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"Blessings sometimes show up in unrecognizable disguises." - Janette Oke
Genre: Medieval/High-Fantasy
Image Details: Full Color + Background (single layer)
Image Format: PNG
Keywords: Bless, Blessing, Saint, Cleric, Priest, Holy, Aid
Variants: 2 (72dpi/300dpi)
Variant A Size:... [click here for more] |
1manstudio |
$5.95 $4.99
Blinks Abhor Society is an expansion intended to be used with Cards Against Humanity containing a group of cards specifically themed around the blind society.
These cards are written by blind people for blind people and the people unfortunate enough to be spending time with them.
A braille version of this game is available at our online store. ... [click here for more] |
64 Ounce Games |
Uno splendido set di 54 carte a colori contenenti il bestiario di Darkmoor GDR!
Possono essere usate per tenere conto degli Special Point e anche dei Punti Azione a disposizione ed ogni volta che ne avrai bisogno, ti basterà pescare una carta per avere pronto un PNG pregenerato.
Durante le avventure, è particolarmente... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
Unleash your fighting spirit with Dragon Fighters: Dragon Cards! This competitive game mode of Dragon Fighters brings the thrilling energy and strategic depth of Arcade-style fighting games right to your table. Designed to encapsulate the technical and psychological dynamics of arcade combat, Dragon Fighters allows you to orchestrate spectacular matches and tournaments... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
This is an expansion of the table that appears on page 125 on the Squadron Strike rulebook, done as a custom deck of cards. What these cards do is add complications to ships in space combat games, color coded by type. They can also be used for setting up initial conditions for RPG adventures, say with Star Trek Adventures. Some scenarios in Squadron Strike will tell you to draw cards from the... [click here for more] |
Ad Astra Games |
Pulp is Back! Grab your fedora and your ivory-handled .45s and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as Thrilling Tales unleashes the pulse-pounding excitement of the pulp magazines and cliffhanger serials of the 1930s and 40s into the Savage Worlds rules system!
The Thrilling Tales Adventure Deck puts some story control in the hands of the players... [click here for more] |
Adamant Entertainment |
Contagion Second Edition is a roleplaying game of modern horror and urban fantasy that utilizes a highly modified version of the 3.5 OGL. Contagion Second Edition provides a self-contained game system, unique in approach and design. The updated, streamlined system is familiar enough that seasoned OGL players and Gamemasters... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Into the Necrobyss Battle Mat 1: Carnivorous Wastes is a collection of 36x36 map tiles suitable for poster printing. The images in this collection contain three 36 inch by 36 inch map tiles at 150 dpi. The files each contain an additional .5 inch bleed on each side, giving a total file size of 37 x 37 and are presented in both .jpg and .tiff format. The variations include... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Into the Necrobyss Map Tiles 1: Bloody Dens and Webbed Lairs is a collection of 8x10 printed map tiles detailing a terrifying and gore-splattered subterranean dungeon. The images in this collection contain six double-sided 8x10 map tiles (12 pages of maps!) which can be arranged to your liking, as well as a page of item tiles that can be cut out to place on your map as... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Into the Necrobyss Map Tiles 2: Stagnant Pools of Scum Town is a collection of 8x10 printed map tiles detailing a terrifying and ooze-infested subterranean dungeon. The images in this collection contain six double-sided 8x10 map tiles (12 pages of maps!) which can be arranged to your liking, as well as a page of item tiles that can be cut out to place on your map as set... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
As a Team Leader, your stakeholders asked to adopt new Ways Of Working for your team to be more adaptable, responsive and close to customer’s needs. Someone suggested you could move to Agile but you have no idea what is this. However, you know how to use the SWOT matrix and so you decide to analyse Agile using this lens. You have identified some of the variables in the different... [click here for more] |
Agile Game Factory |
$10.00 $3.00
DSbuilders or "How we build the Dark Star"
Our Emperor asked for new ways to spread the terror through the sectors. He engaged the best scientists in the galaxy to design the definitive weapon to defeat the Rebellion: a massive Orbital Station ... the Dark Star. 6 Koenigs have 6 cycles to build the station while the galaxy is on fire and a riddle of unpredictable events influences Emperor’s... [click here for more] |
Agile Game Factory |
$12.60 $7.35
We often have been joining talks and conferences about the “Values>Principles>Practices” chain or maybe about “DO agile vs BE agile” or Dan Pink’s motivators... All of them are around the concept of “Agile Mindset”, but how can we to make this growing across our teams?
This serious game has been designed to bring to life the Agile Mindset and help the teams understanding... [click here for more] |
Agile Game Factory |
$10.50 $5.25
Love Lego? Love Chess? With the Lego Iconic Chess set, these cards allow you to take a normal game of chess and turn it into a fun, building event!
When you play a card, it may rotate a quarter of the board, swap pieces around, build fortifications or terrain, or allow you to create silly creatures to wreak havoc on the chess board!
Stak... [click here for more] |
Alea Publishing Group |
$10.95 $9.95
This deck contains all the Fog of War and Booby Trap cards necessary to add an extra element of chaos and danger to your Ambush Valley games. ... [click here for more] |
Ambush Alley Games |
This commercial card deck reproduces the cards from the Force on Force rule book for players who don't want to print and cut out their own cards or deface their book. ... [click here for more] |
Ambush Alley Games |
Bring Fog of War to the battlefield of the future with this Tomorrow's War Fog of War card deck! ... [click here for more] |
Ambush Alley Games |
DeepWars Game Card - Ancients of Atalán
includes cards for:
AMG DW3001 Assault Soldier AMG DW3002 Acolyte of the Ethers AMG DW3003 Chariniform Light Assault Mech Construct AMG DW3004 Matlal the Elder – Technologist of Atalán AMG DW3005 Salvage Mech Construct AMG DW3006 Hunter-Killer Mech Construct AMG DW3007 Elite Soldier AMG DW3008 Xicana – Elementalist of Atalán AMG DW3009 Alahal the Immortal... [click here for more] |
AntiMatter Games |
DeepWars Game Card - Dark Mariners Set
includes cards for:
AMG DW2001 Vanguard Marine AMG DW2002 Annihilator Biomech AMG DW2003 Octopod Stealth Biomech AMG DW2004 Cephalid Scientist AMG DW2005 Cephalid Scavengers AMG DW2006 Cephalid Siren AMG DW2007 Vanguard Heavy Support Marine AMG DW2008 Cephalid Biomancer AMG DW2009 Elluvi Darkeye – Dark Mariner Commander AMG DW2012 DeepSpawn Reaver AMG DW2013... [click here for more] |
AntiMatter Games |
DeepWars Game Card - Fortune Hunter Set
includes cards for:
AMG DW1001 Armored Dive Trooper AMG DW1002 Marie du Chatelet - Scientist of the Ethers AMG DW1003 Heavy Support Trooper AMG DW1004 Breaching Mech Construct AMG DW1005 Recon Trooper AMG DW1006 Sea Dog AMG DW1007 Dr. Heinrich Cornelius, Arcane Researcher AMG DW1008 Silent Soldier AMG DW1009 Angus McBain – Fortune Hunter Commander AMG DW1011... [click here for more] |
AntiMatter Games |
DeepWars Game Cards
This is a deck containing 80 Tarot-sized game cards for all Forces of DeepWars.
Fortune Hunters AMG DW1001 Armored Dive Trooper AMG DW1002 Marie du Chatelet - Scientist of the Ethers AMG DW1003 Heavy Support Trooper AMG DW1004 Breaching Mech Construct AMG DW1005 Recon Trooper AMG DW1006 Sea Dog AMG DW1007 Dr. Heinrich Cornelius, Arcane Researcher AMG DW1008 Silent Soldier AMG... [click here for more] |
AntiMatter Games |
DeepWars Game Card - Scaly Horde Set
includes cards for:
AMG DW4001 Dagathonan Salvager AMG DW4002 Abyssal Gark Warrior AMG DW4003 Steel-Jaw Placoderm Fish AMG DW4004 At-Atck, Clal-Chk Scientist AMG DW4005 Draconid Sea Demon Shaman AMG DW4006 Dire Fish-Lizard AMG DW4007 Dagathonan Brute AMG DW4008 Hag-Ray AMG DW4009 Cthan the Ravenous – Scaly Horde Commander on Mosasaur AMG DW4011 Clal-Chk Warrior... [click here for more] |
AntiMatter Games |
DeepWars Game Card - Axibalan Empire Set
includes cards for:
AMG_SS3001 Amoxtli – Protector of Relics AMG_SS3002 Xuihcoatl – Sorceress of Battle AMG_SS3003 Hlotl Gate Smasher AMG_SS3004 Tlactl Bonesnapper AMG_SS3005 Amatzl Temple Guardian AMG_SS3007 Quetzali – Mistress of the Stygian Depths AMG_SS3008 Mayahuel – Sorceress of Thunder AMG_SS3011 ... [click here for more] |
AntiMatter Games |
Not sure what your abilities do? Can't tell the difference between Expert and Enhanced? Don't know whether your Overwhelming Accuracy is going to get past the GM's Unnatural Resistance and at this point you're too afraid to ask?
No need to panic. All you need is the Aristocracy Ability Deck. Each card contains the rules for each tier of one of the core abilities,... [click here for more] |
Aristocracy Games |
Tired of Players running roughshod over your beautiful storylines? Feel that they're flaunting their Power, Wealth, and Secrets? Feel like they could stand to have their Enemies pop in to a Hazardous scene and cause a little Collateral damage? Think they could stand to be taken down a peg once they run out of Consumables? It's time to stop... [click here for more] |
Aristocracy Games |
So you're standing over the bad guy, weapon in hand, and nothing is happening. Why? Because you're trying to choose the right Health Danger for the situation, while the Trickster across the room is rummaging through your copy of the core book to resolve the prank they played earlier on an Unwitting Rube, and the Artisan is trying to finish their Great Work... [click here for more] |
Aristocracy Games |
Pay What You Want
Ever wonder what Collateral Damage your Veteran Worldbreaker brings to the table? Can't keep your Expert straight from your Enhanced? Not sure whether you want to Complete Task or Sell Out? The Ultimate Aristocracy Ability & Danger Deck might be right for you!
This pack contains cards detailing every Ability and Damage rule you will ever need for your Aristocracy campaign; whether you're a GM,... [click here for more] |
Aristocracy Games |
Pay What You Want
What do you get for an Aristocracy Player that has everything? More Damage!
This 133-card deck contains every Damage, Hazard, and Extended Task result found in the Aristocracy Core rules. Whether you're blowing something up on purpose, accidently causing something to blow up, being blown up, running out of equipment to blow things up with, or paying off the expensive items you blew up, this deck has... [click here for more] |
Aristocracy Games |
Maybe your Trade Cog is under attack from pirates and your Crew's Morale is falling apart. Maybe your beat up old sedan needs to outrun the motorcycle ninjas but the Structure is shaking itself to pieces. Maybe your ARES-class mecha is engaged in urban warfare with corporate drones and you're losing Power. Maybe the Shields on your Light Freighter... [click here for more] |
Aristocracy Games |
Pay What You Want
Compatible with Alpha version 4.11
Icon credit Lorc via game-icons.net under CC-BY-3.0
Contents: 12 Skirmisher Action cards 12 Guardian Action cards 12 Hunter Action Cards 7 Basic Action Cards
NOTE: This is a supplement for a game, not a complete game ... [click here for more] |
Ashen Lands |
Introducing... The Murdered Third. The official two-player variant to Murder of Crows.
In The Murdered Third, two living players vie to reveal their MURDER first, while contending with the random flips of a non-existent (“murdered”) third player. ... [click here for more] |
Atlas Games |
Tired of every campaign having the same old bog-standard magic items.
Enter the Old Sword Repository and clad yourself in the steel of heroes!
Gear up with 30 new amazing weapons that offer unique and fun ways to impact the game. All printed on convenient tarot cards for you to give to your players so they can keep the item's stats handy.
Each weapon is stunningly illustrated with custom... [click here for more] |
Attention Deficit and Dragons |
Tired of every campaign having the same old bog-standard magic items?
Enter the Old Sword Repository and clad yourself in the steel of heroes!
Gear up with 30 new amazing weapons that offer unique and fun ways to impact the game. All printed on convenient tarot cards for you to give to your players so they can keep the item's stats handy.
Each weapon is stunningly illustrated with custom... [click here for more] |
Attention Deficit and Dragons |
The newest board game from Avalon Games, Arcane Lords allows you and your friends to create armies and battle for control of a mystic and magical land.
Arcane Lords uses a simple system for movement and combat which allows you to generate card game like combinations of characters, allowing your to mix and match abilities and powers to suit your gaming style and to achieve your goals.
The... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Avalon Game Company |
$8.98 $5.98
Want to crush more then one foe at a time, well Avalon has more Arcane Lords for you with this expansion pack for two more players. Yep, add more fun with half the bloodlust. ... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Want to crush more then one foe at a time, well Avalon has more Arcane Lords for you with this expansion pack for two more players. Yep, add more fun with half the bloodlust.
This covers the first expansion to the system with red and green markers. ... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Want more Arcane Lords, well we have a whole new expansion for this great game. New map tiles and 10 new characters, so cause a little trouble and wage war. ... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Want more Arcane Lords, well we have a whole new expansion for this great game. 20 new characters comes your way, so cause a little trouble and wage war. ... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Want to crush more then one foe at a time, well Avalon has more Arcane Lords for you with this expansion pack for two more players. Yep, add more fun with half the bloodlust. This sets covers the second expansion to the system. ... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Among the trolls, there are those that seek out war, who are driven to kill, any and all, anyone they find on the battlefield. Called many names, these trollish monsters are the dread of any foe. Most have been driven mad by the sound of battle, and now it is the only song they wish to hear, that and the scream of their victims.
Add some excitement to your Battle Axe games with this new character.... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
This expansion to the Battle Axe system will offer players a new way to set up the game and add additional features to the game as a whole. It is advised that players use these rules in their Battle Axe game as it will aid in game balance and add excitement to each and every game you play.
Add some excitement to your Battle Axe games with this new character. Note that this is not a complete... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
In times long past the giants were rulers of the world, called Sky Kings, their race rulers all about them with wise and kind guidance. Then the Dragon Princes rose to power and a long war was waged. The Giant’s allies, the Dwarfs and Minotaur, fought besides their kings, with pride and valor, but in the end the war crushed both the Sky Kings and their foes. Now the giants are a dying race, fallen... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
While the minotaur may appear to be a brutal and savage creature, under the shaggy fur and sharp horns lies a cunning and proud mind. Few can say they have met a more noble creature then the Minotaur lord. Fewer still can say they have defeated one in battle. Many minotaurs travel the world, for they have no true home, being once the beast masters of the Sky Kings, but now void of a lord and master.... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Ogres are brutes, dumb, unimaginative and simple. Still the ogre is a powerful foe, able to kill a man with a single blow from a club or fist. Often bribed into fighting for Goblins and Orcs, then have even been known to fight for Human warlords and bandits. Mages of Avalon have had a long tradition of using these brutes as bodyguards, as have lone wizards and barons.
Add some excitement to your... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Orcs by their nature are bullies, pushing those about them with little care other then
their own needs and desires. Those orcs that are the meanest, the most vile rise in
orc clans, becoming enforcers and allies to the Clan’s Warlord. It is these orcish heroes
that will become the new Warlord when the old one is slain, or assassinated.
Add some excitement to your Battle Axe games... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Called Bonedancers, the orcish shaman is the spiritual leader of the clan and the
warlord’s advisor and guide. It is to the shaman that the warlord seeks advice and
council, and it is shaman that often devises the next cunning plan to kill a rival or to
conquer a new land.
Add some excitement to your Battle Axe games with this new character. Note that this is not a complete game... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Some orcs when they reach the battlefield become overwhelmed with rage, the need
to kill, the thirst for blood rages within their dark heart. These warriors are near
mindless in their rampage, moving from one foe to the next, blood and screams left
in their trail.
Add some excitement to your Battle Axe games with this new character. Note that this is not a complete game and you will need... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Orcs rule by strength. Both of will and muscle and thus the strongest, most nasty of
the orcs rise in power. Only one can rule though, and only as long as that orc
remains strong. The orc warlord is everything good and bad about the orc race,
their need to dominate and their thirst for gold and terror.
Add some excitement to your Battle Axe games with this new character. Note that this... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
All about the lands, among the high hills and deep forest, breed the green folk, the orc clans. Nomadic, and terrible in nature, the orcs seek glory in war and savagery. Few can stand before the massed might of an orc charge, or find victory when their warlords enter the fray.
Each clan is lead by a warlord, the toughest, and vilest of all the orcs in the clan. This warlord leads by strength... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |