The solo tools on this GM screen were developed by me, to play a John Carter of Mars game. The rules are very similar to the 2d20 system and uses either a d6 or Challenge die if you have one.
This product comprises four different elements.
1. Instruction Leaflet. This is a brief, four-page description of the different solo rules and tables presented on the GM Screen panels.
2. Home Print PDF. This... [click here for more]
The solo tools on this GM screen were developed by me, to play a John Carter of Mars game. The solo rules are very similar to the 2d20 system and uses either a d6 or Challenge die if you have one.
This product comprises four different elements.
1. Instruction Leaflet. This is a brief, four-page description of the different solo rules and tables presented on the GM Screen panels.
2. Home Print PDF.... [click here for more]