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Cards Against Mundanity - Teamwork & Employee Retention Game

Cards Against Mundanity - Teamwork & Employee Retention Game

#1 Teamwork game and program for remote, hybrid, international, and multi-location teams. More than 100,000 people are using it. Please email me directly at with any questions.  “Trust is the one thing that changes everything.” All the greatest teams have one thing in common - extremely high levels of trust, caring, and connection that brings out the absolute...   [click here for more]
Jason Treu Executive Coaching Services  $59.97

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Pulp Tarot Expansion 3: THE EGG SUIT

Pulp Tarot Expansion 3: THE EGG SUIT

The much-anticipated fifth suit, Eggs, is finally upon us, featuring 14 base cards and 3 alternates, 3 new Super Arcana cards, and 7 alternates for the basic deck. (Note that 1 Eggs and 2 Eggs are NEW designs, differing from previous versions.) Fun for the whole family, providing that "the whole family" are all over the age of 18.) ...   [click here for more]
AustraBorea  $10.60

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Gift Words

Gift Words

Make words and change words in the holiday spirit. Give a letter to someone else, make a longer word, and you both score. Letters can be added anywhere, so a CAR can become a CARD, a SCAR, a CIGAR, or even an ECLAIR.  GIFT WORDS is for 3-6 players, ages 8 and up, or two people can play competitively or cooperatively. There are special rules for younger players, and a unique "Silent E" card. JUST...   [click here for more]
Dean Howard  $14.99

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Palabras de Navidad

Palabras de Navidad

Palabras de Navidad es un juego de palabras con el espíritu navideño. Dale una carta a otro jugador, haz una palabra más larga y ambos ganarán puntos.    Las letras aparecen con la frecuencia con la que aparecen en español.    Hay reglas para adultos y niños, y también un juego de solitario y un juego cooperativo para dos.  ...   [click here for more]
Dean Howard  Pay What You Want

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