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 Hottest Middle Ages, Preschool
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The Octo Deck

The Octo Deck

Eight suits in classic playing card style!  With this one deck, you can play classic card games like Poker, Tichu, Hearts, Spades, and Clubs as well as the best of modern card games like Lost Cities, Battle Line, En Garde, Parade, and more.  You get the four conventional suits -- spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs -- as well as four new suits inspired by historical playing card decks -- cups, shields,...   [click here for more]
mpowers LLC  $16.00

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About Duel! Duel! is an identical card game. That means that it is really made up of 18 cards that are all the same. The face of each card has two dirt fields, one with a sword and one without. If you present a sword and your opponent doesn't, you win! That is all there is to it! How to play Duel! is really easy to play. Setup First, mix the cards really well. We recommend spreading all the...   [click here for more]
Imagine Beyond  $0.99

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