Welcome to the Future. Your homes, and everyone you've ever loved, have just been destroyed by the government.
It is the year 2166. 100 years ago, the Earth Union conquered all the colonies and worlds of our solar system. NASA became a rebel faction of militant scientists dedicated to freeing every single one of the 12 billion inhabitants... [click here for more]
Palabras de Navidad es un juego de palabras con el espíritu navideño. Dale una carta a otro jugador, haz una palabra más larga y ambos ganarán puntos.
Las letras aparecen con la frecuencia con la que aparecen en español.
Hay reglas para adultos y niños, y también un juego de solitario y un juego cooperativo para dos. ... [click here for more]
The 2nd Deck set of the V-Card series that will be associated with future Comix-Blade card games and the games of the like. This deck contains the following data cards that will be assocated with future titles: - 3 Character Cards
- 3 Stage Cards
- 3 Music Cards
- 3 Mini Game Cards ... [click here for more]