck?
Split the deck into the two halves, add one of the re-shuffle cards to each sub dekc and shuffle. Place the decks... [click here for more] |
Ben Hesketh |
 What's in the deck?
The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types.
D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part.
Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart.
How to use the deck?
Split the deck into the two halves, add one of the re-shuffle cards to each sub dekc and shuffle.
Place the decks... [click here for more] |
Ben Hesketh |
![Dice Deck bundle - All 5 Decks [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/bundle-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Dice Deck - Earth Regular price: $10.04 Bundle price: $7.99 Format: Card(s) What's in the deck?
The deck is split into two parts that cover all the major dice types.
D4, D6, D8 and D12 are in one part. D10 and D20 are in the second part.
Each part deck has a different back so you can tell them apart.
How... [click here for more] |
Ben Hesketh |
$49.95 $39.95
 Have You Ever? The Game of Experiences is an English learning game. Simply put, this easy to learn card game helps people learn to talk about their personal experiences in a fun and engaging way.
Players draw a card, answer the question, and receive points based on the difficulty of the question. The first player to amass enough points wins.
Questions are all written using "Have you ever...?"... [click here for more] |
Big Sun English |
 Would you rather have tomato ice cream or strawberry pizza? Would you rather travel through time or through space? Would you rather have This or That?
The game This or That poses these and other questions in an easy game designed the game to help families, friends, and classmates get to know each other a little better.
Perfect For
Tutoring Sessions
Family Game Night
Road... [click here for more] |
Big Sun English |
 Like to play Hearts or Spades?
Like to play Fluxx or Exploding Kittens?
Would you like to be able to play both at the same time?
Palace of Cards is a traditional trick taking card game with the very non-traditional addition of methods of changing both your own and other people's hands and influencing how they play. ... [click here for more] |
Black Guard Press |
 A standard deck of playing cards with a D20 fantasy fheme to the cards and suits. ... [click here for more] |
Blitz Jager Games |
$12.99 $10.95
 Standard Poker deck with a photography theme. FIlm and digital photography theme represented ... [click here for more] |
Blitz Jager Games |
$12.99 $10.95
 Hand-illustrated storytelling prompts - shuffle the deck and tell a story!
Everyone loves a good story. This simple game uses bright, whimsical illustrations as storytelling prompts. Draw a few cards and see if you can “connect the dots” to construct a compelling narrative.
Science has shown that telling a story is the most powerful way to activate our brains. It’s the fundamental... [click here for more] |
Bridgeforth Design |
 A family-friendly card game with a quick playtime featuring whimsical animals dancing in a unique art style. Each game typically takes around 5-15 minutes.
The game is optimized for 4-6 players, but also includes alternative rules with a Solo Mode and a Party Mode (for up to 10 players).
Game Mechanics
The gameplay is incredibly... [click here for more] |
Burley Games |
 This is a basic deck of cards for a roleplaying game that uses 82 cards, in 9 suits with values from 1 to 9, such as the forthcoming game The Fifth Saga.
You can get a printable color PDF for $4.95, or physical cards shipped and printed to you for $14.95; the PDF with the cards is just an extra $2.00. ... [click here for more] |
Cadera Spindrift |
Celebrate gift giving and the spirit of Christmas with 12 Days, a lovingly illustrated card game by renowned artist Echo Chernik. 12 Days is an experience the whole family can enjoy! Inspired by the iconic Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas" and designed by James Ernest and Mike Selinker, 12 Days is ingrained with familiar play patterns of traditional card games; 12 Days feels like a true... [click here for more] |
Calliope Games |
$15.00 $12.00
I Play Therefore I am!
Ergo is the logical card game for the geek in all of us. Each player plays a variable (A, B, C, or D) and uses familiar logical operators like 'Not', 'And', 'Or', 'If-Then' to prove they exist, and that their opponents don't!
Along the way, watch out for cards that will shift the equation like Wild Cards, 'Tabula Rasa' or the dreaded 'Fallacy' card.
Each Player takes... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
 Pulled from the lore of Evorstrom, the fictional setting of Living Empires and Living Starship, this oracular deck of signs cards was part of life for the sign-marked denizens of that planet. This set of cards is and card-tokens is used to play an ever-growing number of card games.
The game has 121 cards of 11 Signs (suits) with 11 cards of each... [click here for more] |
Cheeky Dingo Games |
If you are interested in short filler card or board games, or portable boardgames to bring along on travel trips, then the Rainbow Deck is for you! It is basically a 100-games-in-1 cardgame system.
The Rainbow Deck 4.0 is a cardgame system that has a total of 162 cards. There are 12 suits with each suit having 13 ranks, and total 6 Joker cards. The suits are represented by colour and digit. The ranks... [click here for more] |
Chen Changcai |
$2.99 $0.99
 Stacks is a fast paced game of testing your luck against other players and risking it all to get the win. Win or lose you can be sure you’ll be on the edge of your seat the whole way. The simple rules, short play times and lots of friendly competition make it a great party game and fun for the whole family.
A single Stacks deck, which comes with 90 playing cards and one rule card, is enough... [click here for more] |
CJSgames |
 Dominos is a classic game, which many grew up playing.
The typical domino set is bulky and the pips (dots) are often small.
This deck has the numeral, as well as the pips, in addition to the number word written.
It is a great set for learning and reinforcing numbers.
This card variation of the classic game has larger pips, so that those with failing eyesight can see the dominos easier.
This... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
 Construct Shapes. Conform Colors. Collect Points. Win the Game.
Build the shape with the most sides and match the colors up for extra points.
This fun, easy-to-learn game provides entertainment for the whole family while teaching children basic shapes and colors.
Multiple rule variants provide varying levels of challenge for players with different degrees of skill.
The Rulebook comes with... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
![M.F.P. [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/bundle-thumb140.png) This bundle contains the titles below, in the formats listed by each.
M. F. P. Regular price: $10.00 Bundle price: $5.00 Format: Print-and-Play PDF MFP is a fast-paced strategy game about resource, unit, and movement management.
Amass an army which will at your bidding; lure more followers, collect resources, convert resources to weapons, and attack the... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
$20.00 $10.00
 Make It, the card game of building.
Using shapes (Circle, Triangle, Square) and colors (Red, Yellow, Blue, White, Black) players must attempt to build the shape given in the design.
Designs are comprised on 1 Shape Design card and 1 Color Design; thus the Design would ask for a pink 6-pointed star. Pink is made from red & white, the 6-pointed star is made from 2 triangles. The player would... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
The classic game of outwitting and outguessing your opponent has evolved!
In the Super RPS strategic card game, you represent one of these three elemental forces in a duel of wits, using all of your cunning to manipulate them into exposing themselves to your ruthless attack.
Slice, crush, and smother your enemies in a game of shifting fortunes and short-lived alliances.
The Rulebook gets you... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
Cloven Fruit Games |
Were you recently out with your friends testing your telepathic, clairvoyant, or precognitive abilities and decided that you wanted to play cards instead? But realized you had only brought your Zener cards?
Were you recently out with your friends playing cards and decided that you wanted to test your telepathic, clairvoyant, or precognitive abilities instead? But realized you had only... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
 The first portion of Cino's deck from Comix-Blade Dual Devestator ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
Comix-Blade |
 The 3rd battle of the 1st round has begun and it begins with a bang. With Jiejie calling out Glen to battle her continuously. Eventually provoking him to fight her head on in the 2nd to last match of the first round! ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
 The time has come for the group to relax. After Phi's defeat to the Lashute Guardian. They all relax and prepare for their next move to confront the challengers to await them in Olympia. Who go by the name of Solar Squad. ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
 The guide for Duel Devastator, including the mechanics of how to play. The card types, card effects, as well as a complete listing of avaliable decks released as of 9/29/2023! Based off of the comic of the same name ( Duel Devasator ) learn the field, the rules, and the card types in order to play the game! ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
 This is the Deck of Lei Magnus from Duel Devastator.
2- Player Cards
2- Assist Cards
2- Setting Cards
2- Gear Cards
1- Trap Card ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
 This is the Deck of Luasia Magnus from Duel Devastator. ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
 The complete 2nd Megapack! Featuring cards featured in Cino, Luasia, JieJie, and DiDi's decks! From the 2nd half of Duel Devestator Saga 1!
8 - Player Cards
8 - Assist Cards
8 - Gear cards
8 - Setting Cards
4 - Trap Cards ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
 The Complete 3rd Megapack containing decks from Zynchi, Rika, Magnus, and Sieg! 8 - Player Cards
8 - Assist Cards
8 - Gear cards
8 - Setting Cards
4 - Trap Cards ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
 The deck used by Rika Crane from Duel Devestator. ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
 Deck Contains Hale Bravo's well known cards, seen in Duel Devestar Episodes 1 - 12 in Arch 1.
2 Player Cards
2 Assist Cards
2 Setting Cards
2 Gear Cards
1 Trap Card ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
 Deck Contains Ordion Miranda's well known cards, seen in Duel Devestar Episodes 2 - 12 in Arch 1.
2 Player Cards
2 Assist Cards
2 Setting Cards
2 Gear Cards
1 Trap Card ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |