12 Poka Dots is a game like Dominos, 1-4 players, 2 very easy solitaire games, Pappy's game with strategies. All ages. Play with skills or without. 28 regular U.S. Poker sizeed cards come wrapped in a shrink wrap band.
(You will need a glue glue to make this game tactical.) ... [click here for more]
DEMENTIA, PRESCHOOLKitchen Match - Designed for lower-mid functioning dementia patients. Requires a caregiver to assis at that levelt.
Higher functioning dementia patients enjoy playing memory match where all the cards are face down and you draw 2 and try to remember where the pairs are. This becomes a true memory training exercise!
36 Regular U.S. Poker... [click here for more]
AUTISM, DEMENTIA, LOW VISION/BLIND, PRESCHOOL, FAMILY FUNMany Dots - Match the dots, amount and/or the colors. Line up sequences. Includes directions for a very simple solitaire game called Polka Dots. If someone is low vision or even blind, it’s simple enough to make this game deck tactical with the use of a mini glue gun. Just let the dots... [click here for more]
Suitable for Autism,Dementia, Preschoolers, & Family Time!
Please download the pdf file with additional directions for that fabulous family time where it becomes a fast miving game of war! Aren yoiu really quicker or just think you are? ... [click here for more]