When Yahtzee Met Cribbage
If you're like me, your d12s don't get much love. One night as we were waiting on late players to turn up for roleplaying night, I started messing around with my d12s, and came up with a fun little pocket game perfect for such occasions. You will need four d12s that are similar in appearance, and one that is different from them. ... [click here for more]
An Epic Dungeon Building Hack and Slash Treasure Grab In Desolation Dungeon you can play as either the hero or The Dungeon master, As the Dungeon master you are to lay traps and place monsters and rooms in a way that will hinder the Hero’s on their journey to steal your Loot!!! Playing as the Hero’s you are to collect as much loot as possible from the dungeon and try to keep all your limbs intact!... [click here for more]