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 Hottest Casual Games, 2 Players
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Captain of the Guard

Captain of the Guard

Take on the mantle of the Defender of the Crown and protect your King (and his body double) during the Grand Banquet. Watch out for assassination attempts and stay away from those troublesome Court Jesters. Captain of the Guard is a simple card game for Two Players. It takes 10 to 15 minutes to play and is suitable for all the family. You will need a standard deck of playing cards with jokers,...   [click here for more]
Plus One Games  Pay What You Want

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Cribbage Dice

Cribbage Dice

When Yahtzee Met Cribbage If you're like me, your d12s don't get much love. One night as we were waiting on late players to turn up for roleplaying night, I started messing around with my d12s, and came up with a fun little pocket game perfect for such occasions. You will need four d12s that are similar in appearance, and one that is different from them. ...   [click here for more]
Tricanis Games  Pay What You Want

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Desolation Dungeon Dungeon master deck

Desolation Dungeon Dungeon master deck

An Epic Dungeon Building Hack and Slash Treasure Grab In Desolation Dungeon you can play as either the hero or The Dungeon master, As the Dungeon master you are to lay traps and place monsters and rooms in a way that will hinder the Hero’s on their journey to steal your Loot!!! Playing as the Hero’s you are to collect as much loot as possible from the dungeon and try to keep all your limbs intact!...   [click here for more]
Newblife Gaming  Pay What You Want

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Desolation Dungeon Mini Exp1 Fairys and Dragons

Desolation Dungeon Mini Exp1 Fairys and Dragons

An Epic Dungeon Building Hack and Slash Treasure Grab In Desolation Dungeon you can play as either the hero or The Dungeon master, As the Dungeon master you are to lay traps and place monsters and rooms in a way that will hinder the Hero’s on their journey to steal your Loot!!! Playing as the Hero’s you are to collect as much loot as possible from the dungeon and try to keep all your limbs intact!...   [click here for more]
Newblife Gaming  Pay What You Want

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Desolation Dungeon Room Deck

Desolation Dungeon Room Deck

Desolation Dungeon- The Dungeon Building HAck and Slash Treasure Grab Game From Newblife Gaming! this is the room cards as 6'x6' tiles for an epic game experience. Currently in the Alpha Playtest phase, with your purchase you will get the room cards printed on 6x6 tiles and a pdf of the rule book along with pdf files for print and play of the original ALpha Playtest version!!!( note this is all the...   [click here for more]
Newblife Gaming  Pay What You Want

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Expedition (base game)

Expedition (base game)

The lightweight roleplaying game that's fun for players - and storytellers. Whether you're new to the genre or a D&D veteran, whether you're playing alone, with a group of friends, your spouse or with your kids - anyone can learn to play in less than 5 minutes! Powered by a free companion app with 100's of free adventures and new quests every week, there's always something new to play! For...   [click here for more]
FabricateIO  Pay What You Want

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Gaslands Dashboards

Gaslands Dashboards

Gaslands Dashboard Cards Tarot Card sized Gaslands Dashboards Experience the thrill of Gaslands Post Apocalyptic Mayhem with these custom-designed d6 dashboards. The included PDF is easy to print, and the wet erase marker will keep your d6 in the heat of the competition. Plus, the dashboards are small enough to fit inside Tarot Card sleeves. Get ready to rumble! This is unofficial...   [click here for more]
Tabletop.Land  Pay What You Want

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Halloween Candy (Second Edition)

Halloween Candy (Second Edition)

David Libby  Pay What You Want

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Horde Lord

Horde Lord

Prepare to enter a realm of monstrous conquest in this fast-paced two-player print-and-play. Deploy summoned monsters, brave the fog of war and crush enemy defenses to become the undisputed One True King. Engage in covert strategy: With each turn, the tension mounts as you draw cards and summon unseen monsters. But beware - your opponent's creatures are hidden from view until they...   [click here for more]
Celestial Blaze Games  Pay What You Want

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Jackknife Trail

Jackknife Trail

Jackknife Trail is a complete action role playing, frontier exploring, character leveling, hunt and grab, loot finding, adventure game that's built around the usage of a single deck of ordinary playing cards. If you're familiar with the Cards & Catacombs rules, you'll have no problem adjusting.  This game is designed to function as a solitaire experience as well as a group-based crawl. Jackknife...   [click here for more]
Harrington Martin Books  Pay What You Want

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King of Kings: a card and dice game (v3.8)

King of Kings: a card and dice game (v3.8)

King of Kings: a card & dice game (Version 3.8) Overview A competitive strategy card and dice game in which you take on the role of a King - lead your Kingdom into Glorious Battle in pursuit of Righteous Victory! Requirements A standard deck of playing cards (including Jokers), some 6-sided dice and 2-4 friends Object of the...   [click here for more]
adrian young games  Pay What You Want

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Nasapunk: Escape the System

Nasapunk: Escape the System

Welcome to the Future. Your homes, and everyone you've ever loved, have just been destroyed by the government. It is the year 2166. 100 years ago, the Earth Union conquered all the colonies and worlds of our solar system. NASA became a rebel faction of militant scientists dedicated to freeing every single one of the 12 billion inhabitants...   [click here for more]
Guildmaster Games  Pay What You Want

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Ophidian 2350: Sularia Protocols

Ophidian 2350: Sularia Protocols

This Halloween season two worlds will collide > The first Ophidian 2350 CCG Fan Made Expansion Set in almost 14 years > The first Ever Battle for Sularia Fan Made Expansion Set »»»»» Totally FREE Print and Play download «««« Welcome to Ophidian 2350: Sularia Protocols...   [click here for more]
Justich Fan Productions  Pay What You Want

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Palabras de Navidad

Palabras de Navidad

Palabras de Navidad es un juego de palabras con el espíritu navideño. Dale una carta a otro jugador, haz una palabra más larga y ambos ganarán puntos.    Las letras aparecen con la frecuencia con la que aparecen en español.    Hay reglas para adultos y niños, y también un juego de solitario y un juego cooperativo para dos.  ...   [click here for more]
Dean Howard  Pay What You Want

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Sly Tricks - Trick-Taking Deck-Builder

Sly Tricks - Trick-Taking Deck-Builder

Jack Sly - Master jewel thief legendary for capturing the Triade de Diamantes - the nature-defying triplet diamonds. Since that time, Inspector Gregory Lestrade III has been chasing Jack relentlessly, determined to bring down the thief and live up to his grandfather's legacy. In this game, you will play either Sly or Lestrade. Players each start with a unique deck of trick-taking...   [click here for more]
Wooden Robot Games  Pay What You Want

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