Additional dragon cards for Deck100! Add these to your Deck100 products to activate house rules. One each black, blue, red and gold dragons.
This product is printed on premium card stock described by this site as follows:
Premium: 11.8-pt. thickness, 305gsm black core card stock from French paper manufacturer Arjo-Wiggins.... [click here for more]
Four cards featuring just the beautiful dragon art from Deck100. One card each for the black, blue, red and gold dragons, featuring the dragon artwork on both sides of the cards (no Deck100 logo). This makes the cards useful in any deck for house-rules purposes, or they can be added back to any Deck100 deck for similar purpose. Or just enjoy these... [click here for more]
Winner: double-sided card. Can be used with Card Story: Journey or any other game to award the winner!
Rules: The game winner is awarded with this card. If someone else wins the next game, the card has to be handed over.
Tip: You can use multiple Winner cards as victory points,... [click here for more]
This is the Dominion Deck, which turns the magic system cosmology from the Arbiter System LARP rules into a deck of cards. This is a two-suit deck, inspired by The Decktet, however, it has 6 cards for every rank instead of 3 in the middle ranks, so it makes a 60 card deck. Most Decktet games should work with this deck, but they have not all been tested yet.
This version uses personality names instead... [click here for more]