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 Needs and Feelings are often used in Nonviolent Communication, but have many other uses. What sets this deck apart from other feelings and needs cards is that these have other words that are similar in the middle section, which can lead to more precision and clarity.
I use them most for what I call "Needs Studies", in which you can gain a better understanding of what is driing your desires, behaviors,... [click here for more] |
Intended Being |
 The Sound Cypher Open Format Edition is the most dynamic music game ever created. This deck features 90 different cards that work with any genre of music containing lyrics. So whether you’re into Rock, Country, Hip-Hop, R&B, Soul, Reggae, Disco, etc. this is the game for you! Not a music person?!? Yeah, we’ve heard that before! After the first round those words will never exit your mouth again!... [click here for more] |
Aristocrat Games |
 This deck contains rainbow colored numbers from 1-10. 5 of each number and 2 each of combo cards 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, and 9/10.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
 This deck contains a pyramid style set of rainbow numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 rainbow star cards.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
Welcome to the Future.
Your homes, and everyone you've ever loved, have just been destroyed by the government.
It is the year 2166. 100 years ago, the Earth Union conquered all the colonies and worlds of our solar system. NASA became a rebel faction of militant scientists dedicated to freeing every single one of the 12 billion inhabitants... [click here for more] |
Guildmaster Games |
Pay What You Want
 Who likes cats? Who likes poker? Now you can have both with these unique, fun and stylish standard poker-sized playing cards!
Available with red or blue backs (this product has blue backs), these standard playing card decks will make your poker or card games more fun. Each deck includes the regular 52 cards, and 2 jokers. NOW includes tuck box like you see most decks in! This used to cost... [click here for more] |
Aurelian Design |
 Who likes cats? Who likes poker? Now you can have both with these unique, fun and stylish standard poker-sized playing cards!
Available with red or blue backs (this product has red backs), these standard playing card decks will make your poker or card games more fun. Each deck includes the regular 52 cards, and 2 jokers. NOW includes tuck box like you see most decks in! This used to cost... [click here for more] |
Aurelian Design |
 Standing Out is a trivia party game with a little bit more of an emphasis on the party than the trivia. Each round consists of 7 prompts that decrease in the number of potential answers. Your goal for each prompt is to give a correct answer that no one else gave. If someone else wrote the same answer, you're both out. If your answer doesn't correctly fulfill the prompt, you're out. Survive through... [click here for more] |
FractalCake |
Horror Stories is a story-telling role-playing game for one or more players. Each of you is trying to tell a story, but not the same story. Some of you want the characters to survive. The others... have other ideas.
Each card has an element of a story: atmosphere, location, character, theme, etc. You can only play a card if it has a symbol that can follow a previous... [click here for more] |
Sanguine Productions |
Worge is a multi-player card game for 3 or more players (although we recommend a group of 4+ for maximum fun) based on creating words that combine the sound / meaning of two different words (aka portmanteaus). Think hangry which combines “hungry” and “angry” or brunch which combines “breakfast” and “lunch”. Worge combines the words “word” and “merge”, it’s our fun way of describing... [click here for more] |
Worge |
 This is an expansion for Standing Out. This does not come with the base game. We recommend choosing the deckbox option if you don't currently have a box to put the cards in.
Screen & Stage Expansion - Lights, camera, action! We’re ready for our close-up now that this expansion is available. The Screen & Stage expansion is a blend of prompts related to television, film,... [click here for more] |
FractalCake |
 Countless tabletop games make tell you to use "any apprpriate method" to determine which player goes first. An appropriate method has at last arrived, with Player One, a deck of cards, each with a different way of picking a player who goes first. The cards also have numbers, d6 rolls, and six symbols, for use with certain cards or just when you feel like it.
... [click here for more] |
Yaruki Zero Games |
 The Foodening is a customizable deck to help you pick a place to eat. There are 52 cards, each with a prompt to provoke you to think of local restaruants you might not have thought about. Pass a few around the group, fill them in with restaurant names, and before long you'll have a deck of local restaurants for whenever you need a little random help picking somewhere to eat.
... [click here for more] |
Yaruki Zero Games |
 This is an expansion for Standing Out. This does not come with the base game. We recommend choosing the deckbox option if you don't currently have a box to put the cards in.
Decades Expansion - If you were born in a decade, you should get this expansion. If you weren’t, you don’t actually exist and are probably incapable of reading this, so you’re not our target... [click here for more] |
FractalCake |
 Welcome to the game of “Characters!” where encounters between different people are just as fun and interesting as the cast of “Characters!” themselves! If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like if certain types of people interacted with others, then this is the game for you!
Compare Character Attributes in a number of different ways to see who wins the Encounter.
Several ways to play!... [click here for more] |
mjhGames |
 Explore the world's at-risk wildlife with this unique deck. Each suit highlights a different group of endangered animals, illustrated in vibrant detail. From the majestic Siberian tiger to the delicate Texas blind salamander, these cards are a reminder of the diversity we must protect.
Use this deck for any classic card game—whether it’s Rummy, Crazy Eights, or more. Game instructions can be found... [click here for more] |
Samantha Cowan |
 Huradrim is a party game where 2 to 10 players are brewmasters looking to gather the right ingredients to brew the best beer for the king of dwarves!
The gameplay combines mechanics of collecting components and discarding the right cards for fast rounds!
You keep your score with a points card or try it as a drinking game! (please drink responsibly)
... [click here for more] |
Mind's Vision |
 Here is a poker deck (52 standard poker cards plus 2 jokers) with a nurse/medical theme. Stethoscope is spade, Heart is heart, Needle is club, Hat is diamond. Created in honor of my wife surviving a 100% blockage heart attack Dec 23, 2018. ... [click here for more] |
Blitz Jager Games |
$12.99 $10.95
![PitchFest Complete [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/bundle-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. PitchFest: Film Edition Regular price: $19.99 Bundle price: $14.99 Format: Card(s) PitchFest: Film Edition is a card-driven improv party game about pitching ridiculous films. It's going to be a wonderful idea... until the publishers get their money-filled hands on it.
PitchFest is a comedic inventive... [click here for more] |
Berdandy Studios |
$39.98 $29.98
 This is an expansion for Standing Out. This does not come with the base game. We recommend choosing the deckbox option if you don't currently have a box to put the cards in.
Gaming Expansion - It’s time to level up and get the high score now that we have cheats enabled. Our gaming expansion reaches out for a variety of prompts from tabletop RPGs to console games to Tamagotchi.... [click here for more] |
FractalCake |
 This is an expansion for Standing Out. This does not come with the base game. We recommend choosing the deckbox option if you don't currently have a box to put the cards in.
Library Expansion - You know that place that was supposed to disappear after the advent of ebooks? Well we based this expansion on that place. But don’t worry-- you don’t need to be quiet here because... [click here for more] |
FractalCake |
 It's that time of year again!... Christmas movies on an endless loop! We just can't seem to get enough of them, even though they basically all have the same plot.
You know... Girl works for a marketing firm, is up for a promotion, goes on a business trip right before Christmas, gets stranded in a small town with a handsome Christmas-loving, pickup truck-driving, flannel-wearing guy who teaches her... [click here for more] |
Kristin Grissom |
![The Complete S*H*L Experience [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/6618/145356-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0 Regular price: $7.75 Bundle price: $4.77 Format: Print-and-Play PDF BUY DIRECT AND SAVE 25% -@- https://www.theshl.org/store/
With the formula contained in the deck of 100 cards found in this set, you’ll be able to run an entire hockey league, complete... [click here for more] |
mjhGames |
$19.69 $15.00
![The Super Awesome Monsters [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/11879/339816-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party! Regular price: $11.20 Bundle price: $10.00 Format: Card(s) Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party!
You’re all awesome monsters who just want to cuddle the young’uns! And why wouldn’t you, they’re so cute! The closest monster gets the most baby monster super cuteness... [click here for more] |
Jack of Peace Games |
$23.72 $19.99