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 This deck contains a pyramid style set of black numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 black star cards.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
 This deck contains rainbow colored numbers from 1-10. 5 of each number and 2 each of combo cards 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, and 9/10.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
 This deck contains a pyramid style set of rainbow numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 rainbow star cards.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
 Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party!
You’re all awesome monsters who just want to cuddle the young’uns! And why wouldn’t you, they’re so cute! The closest monster gets the most baby monster super cuteness and that’s really what everyone wants!
Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Pile is a card throwing party game with fun physical challenges for 2-6 players. Can you throw your monster cards the... [click here for more] |
Jack of Peace Games |
$13.99 $11.20
 A small expansion for the Earth set that allows for additional games to be played (such as Onirim) and functions as a stand-alone deck compatible with the game Skull. It includes three copies of the alpha card and one copy of the omega card for each suit.
... [click here for more] |
MTRoss Design |
 A small expansion for the Cosmos set that allows for additional games to be played (such as Onirim) and functions as a stand-alone deck compatible with the game Skull. It includes three copies of the alpha card and one copy of the omega card for each suit.
... [click here for more] |
MTRoss Design |
 This is a special deck created in collaboration with my patrons. For discount links to pick up this set at a reasonable price check out the Singularity Games Patreon.
A small expansion for the Earth, Cosmos, and Fantasy sets that allows for additional games to be played (such as Onirim) and functions as a stand-alone deck compatible with the game Skull. It includes three copies of the alpha... [click here for more] |
MTRoss Design |
 Collect animal pairs and learn the alphabet ... just don't get stuck holding Albert!
Learning the ABCs is fun with the Alphabetimals! In this beautifully-illustrated take on "Old Maid", players pair letter-shaped animals with their adorable lower-case babies, while trying to avoid getting stuck with Albert.
Bonus: Take out Albert and spread the cards out face-down... [click here for more] |
David L. Hoyt Puzzles and Games |
 Otters is a quick, kid-friendly card game for 2 players ages 6 and up. Players take turns sending otters from their hand to the lake playgrounds on the board, playing 2 cards per turn. If you add enough otters to a playground to fill it up, you win that playground! Whoever has the most valuable collection of playgrounds at the end of the game is the winner.
Most of the game is... [click here for more] |
Clay Crucible Games |
 A small expansion for the Cosmos set that allows for additional games to be played (such as Onirim) and functions as a stand-alone deck compatible with the game Skull. It includes three copies of the alpha card and one copy of the omega card for each suit.
... [click here for more] |
MTRoss Design |
Paper Toss is a fast, fun, new card game where players compete to deliver the most newspapers on their paper route.
Paper Toss can be played by 2 to 6 players in anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes (more players make longer games), and the rules are very simple and easy to learn, making it suitable for ages 5 and up. NOTE: You'll need to supply tokens (pennies, poker chips, whatever you... [click here for more] |
Endymion Games |
 Rogue Deck Tarot: A Card and Dice Game
To find the treasures hidden in the deck you will have to work through all the challenges in your way.
This is a style of games about adventure, chance, discovery, and finding parts of yourself. Mysticism and spiritual belief are not required.
Rogue Deck Tarot is a card and dice game play system designed to be simple,... [click here for more] |
Karma Pirate Games |
A card game inspired by that famous Kickstarter project, personally approved by Zack Danger Brown.
Collect the ingredients to be the first to make your potato salad recipie.
For 2-4 players, 10 minute playing time.
This game is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, and offered here as a free print-and-play download and with no publisher... [click here for more] |
Game Company No. 3 |
Pay What You Want
Potion School By Kayne Ruse, KR Game Studios (for 2-4 players ages 5+)
You are a student at a magical school with a penchant for potions. Use your skills to earn the best grade possible by the end of the semester, or sabotage your classmates so they can't get ahead of you...
The goal of the game is to have as many points as you can get by the end of the game; each potion has a... [click here for more] |
KR Game Studios |
 A small expansion for the Earth set that allows for additional games to be played (such as Onirim) and functions as a stand-alone deck compatible with the game Skull. It includes three copies of the alpha card and one copy of the omega card for each suit.
... [click here for more] |
MTRoss Design |
 Hand-illustrated storytelling prompts - shuffle the deck and tell a story!
Everyone loves a good story. This simple game uses bright, whimsical illustrations as storytelling prompts. Draw a few cards and see if you can “connect the dots” to construct a compelling narrative.
Science has shown that telling a story is the most powerful way to activate our brains. It’s the fundamental... [click here for more] |
Bridgeforth Design |
Foxtail is a very fuzzy card game, where you'll help your cute fox friend grow a long. lovely tail. Make patterns from the seasonal card symbols to score points, or grow your own way to make the tail you think is prettiest.
Foxtail is a restful, meditative card game for players of all ages, It focuses less on victory,... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |
 4 Letter Words ( Browse All Quirky Co. Games )
/ 2-4 Player Card Game for Ages 7+ /
4 Letter Words is the fun, strategic card game in which you connect cards, as you try to create the most words, and score the most points, possible!
Card Samples:
The game consists of word cards, a word list... [click here for more] |
Quirky Co. |
 Goodbye, Ghosts! ( Browse All Quirky Co. Games )
/ 2-4 Player Card Game for Ages 5+ /
Goodbye, Ghosts! is an adorably fun card game in which you effort to be the first to purge your house of phantoms—by matching one ghost, to another!
Card Samples:
The game consists of ghost cards, rainbow ghost cards,... [click here for more] |
Quirky Co. |
 Dominos is a classic game, which many grew up playing.
The typical domino set is bulky and the pips (dots) are often small.
This deck has the numeral, as well as the pips, in addition to the number word written.
It is a great set for learning and reinforcing numbers.
This card variation of the classic game has larger pips, so that those with failing eyesight can see the dominos easier.
This... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
 The newest release from Morton's List co-creator, Ninja Nate (Nathan I. N. J. Andren) . . .
88 PHOTO CARDS Spark 1-minute stories around tables and campfires
Everyone, especially you, is walking around with a gold mine of stories in their heads. Fact is,... [click here for more] |
GivinGames |
Hubbly Bubbly Brew is a playful potion brewing card game for 2-4 players in which magical ingredients have to be combined into powerful concoctions. You are a student at Madam Pompadour's School of Magical Mixing. All magical creatures come to her School to study the art of potion crafting.... [click here for more] |
Black Zeppelin |
 A set collection game for 2-4 players (Best with 4!) ~30 min Objective Collect 3 complete sets of Power cards. A set consists of 1 Ruler, 1 Castle, and 1 Region. There are 10 different sets. Get the rulebook via the View Rulebook link above.
Artwork for this game was generated by AI prompts by Nathan Thomson. Game designed by Nathan Thomson. ... [click here for more] |
PsychoCat |
 Corners: Deco
The Deco theme deck of 34 game cards and 2 instruction cards.
2 to 4 players. Tested on ages 5 and up.
Corners: How To Play
All players are dealt six cards face down from a shuffled deck. One card is placed face up in the center of the table as a starter. The rest of the cards become the draw pile.
Players take turns... [click here for more] |
Karma Pirate Games |
 Rogue Deck Standard: A Card and Dice Game
To find the treasures hidden in the deck you will have to work through all the challenges in your way.
This is a style of games about adventure, chance, and discovery.
Rogue Deck Standard is a card and dice game play system designed to be simple, fast, and expandable. A game can be set up in 5 minutes or less, and... [click here for more] |
Karma Pirate Games |
Foxtail is a very fuzzy card game, where you'll help your cute fox friend grow a long. lovely tail. Make patterns from the seasonal card symbols to score points, or grow your own way to make the tail you think is prettiest.
Foxtail is a restful, meditative card game for players of all ages, It focuses less on victory,... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |
 My Words Are Better Than Yours ( Browse All Quirky Co. Games )
/ 2-4 Player Card Game for Ages 7+ /
4 Letter Words is the fun, strategic card game in which you spell words, as you try to score the most points, possible!
Card Samples:
The game consists of letter cards, and an instruction card... [click here for more] |
Quirky Co. |
 Foxtail is a very fuzzy card game, where you'll help your cute fox friend grow a long. lovely tail. Make patterns from the seasonal card symbols to score points, or grow your own way to make the tail you think is prettiest.
Foxtail is a restful, meditative card game for players of all ages, It focuses less on victory,... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |
 Nom Nom Yum! ( Browse All Quirky Co. Games )
/ 2-4 Player Card Game for Ages 5+ /
Nom Nom Yum! is the deliciously fun card game in which you try to collect an impressive stash of 10 yummy food items, while strategically interrupting the progress of your opponents!
Card Samples:
The game consists of food item... [click here for more] |
Quirky Co. |
The Fishing Game - A simple game of battle with bright colors for 2 players. Even the preschoolers in your family will enjoy this game and the time you spend with them. ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
The classic game of outwitting and outguessing your opponent has evolved!
In the Super RPS strategic card game, you represent one of these three elemental forces in a duel of wits, using all of your cunning to manipulate them into exposing themselves to your ruthless attack.
Slice, crush, and smother your enemies in a game of shifting fortunes and short-lived alliances.
The Rulebook gets you... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
 Action Expansion for Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party!
You’re all awesome monsters who just want to cuddle the young’uns! And why wouldn’t you, they’re so cute! This expansion pack allows for players to create their own actions for the 6 monsters in the original game!
The Action Expansion Pack includes 6 regular cards for players to write in their own actions; one for each monster in the... [click here for more] |
Jack of Peace Games |
 Classic Memory/Matching Game
Introduce your child to the world of music with this simple and fun card matching game.
Take turns flipping over cards to find matching instruments. Includes 31 different colorfully illustrated card pairs.
Listen Online
Your child can also listen to the instruments online! Instructions are included with the game.
Example... [click here for more] |
KAD Software, LLC |
 Black Expansion for Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party!
You’re all awesome monsters who just want to cuddle the young’uns! And why wouldn’t you, they’re so cute! This expansion pack allows adding another player with a new monster to the original game!
The Black Expansion requires Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party to play. You can find the base game on drive thru cards by clicking here.... [click here for more] |
Jack of Peace Games |
 Blue Expansion for Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party
You’re all awesome monsters who just want to cuddle the young’uns! And why wouldn’t you, they’re so cute! This expansion pack allows for players to create their own actions with the same quality cards and crazy fun in the original game! It expands the game with another color of card for more players to play!
The Blue Expansion includes... [click here for more] |
Jack of Peace Games |
 Foxtail is a very fuzzy card game, where you'll help your cute fox friend grow a long. lovely tail. Make patterns from the seasonal card symbols to score points, or grow your own way to make the tail you think is prettiest.
Foxtail is a restful, meditative card game for players of all ages, It focuses less on victory,... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |
 A meta-game designed to help your kids overcome whiney behavior.
Why do children whine? Essentially it’s a strategy designed to call attention to themselves so they can obtain something they want. It could be something as simple as a snack or as far out as a trip to Disney World. Kids continue to do it, because it works. Even if parents and care givers do not give in to the whining, they often... [click here for more] |
Troll in the Corner |
 Into the Sea ( Browse All Quirky Co. Games )
/ 2-4 Player Card Game for Ages 5+ /
The amazing creatures that live in the ocean deep are valuable. You know if you can catch them, wealthy marine life enthusiasts will pay major moolah to add them to their collections. Yet, you aren’t the only diver after these beasts of the big blue. Fortunately, you have a... [click here for more] |
Quirky Co. |
 Froggi ( Browse All Quirky Co. Games )
/ 2-4 Player Card Game for Ages 6+ /
Froggi —is the cute, quirky card game in which you try to be the first player to connect 5 of your cards together on the playing surface, while you strategize to interrupt the progress of your opponents!
Card Samples:
The game consists of frog... [click here for more] |
Quirky Co. |
 Get the Gummies ( Browse All Quirky Co. Games )
/ 2-5 Player Card Game for Ages 6+ /
Get the Gummies—is the simple, yet strategic, trick-taking card game in which you try to score as many points as possible by grabbing all the adorable gummy bears you can get your hands on, while sabotaging the progress of your opponents!
Card Samples:
The... [click here for more] |
Quirky Co. |
 The customers don't know what they want!
The chef doesn't know what to make!
You don't know what's coming!
Try and keep up!
You’re trying to collect satisfied customers. You do this by matching a customer card in your hand with a foodstuff that’s been flipped up.
Also: The game is real time. You can draw your cards as soon as you’ve played them. The only thing the... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |
"Skunked!" Contains 13 animals with 4 parts each (Head, Tail, Body, Legs) plus 7 skunk cards and directions for 2 fun games for the whole family to enjoy. 2-8 players.
For solitaire and memory training, put the animal body parts together of 13 different animals.
59 Regular U.S. Poker size cards wrapped with a plastic... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 “If I Were a Grandpa” is a beautiful story of a Grandpa’s love for a grandchild. It comes in three formats: a hardback children’s book which you can order at https://www.drivethrufiction.com/browse/pub/15369/Melvin-Mills?affiliate_rem=2056749
and also as regular size playing cards and an 8” x 10” oversized postcard (suitable for framing). The game and postcard... [click here for more] |
Melvin Mills |
 Family Entertainment! Easy to Learn! Fun to Play! A card game imagined by a 7 year old. Produced with a little help from Mom and Dad.
The Watermarked PDF is the digital file is for the Print-n-Play copy.
A Print-On-Demand play deck is coming soon. ... [click here for more] |
Token Horseman Entertainment |
 The story of the conflict between Orcs & Wizards is almost as old and the battle of the elements. In Orcs & Wizards you will have the opportunity to build an army and then when you feel the time is right, declare war. The style of the game play changes to let your armies battle it out.
Orcs & Wizards is a duel phased strategy card game for 2-4 players. The object of the... [click here for more] |
$1.99 $0.99
Bobcat & Beaver is for 2-4 players. No skills or reading required! The directions for Battle using this deck of cards is also included. Battle is for 2 players. Battle is well recieved by children with autism. Used in two different university research centers for autism. Parents say this makes all the difference... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 A fast paced, simultaneous play, pattern matching game. The deck contains 63 cards, each with up to 3 symbols, with 3 possible colours each.
Be the first to spot groups of 3 cards, or Taus, where each symbol is a different color, one symbol is blank and the other two are the same color, or all three are blank.
taugames.ca ... [click here for more] |
Tau Games |
 A fast paced, simultaneous play, pattern matching game. The deck contains 64 cards, each with 3 features (colour, shape, and number), each with 4 possible values.
Be the first to spot groups of 4 cards, or Taus, where in each feature, the 4 cards are either all different, all the same, or two of one value, and two of another value.
taugames.ca ... [click here for more] |
Tau Games |
 Construct Shapes. Conform Colors. Collect Points. Win the Game.
Build the shape with the most sides and match the colors up for extra points.
This fun, easy-to-learn game provides entertainment for the whole family while teaching children basic shapes and colors.
Multiple rule variants provide varying levels of challenge for players with different degrees of skill.
The Rulebook comes with... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
 Think quick in this fast-paced scavenger hunt game. FOUND-IT! is new, yet familiar, and simple to learn. Race to find items beginning with a certain letter, items that rhyme with a given word, and many other adjectives.
With five game types to play, you can have hours of fun with two people or a dozen. 117 playing cards plus 3 instruction cards included.
Appropriate for children and adults alike.... [click here for more] |
KAD Software, LLC |