The Guidebook for that most accursed, possibly haunted item, the Windrow-Ravenswood Deck. Long thought lost to the archives of the Ravenswood Institute. This full and complete 396 page guide contains all of the following:
The full list of cards, with their artwork, divinations, correspondences, and historical notes
Guides to methods of reading the deck
Resources for performing spells and other rituals... [click here for more]
Explore the town of Arkham, setting for the beloved Arkham Horror series of tabletop games, in this comprehensive, full-color guide to its people, places and strange goings on…
Witness Arkham like you’re walking its streets, peering into its shadows…
It is the height of the Roaring Twenties. Flappers and young fellas dance the Charleston at raucous jazz clubs gleaming bright with electric lights.... [click here for more]
Oops, the heroes have ruined the story, again. They managed to get Camelot invaded by the peaceful Seelie while King Arthur was at war, to kill teenage Karl Marx while vacationing in Space·Time or to blow up the Magical University where the entire campaign was meant to take place. Also, they have just entered the Unknowable Dungeon of Unspeakable Death, for which you have no maps, or they are due... [click here for more]
In Hobby Games: The 100 Best, the top designers, authors, and publishers in the hobby games field write about the most enjoyable and cleverly designed games of the last fifty years. Their essays cover the gamut of the hobby market, from roleplaying games to collectible card games, and miniatures games to wargames to board games, with titles both familiar and esoteric. These are the games that... [click here for more]
In Family Games: The 100 Best, top game designers and publishers write about the most enjoyable, most cleverly designed titles of the last one hundred years. Their essays cover the spectrum from board games to card games, wargames to miniatures games to role-playing games, including old favorites and little known gems. These are the games that the designers themselves play, the ones that have... [click here for more]