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 7th Sea: City of Five Sails City Deck update (Digital version). This PDF is for the City Deck cards being used at Gen Con 2024 and releasing in 2025 with the Fate & Fortune expansion. ... [click here for more] |
Pine Box Entertainment |
 Free publication for a work-in-progress role playing game system.
Pay what you want!
Aleta system of role playing uses a style of game play where player's success depends on solving random dice combinations on drawn cards. More difficult challenges have more complicated die combinations. Players surmount these obstacles by obtaining skills to turn die faces or simply brute forcing challenges with... [click here for more] |
Cosmic Pizza Buffet |
Pay What You Want
This deck contains all the Fog of War and Booby Trap cards necessary to add an extra element of chaos and danger to your Ambush Valley games. ... [click here for more] |
Ambush Alley Games |
This is the official gameboard and tokens for the expandable card game Arsenal: Arena Combat. It is a 12" square hex map designed for intense Mech battles in a crowded arena. You'll need some scissors to cut out the tokens, which are used to track your Mech's location in the arena. Although arena combat should take place on this map, Arsenal can actually be played... [click here for more] |
Endymion Games |
 This is the official rulebook for Arsenal: Arena Combat.
It is 44 pages, perfect bound, at 8.5"x8.5".
What do you need to play?
The official Arsenal Rulebook
The official Arsenal Gameboard & Tokens (though Arsenal can be played on any hex map, and with your own counters)
One Mech deck for each player (each one has different cards, which are interchangeable with cards from each other deck)
The Eagle... [click here for more] |
Endymion Games |
 Neon drenched Sci-Fi / Horror TCG. 4 factions fight over a newly discovered energy opening a rift to the void attracting the attention of the Abhorrent Collective. Horible beings from outside of space and time. Fight for your faction. Save Atlas or destroy it and take control of the void for yourself. ... [click here for more] |
Matt Burks |
Pay What You Want
 This deck contains a pyramid style set of red numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 red star cards.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
Pay What You Want
Duel tactical card game about battles between heroic Earth forces and wild Martian tribes.
Each deck is a complete army with it's own unit composition and tactics.
You need two decks and one opponent to play "Battle4Mars".
You are wellcome to ask any questions about game process! ... [click here for more] |
Battle4Mars |
Set of toss coins and tokens to perform attack and defence tosses and to mark boosts, weakenings and wounds.
You need two decks and one opponent to play "Battle4Mars". ... [click here for more] |
Battle4Mars |
Card-Driven Combat for Dark Fantasy Dungeon Crawls
BLACK SPIRITS: COMBAT CARDS is a card supplement for board games based on extremely popular dark fantasy action RPG video games that test the mettle of players' souls. It replaces those board games' dice components to enable tactical combat that forces players... [click here for more] |
Chud Munson |
Card-Driven Combat, Player Progression, and Expanded Adventure for Dark Fantasy Dungeon Crawls in a Bite-Sized Package
Note: This is an expansion for Black Spirits: Combat Cards, and requires that set to use.
BLACK SPIRITS: REMNANTS is a is an expansion for the popular BLACK SPIRITS: COMBAT CARDS game... [click here for more] |
Chud Munson |
Card-Driven Combat, Player Progression, and Expanded Adventure for Dark Fantasy Dungeon Crawls
Note: This is an expansion for Black Spirits: Combat Cards, and requires that set to use.
BLACK SPIRITS: WAYWARD AND WEATHERED is a massive expansion for the popular BLACK SPIRITS: COMBAT CARDS... [click here for more] |
Chud Munson |
Blinks Abhor Society is an expansion intended to be used with Cards Against Humanity containing a group of cards specifically themed around the blind society.
These cards are written by blind people for blind people and the people unfortunate enough to be spending time with them.
A braille version of this game is available at our online store. ... [click here for more] |
64 Ounce Games |
Card 06 - Minimal (Tarot) Gimp 1) UTILIZATION LICENSE.txt 2) Card 06 - Instruction Manual (Minimal).pdf 3) Card 06 (Tarot) Front.xcf 4) Card 06 (Tarot) Rear.xcf [Artwork] 5) Artwork.xcf 6) Artwork00.jpg [Icons] 7) Icon.xcf 8) Icon00.png CARD SPECS: Dimensions:... [click here for more] |
Unknown Depths |
Card 09 - Minimal (Past Age) Gimp 1) UTILIZATION LICENSE.txt 2) Card 09 - Instruction Manual (Minimal).pdf 3) Card 09 (Tarot) Front.xcf 4) Card 09 (Tarot) Rear.xcf [Artwork] 5) Artwork.xcf 6) Artwork00.jpg [Icons] 7) Icon.xcf 8) Icon00.png CARD SPECS: ... [click here for more] |
Unknown Depths |
I Plan To upload more In the future. This first one Is pay what you want.
Image Specs: A4 - Logo Removed
Commercial Stock Art License The image can appear in print, electronic or web-based advertisements for the product in which it features. The image may not be used in another stock art collection or sold Individually.
The licensee... [click here for more] |
drbjr |
Pay What You Want
Custom Card Backs is not a game, but a game supplement for use with Sen So Combat Board Games. It provides custom backs for each of the currently released Sen So variant card sets.
We hope you enjoy these custom backs.
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10 and up. Most games take about 15-30 minutes to play.
Sen So uses a unique set of octagon cards and card... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
Pay What You Want
DeepWars Game Card - Ancients of Atalán
includes cards for:
AMG DW3001 Assault Soldier AMG DW3002 Acolyte of the Ethers AMG DW3003 Chariniform Light Assault Mech Construct AMG DW3004 Matlal the Elder – Technologist of Atalán AMG DW3005 Salvage Mech Construct AMG DW3006 Hunter-Killer Mech Construct AMG DW3007 Elite Soldier AMG DW3008 Xicana – Elementalist of Atalán AMG DW3009 Alahal the Immortal... [click here for more] |
AntiMatter Games |

DeepWars Game Card - Dark Mariners Set
includes cards for:
AMG DW2001 Vanguard Marine AMG DW2002 Annihilator Biomech AMG DW2003 Octopod Stealth Biomech AMG DW2004 Cephalid Scientist AMG DW2005 Cephalid Scavengers AMG DW2006 Cephalid Siren AMG DW2007 Vanguard Heavy Support Marine AMG DW2008 Cephalid Biomancer AMG DW2009 Elluvi Darkeye – Dark Mariner Commander AMG DW2012 DeepSpawn Reaver AMG DW2013... [click here for more] |
AntiMatter Games |
DeepWars Game Card - Fortune Hunter Set
includes cards for:
AMG DW1001 Armored Dive Trooper AMG DW1002 Marie du Chatelet - Scientist of the Ethers AMG DW1003 Heavy Support Trooper AMG DW1004 Breaching Mech Construct AMG DW1005 Recon Trooper AMG DW1006 Sea Dog AMG DW1007 Dr. Heinrich Cornelius, Arcane Researcher AMG DW1008 Silent Soldier AMG DW1009 Angus McBain – Fortune Hunter Commander AMG DW1011... [click here for more] |
AntiMatter Games |
DeepWars Game Cards
This is a deck containing 80 Tarot-sized game cards for all Forces of DeepWars.
Fortune Hunters AMG DW1001 Armored Dive Trooper AMG DW1002 Marie du Chatelet - Scientist of the Ethers AMG DW1003 Heavy Support Trooper AMG DW1004 Breaching Mech Construct AMG DW1005 Recon Trooper AMG DW1006 Sea Dog AMG DW1007 Dr. Heinrich Cornelius, Arcane Researcher AMG DW1008 Silent Soldier AMG... [click here for more] |
AntiMatter Games |

DeepWars Game Card - Scaly Horde Set
includes cards for:
AMG DW4001 Dagathonan Salvager AMG DW4002 Abyssal Gark Warrior AMG DW4003 Steel-Jaw Placoderm Fish AMG DW4004 At-Atck, Clal-Chk Scientist AMG DW4005 Draconid Sea Demon Shaman AMG DW4006 Dire Fish-Lizard AMG DW4007 Dagathonan Brute AMG DW4008 Hag-Ray AMG DW4009 Cthan the Ravenous – Scaly Horde Commander on Mosasaur AMG DW4011 Clal-Chk Warrior... [click here for more] |
AntiMatter Games |
An Epic Dungeon Building Hack and Slash Treasure Grab In Desolation Dungeon you can play as either the hero or The Dungeon master, As the Dungeon master you are to lay traps and place monsters and rooms in a way that will hinder the Hero’s on their journey to steal your Loot!!! Playing as the Hero’s you are to collect as much loot as possible from the dungeon and try to keep all your limbs intact!... [click here for more] |
Newblife Gaming |
Pay What You Want
An Epic Dungeon Building Hack and Slash Treasure Grab In Desolation Dungeon you can play as either the hero or The Dungeon master, As the Dungeon master you are to lay traps and place monsters and rooms in a way that will hinder the Hero’s on their journey to steal your Loot!!! Playing as the Hero’s you are to collect as much loot as possible from the dungeon and try to keep all your limbs intact!... [click here for more] |
Newblife Gaming |
Pay What You Want
 This sample deck contains one of every kind of card from the Dice Deck sets.
Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Stone
Buy them all in a bundle and save!
... [click here for more] |
Ben Hesketh |
 A DieDeck is a deck of 100 cards that represent random die rolls for the following dice: 100 sided, 20 sided, 12 si
How to use the DieDeck:
Rules to play Orc-A-Thon using the DieDeck.
Do not forget to add the Add Large Deckbox at checkout, you will want it becasue of the large number of cards. ... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
Pay What You Want
It is 2095. It's been almost a decade since the Great Cleansing.
Before that was the asteroid disaster. The catastrophe before that, who can remember? The world is nothing like we knew it and yet the struggles are the same. The remnants of old nations formed new factions on Mars, Maenon, and other installations. The Itnoah Dominion largely controls Earth. The conflict has spread throughout the solar... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Dog Fight: Starship Edition is a fast paced, sci-fi tactical combat game. Version 2.0 of the Deck Building Guide is now available.
This document covers the following:
General concepts
Offense concepts
Defense concepts
Advanced concepts
Alternate rules
... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want
Dog Fight: Starship Edition is a fast paced, sci-fi tactical combat game. Download map 1001 free. Don't forget the Official Rulebook. While you're at it, get the Print and Play Set to actually play the game! ... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Dog Fight: Starship Edition is a fast paced, sci-fi tactical combat game. Download map 1002 free. Don't forget the Official Rulebook. While you're at it, get the Print and Play Set to actually play the game! ... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Mission 101: King of the Hill
Free-for-all, 2+ players
Reach the flag, entering the same space. Your capital ship must remain in the same space from the beginning of one of your tiers to the beginning of the next (during the Resolution Phase) to take possession of the flag. Return to your start space with the flag to win.
Updated for version 2.0.
Be sure to download the official rulebook.... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want
Mission 102: Grab the Flags
Free-for-all, 2+ players
Enter the same space as a flag token. Flags disappear during the game. When no flags remain on the map, the player with the most flag tokens wins.
Updated for version 2.0 of Dog Fight: Starship Edition the Tactical Combat Game.
Be sure to download the official rulebook. ... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want
Mission 103: Bag the Buoys
Free-for-all, 2+ players
Race to destroy as many buoy drones as possible. Buoys are armored, 2 attacks required.
Updated for version 2.0 of Dog Fight: Starship Edition the Tactical Combat Game.
Be sure to download the official rulebook. ... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want
Mission 104: Dodge the Bullet
Solitaire, Team, Cooperative, 1+ players
Destroy all radiological missiles before they destroy you.
Updated for version 2.0 of Dog Fight: Starship Edition the Tactical Combat Game.
Be sure to download the official rulebook. ... [click here for more] |
Fox Games |
Pay What You Want
Digital reward: Weird West Edition Doomtown Rulebook. ... [click here for more] |
Pine Box Entertainment |
Unleash your fighting spirit with Dragon Fighters: Dragon Cards! This competitive game mode of Dragon Fighters brings the thrilling energy and strategic depth of Arcade-style fighting games right to your table. Designed to encapsulate the technical and psychological dynamics of arcade combat, Dragon Fighters allows you to orchestrate spectacular matches and tournaments... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
 In the following is 5 PSD files, with each of them having the template for each card in the game. Player, Assist, Gear, Setting, and Trap Card information all reside and with this, you can now build a Duel Devastator Deck of your own! ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
Pay What You Want
Fate's Fickle Winds is a two-player fiction game. One player takes on the role of the Good, and the other of the Wicked. The Good and the Wicked use the Winds of Magic to struggle for, and gain control over, parts of an ancient Prophecy. Whoever gains control of the Prophecy wins the game, and can set the fate of the word in their image.
The game rules are available via the View Rulebook link above.... [click here for more] |
ndp design |
Set of 60 terrain tiles for use with the Field of Mars™ battle-board expansion for the Lace Wars™ series of operational level wargames published by Red Sash Games™. THIS DECK IS ONLY A GAME COMPONENT, NOT A COMPLETE GAME. Onwership of Field of Mars is required. ... [click here for more] |
Red Sash Games |
This is a set of reference cards in support of a rulebook. Although these could be used alone, a great deal more descriptive text, campaign notes, and setting information can be found in the actual rulebook. To see a sample of the print & play version of these cards, download the PDF associated with this file. If you want the full set of print & play cards, they come in a black... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
This commercial card deck reproduces the cards from the Force on Force rule book for players who don't want to print and cut out their own cards or deface their book. ... [click here for more] |
Ambush Alley Games |
 The errata'd cards "Head On", "Explosive Shot!" and "Burst-Chain Lariat!" ... [click here for more] |
Cardboard Dynamo |
 The missing Great Yith card, of the NecronomiCORP The horror survival game ... [click here for more] |
Gnomosapiens |
Pay What You Want
 Choose 'View Rulebook' to get the bench minor/game misconduct tables and a list of players included in the set.
Hockey Bones Core Game required for play.
Hockey Bones 1992-1993 Combo player cards.
'Combo Players' played for multiple teams in a given season.
... [click here for more] |
PT Games, Inc |
 Need to retrieve Mjolnir from the giants? Must be Thursday. Need to retrieve Freyja from the giants? Must be Friday. Two retrieval teams ensorceled to think the other is actually giants? Just another day in Jotunheim.
Jotunheim is an asymmetric abstract game with Norse myth-themed variable player powers. The object is to trap your opponent so that they... [click here for more] |
Game Mechanic |
 Includes the most up-to-date card versions for all heroes, monsters, and summons released upto and through January 2024.
Judgement Eternal Champions is an action-packed and competitive tabletop miniatures game for 2 players. Inspired by the exciting playstyle of MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) games, Judgement's gods pit heroes against each other in an epic battle to gain ultimate... [click here for more] |
Creature Caster |
This free PDF documents all known changes, clarifications, and updates to the following Kaiju Kaos products:
BRCSD901 - Kaiju Kaos: The Miniatures Game
BRCSD953 - Kaiju Kaos: Smackdown
This ERRATA will be updated as needed. Thank you for your support and interest in Kaiju Kaos! ... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
Red Sash Games |
 English Action Card deck for Last Labour of Hercules (60 cards) ... [click here for more] |
Red Sash Games |
 Moorish Action Deck for use with Last Labour of Hercules ... [click here for more] |
Red Sash Games |