For use with "The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0" or later.
Box score sheets to record your game results, and roster sheets to more easily identify the players competing. ... [click here for more]
Welcome The S*H*L’s “Look-See” Edition. This will give you a little taste of how the "The S*H*L Basic Edition 1.0" is played. Included in this edition will be an FAQ, a brief card description, a sample of the card formula itself, and recorded stats from playing the game. ... [click here for more]
Outlaw Tricks is not just one, but a pair of wild-west trick-taking games based around classic playing card suits, with 10 primary cards, 4 score cards, and a sheriff card. The objective in each game is to avoid taking the tricks (Hearts-style), and choosing the best card to play to gain the most loot (diamonds), keep yourself alive (hearts), increase your defense (clubs), and take down the sheriff... [click here for more]