Become a top-tier secret agent in Agent Challenge, a thrilling card game of skill, strategy, and surprises!
The Objective: Be the first to score 11 challenge points, proving your mastery of espionage.
Choose an agent and use their special ability to your best advantage.
Pick your challenge, complete it, upgrade your agent's skills!
Players: 2-4, Ages: 12+, Play time: 30-60 minutes.
Detailed instructions... [click here for more]
Minjung's Oracle: A Lenoracle For The People
The People's Edition
Minjung’s Oracle is a lenoracle for the people. The deck includes 38 cards loosely based off a standard petit Lenormand deck. Each card features an original painting paired with a traditional Lenormand keyword and a bonus Ancestor and Shaman card.
Minjung’s Oracle is a personal oracle designed for investigating your inner realm.... [click here for more]