Everette Hartsoe's FMF: GUNS AND GIRLS pin-ups are a sexy, colorful mix of photography and digital paintings with a cool bad girl edge. Hartsoe has been creating memorable Bad Girl Art for more than 25 years. ... [click here for more]
This set of exercise cards are an easy way tokeep track of your exercises in any given time period. BE SURE TO CONSULT YOUR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS BEFORE YOU START THIS PROGRAM. USE AT YOUR IWN RISH. ... [click here for more]
This special bundle product contains the following titles.The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0Regular price: $7.75 Bundle price: $4.77 Format: Print-and-Play PDF BUY DIRECT AND SAVE 25% -@- https://www.theshl.org/store/
With the formula contained in the deck of 100 cards found in this set, you’ll be able to run an entire hockey league, complete... [click here for more]
This special bundle product contains the following titles.Hockey Bones Print ARC CardsRegular price: $19.00 Bundle price: $15.00 Format: Card(s) Players of the original Faceoff Hockey will recognize these cards. The ARC cards are used instead of dice to find the assist on goals or fight retaliation ranges.
... Hockey Bones RinkRegular price:... [click here for more]
This is the printed edition of the Action Deck and 1-5 Steps Deck for use with PTG Solo Football. These decks allow you the player no need to roll dice for decision making.
The 1-5 Steps Deck controls offensive and/or defensive play calls. Its entirely up to you how you use this deck.
The Action Deck is the play execution phase. The blocking battles for run and pass plays, random numbers, Z card... [click here for more]