Rogue Deck Tarot: A Card and Dice Game
To find the treasures hidden in the deck you will have to work through all the challenges in your way.
This is a style of games about adventure, chance, discovery, and finding parts of yourself. Mysticism and spiritual belief are not required.
Rogue Deck Tarot is a card and dice game play system designed to be simple,... [click here for more]
Players take on the roles of Politicians and have two agendas each. They are hoping to win the next election/coup and become Leader. They can do that by winning as much Political Clout (think points) as possible during the game. In addition, they are hoping to run the country successfully during the 12 monthly game turns.
Political Clout is used like money to buy cooperation from other players when... [click here for more]
This is the TAROT card size edition. Please see our other titles for the POKER size format. Hyakunin Isshu Karuta / 百人一首かるた
from the classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese waka by one hundred poets.
Hyakunin Isshu can be translated to "one hundred people, one poem [each]"; it can also refer to... [click here for more]