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 This deck contains rainbow colored numbers from 1-10. 5 of each number and 2 each of combo cards 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, and 9/10.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
 This deck contains a pyramid style set of rainbow numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 rainbow star cards.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
 Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party!
You’re all awesome monsters who just want to cuddle the young’uns! And why wouldn’t you, they’re so cute! The closest monster gets the most baby monster super cuteness and that’s really what everyone wants!
Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Pile is a card throwing party game with fun physical challenges for 2-6 players. Can you throw your monster cards the... [click here for more] |
Jack of Peace Games |
$13.99 $11.20
The Ator Tarot is a 78-card standard Tarot deck, from GlowInTheDark Press. Overall, the Ator Tarot is a charming, non-threatening and straightforward deck that has re-made, but still kept, the essence of the Rider-Waite-Smith symbols.
The simplicity and humor of the little blobby-nosed characters on these cards make it an appropriate deck for children to use, yet still suitable for all skill... [click here for more] |
GlowInTheDark Press |
 Hanafuda (Japanese 花札, lit. 'flower cards') are a well-known type of Japanese playing cards, for which you will find many rulesets online. Our edition is specifically geared towards beginners, and has a clear and simple design.
This second edition indicates the point values by a system of golden circles that are easy to remember, so that you can start playing right away.... [click here for more] |
Stefan Grossmann |
$9.00 $4.00
 Hanafuda (Japanese 花札, lit. 'flower cards') are a well-known type of Japanese playing cards, for which you will find many rulesets online. Our edition is specifically geared towards beginners, has a clear and simple design, and calls out the point values, so that you can start playing right away.
There are 4 x 12 cards included in this deck, that conform to the standard... [click here for more] |
Stefan Grossmann |
$9.00 $4.00
 Rogue Deck Tarot: A Card and Dice Game
To find the treasures hidden in the deck you will have to work through all the challenges in your way.
This is a style of games about adventure, chance, discovery, and finding parts of yourself. Mysticism and spiritual belief are not required.
Rogue Deck Tarot is a card and dice game play system designed to be simple,... [click here for more] |
Karma Pirate Games |
Potion School By Kayne Ruse, KR Game Studios (for 2-4 players ages 5+)
You are a student at a magical school with a penchant for potions. Use your skills to earn the best grade possible by the end of the semester, or sabotage your classmates so they can't get ahead of you...
The goal of the game is to have as many points as you can get by the end of the game; each potion has a... [click here for more] |
KR Game Studios |
 The newest release from Morton's List co-creator, Ninja Nate (Nathan I. N. J. Andren) . . .
88 PHOTO CARDS Spark 1-minute stories around tables and campfires
Everyone, especially you, is walking around with a gold mine of stories in their heads. Fact is,... [click here for more] |
GivinGames |
Hubbly Bubbly Brew is a playful potion brewing card game for 2-4 players in which magical ingredients have to be combined into powerful concoctions. You are a student at Madam Pompadour's School of Magical Mixing. All magical creatures come to her School to study the art of potion crafting.... [click here for more] |
Black Zeppelin |
 A set collection game for 2-4 players (Best with 4!) ~30 min Objective Collect 3 complete sets of Power cards. A set consists of 1 Ruler, 1 Castle, and 1 Region. There are 10 different sets. Get the rulebook via the View Rulebook link above.
Artwork for this game was generated by AI prompts by Nathan Thomson. Game designed by Nathan Thomson. ... [click here for more] |
PsychoCat |
 Corners: Deco
The Deco theme deck of 34 game cards and 2 instruction cards.
2 to 4 players. Tested on ages 5 and up.
Corners: How To Play
All players are dealt six cards face down from a shuffled deck. One card is placed face up in the center of the table as a starter. The rest of the cards become the draw pile.
Players take turns... [click here for more] |
Karma Pirate Games |
 Rogue Deck Standard: A Card and Dice Game
To find the treasures hidden in the deck you will have to work through all the challenges in your way.
This is a style of games about adventure, chance, and discovery.
Rogue Deck Standard is a card and dice game play system designed to be simple, fast, and expandable. A game can be set up in 5 minutes or less, and... [click here for more] |
Karma Pirate Games |
"The sun beats down on the arena and a lively fanfare plays, which signals the beginning of the contest. Two Knights stare each other down through the slits in the visors of their helmets as their horses impatiently stomp the ground. Everyone in attendance eagerly awaits the start of the Joust. The King rises and raises his goblet of wine ready to address the crowd..."
An easy to... [click here for more] |
mjhGames |
$8.00 $5.75
 Action Expansion for Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party!
You’re all awesome monsters who just want to cuddle the young’uns! And why wouldn’t you, they’re so cute! This expansion pack allows for players to create their own actions for the 6 monsters in the original game!
The Action Expansion Pack includes 6 regular cards for players to write in their own actions; one for each monster in the... [click here for more] |
Jack of Peace Games |
 Classic Memory/Matching Game
Introduce your child to the world of music with this simple and fun card matching game.
Take turns flipping over cards to find matching instruments. Includes 31 different colorfully illustrated card pairs.
Listen Online
Your child can also listen to the instruments online! Instructions are included with the game.
Example... [click here for more] |
KAD Software, LLC |
 Black Expansion for Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party!
You’re all awesome monsters who just want to cuddle the young’uns! And why wouldn’t you, they’re so cute! This expansion pack allows adding another player with a new monster to the original game!
The Black Expansion requires Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party to play. You can find the base game on drive thru cards by clicking here.... [click here for more] |
Jack of Peace Games |
 Blue Expansion for Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party
You’re all awesome monsters who just want to cuddle the young’uns! And why wouldn’t you, they’re so cute! This expansion pack allows for players to create their own actions with the same quality cards and crazy fun in the original game! It expands the game with another color of card for more players to play!
The Blue Expansion includes... [click here for more] |
Jack of Peace Games |
"Skunked!" Contains 13 animals with 4 parts each (Head, Tail, Body, Legs) plus 7 skunk cards and directions for 2 fun games for the whole family to enjoy. 2-8 players.
For solitaire and memory training, put the animal body parts together of 13 different animals.
59 Regular U.S. Poker size cards wrapped with a plastic... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 “If I Were a Grandpa” is a beautiful story of a Grandpa’s love for a grandchild. It comes in three formats: a hardback children’s book which you can order at https://www.drivethrufiction.com/browse/pub/15369/Melvin-Mills?affiliate_rem=2056749
and also as regular size playing cards and an 8” x 10” oversized postcard (suitable for framing). The game and postcard... [click here for more] |
Melvin Mills |
Bobcat & Beaver is for 2-4 players. No skills or reading required! The directions for Battle using this deck of cards is also included. Battle is for 2 players. Battle is well recieved by children with autism. Used in two different university research centers for autism. Parents say this makes all the difference... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 Think quick in this fast-paced scavenger hunt game. FOUND-IT! is new, yet familiar, and simple to learn. Race to find items beginning with a certain letter, items that rhyme with a given word, and many other adjectives.
With five game types to play, you can have hours of fun with two people or a dozen. 117 playing cards plus 3 instruction cards included.
Appropriate for children and adults alike.... [click here for more] |
KAD Software, LLC |
12 Poka Dots is a game like Dominos, 1-4 players, 2 very easy solitaire games, Pappy's game with strategies. All ages. Play with skills or without. 28 regular U.S. Poker sizeed cards come wrapped in a shrink wrap band.
(You will need a glue glue to make this game tactical.) ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 Dementia, Preschool
Airplanes - A very versatile game deck for various levels of dementia, memory training, and for preschoolers. There are four different airplanes, each a separate color and size. Can be played alone by matching the front of the plane with the back of the plane. For 1-4 players, several different directions come with this deck.There... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 A fun & fast game of strategy. School age kids to adults will enjoy this game. ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 You can make this game super simple for the younger set medium for the average "Joe", or increditbly hard for the "brainiacs". Your choice everytime you play this game. ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
Contains two six card decks, two coins, and the rules to a game called Tric. ... [click here for more] |
Loca Games |
A game of Poetry for 1-4 players
Enjoy 70 of Mashuo Basho's best-known poems in a contemporary form - and spend some quality time with friends and family playing a card game.
Your copy of this card deck consists of 70 unique cards, each depicting an interpretation of one of Basho's poems on the front
and... [click here for more] |
Stefan Grossmann |
$9.00 $6.00
![Basho's Haiku - A game of Japanese Poetry [Anime Edition]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/26462/475959-thumb140.jpg) Bashō’s
[Anime Edition]
A game of Poetry for 1-4 players
Enjoy 70 of Mashuo Basho's best-known poems in a contemporary form - and spend some quality time with friends and family playing a card game.
Your copy of this card deck consists of 70 unique cards, each depicting an interpretation of one of Basho's poems on... [click here for more] |
Stefan Grossmann |
$9.00 $6.00
 Can your really line up 16 bear cards in a square in the correct order before others? It's harder than you think! But give it your best shot. This deck comes with crads for up to four players at one time. ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
Bobcat & Beaver is for 2-4 players. No skills or reading required! The directions for Battle using this deck of cards is also included. Battle is for 2 players. No skills required here, either!
This size is excellent for a classroom or for use with someone who needs larger cards.
65 6 inch x 6 inch cards... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 Corners: Print and Play
This is the basic and simple deck to start playing Corners- a puzzling, matching, shedding card game.
If you enjoy the game, consider the premium printed card decks: Corners: Deco or Corners: Nouveau
Corners: How To Play
All players are dealt six cards face down from a shuffled deck. One card is placed face... [click here for more] |
Karma Pirate Games |
 Corners: Nouveau
The Nouveau theme deck of 34 game cards and 2 instruction cards.
2 to 4 players. Tested on ages 5 and up.
Corners: How To Play
All players are dealt six cards face down from a shuffled deck. One card is placed face up in the center of the table as a starter. The rest of the cards become the draw pile.
Players take... [click here for more] |
Karma Pirate Games |
 How well do you know the animal kingdom? Get ready to giggle and guess with these quirky clues!
50-card set: Each card includes three fun facts about a reptile or amphibian.
Instructions for use of this trivia deck.
Recommended Ages: 7+
... [click here for more] |
Samantha Cowan |
 Día de Muertos es un juego de cartas basado en la fiesta mejicana del mismo nombre, el cual consiste en realizar más ofrendas que el resto de jugadores. Para este cometido, podremos contar con la ayuda de los alebrijes, que podrán tanto beneficiarnos como perjudicarnos. ... [click here for more] |
Midgard Ediciones |
 Dinosaur Fun Time is a fun game for the whole family from ages 2-92. Follow the rules or make your own! For 1-6 players
Can you handle the challenge? Lots of laughter, lots of fun, lots of precious memories are coming your way when you order today. ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 Olá, este é um projeto para um trabalho da nossa faculdade, ele consiste em um jogo para amigos e para a familia, o jogo tem a ideia de educar sobre a reciclagem. Aceitamos criticas e dicas para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, obrigado. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello, this is a project for a work at our college, it consists of a game... [click here for more] |
Equipe B.E.S |
 Explore the world's at-risk wildlife with this unique deck. Each suit highlights a different group of endangered animals, illustrated in vibrant detail. From the majestic Siberian tiger to the delicate Texas blind salamander, these cards are a reminder of the diversity we must protect.
Use this deck for any classic card game—whether it’s Rummy, Crazy Eights, or more. Game instructions can be found... [click here for more] |
Samantha Cowan |
 EQ2iQ Level 2: Cognitive Control is the second deck in the EQ2iQ series. This series trains the brain for emotional awareness and management as it develops from 3 years old to 14 years old. This second level is ideally achieved by age 4-5—as they build awareness of emotions.
Level 2 focuses on cognitive control. It trains the user to identify non-verbal emotions using 2nd level emotional... [click here for more] |
YouEQ Global Inc |
 EQ2iQ Level 3: Self Control is the third deck in the EQ2iQ series. This series trains the brain for emotional management as it develops from 3 years old to 14 years old. This third level is ideally achieved by age 6-7.
Level 3 focuses on demonstrating self control by changing behaviours. It trains the users to make "What & When Statements" using 3rd level emotional vocabulary. It focuses... [click here for more] |
YouEQ Global Inc |
 "Fun, engaging, family game" is the description for Gator Swamp. this card game is for 2-4 players and is entertainging for both adults, kids, & senior citizens. Enjoy hours of fun as you have family time, even as senior citizens. This game is both simple and challenging and you need to be strategic as you go aligator hunting in the swamp. ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 Gold Expansion for Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party!
You’re all awesome monsters who just want to cuddle the young’uns! And why wouldn’t you, they’re so cute! This expansion pack allows for players to create their own monsters and actions with the same quality cards and crazy fun in the original game!
The Gold Expansion includes 5 regular cards for players to use for their own drawn monster... [click here for more] |
Jack of Peace Games |
 GOOD NATURE is a cooperative storytelling game that uses simple dice-matching mechanics and journaling to encourage collaboration and creative problem-solving. It is designed to teach social skills in the classroom, but can be played by all ages!
These decks of cards contain quick-play rules, prompts for 2 complete scenarios, and award badge cards.
This deck of cards is designed to be used... [click here for more] |
MonarcWriter |
 Halloween Haul is a fast and fun card game where players grab as much candy as they can! ... [click here for more] |
Adam Lane |
![Hyakunin Isshu - one hundred poets, one poem each [Poker card size]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/26462/465429-thumb140.jpg) Hyakunin Isshu Karuta / 百人一首かるた
from the classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese waka by one hundred poets.
Hyakunin Isshu can be translated to "one hundred people, one poem [each]"; it can also refer to the card game of uta-garuta, which uses a deck of cards based on the Hyakunin Isshu.
The... [click here for more] |
Stefan Grossmann |
$20.00 $15.00
![Hyakunin Isshu - one hundred poets, one poem each [Tarot card size]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/26462/469327-thumb140.jpg) This is the TAROT card size edition. Please see our other titles for the POKER size format. Hyakunin Isshu Karuta / 百人一首かるた
from the classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese waka by one hundred poets.
Hyakunin Isshu can be translated to "one hundred people, one poem [each]"; it can also refer to... [click here for more] |
Stefan Grossmann |
$20.00 $15.00
 A family-friendly card game with a quick playtime featuring whimsical animals dancing in a unique art style. Each game typically takes around 5-15 minutes.
The game is optimized for 4-6 players, but also includes alternative rules with a Solo Mode and a Party Mode (for up to 10 players).
Game Mechanics
The gameplay is incredibly... [click here for more] |
Burley Games |
Kitchen Match - Designed for lower-mid functioning dementia patients. Requires a caregiver to assis at that levelt.
Higher functioning dementia patients enjoy playing memory match where all the cards are face down and you draw 2 and try to remember where the pairs are. This becomes a true memory training exercise!
36 Regular U.S. Poker... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 Fund raiser for Mac's Mission ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
New Den (2 players, a game of strategy!) In every game, you must build the trail for your wolf mama to safely take her 4 pups to their new den. Thus every game is different and requires different strategies including food sources, crossing rivers, and that dreaded dark cloud! 51 U.S. Poker size playing cards wrapped with a plastic shrink wrap... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |