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This is a completely optional card deck for the game Apollo 47. If you buy the POD deck you'll get a PDF of the one page deck-specific rules for Apollo 47.
Use these cards to be reminded that the Moon is a vast surface of basalt and grit mostly devoid of remarkable features.
To use:
Separate out the Prompt cards. Scatter those about to picked up and consult as whim requires.
Take the moonscape... [click here for more] |
The Hutchingsonian Presents-PlaGMaDA |
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Terrible Worm is a solitaire (patience) card game using a 78 card Tarot deck.
Leaders from the four families form armies and fight till only one remains, while putting down bandits, withstanding plagues, facing down madness, enduring unexpected visits from the Pope, and more.
A Round of play represents a year and may have many battle events. Rounds continue until the Seven Provinces are cleared... [click here for more] |
BoswellAN |
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Many cultures use creation stories to explain where humans and gods came from and why the world is the way it is. These examples of ancient stories highlight common themes in creation stories. This game can help teach about these stories, reinforce class lessons, and inspire creativity to think about how we understand the world. These stories exist in many versions and these cards are just a snapshot... [click here for more] |
Creation Card Game |
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A card game inspired by that famous Kickstarter project, personally approved by Zack Danger Brown.
Collect the ingredients to be the first to make your potato salad recipie.
For 2-4 players, 10 minute playing time.
This game is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, and offered here as a free print-and-play download and with no publisher... [click here for more] |
Game Company No. 3 |
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Accusation is a card game for 2-4 players that plays in about 20-30 minutes in which players take on the roles of countries engaged in world events. Players use their country’s assets: military, intelligence, economy, diplomacy, and research to influence the outcome of world events and gain victory points to achieve world domination." It features a high degree of interaction primarily via... [click here for more] |
Brain Good Games |
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Oops, the heroes have ruined the story, again. They managed to get Camelot invaded by the peaceful Seelie while King Arthur was at war, to kill teenage Karl Marx while vacationing in Space·Time or to blow up the Magical University where the entire campaign was meant to take place. Also, they have just entered the Unknowable Dungeon of Unspeakable Death, for which you have no maps, or they are due... [click here for more] |
Space-Time Will Tell |
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Standover is a card game for 2 to 6 players with a bidding (vying ) mechanism.
You are the leader of a criminal gang. You compete to control busineses that you draw income from. But the bids you make are paid to your competitors, so the dynamic tension is in how much you are prepared to pay to control something, knowing that you are actually paying off your enemies for it. At your disposal are hitmen,... [click here for more] |
BoswellAN |
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 Jack Sly - Master jewel thief legendary for capturing the Triade de Diamantes - the nature-defying triplet diamonds.
Since that time, Inspector Gregory Lestrade III has been chasing Jack relentlessly, determined to bring down the thief and live up to his grandfather's legacy.
In this game, you will play either Sly or Lestrade. Players each start with a unique deck of trick-taking... [click here for more] |
Wooden Robot Games |
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 This is a free downloadable poster for the dark solo-adventure, dungeon card game The Castle of Sanguine Blight.
A3 size, two versions of the "title screen": One with the title and one without.
Download, print, share, roll it up and use it to stake a vampire. Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Sorchi Games |
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 People talk about a global conspiracy, about the powers that own the world, but they don’t seem to grasp just how big the world is. How remote parts of the world are. And this isn’t just like, people living in the mountains. We’re talking about places like, Idaho. And Nebraska. There’s a lot of nothing going on over there, and do you think the conspiracies that run the world... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |
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Hey, know how there are no printable Mah Jong decks out there?
This here file fixes that issue. Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Plain Sight Games |
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Land of Medievals is a Medieval Fantasy Print & Play board game with mechanics such as combat, dice rolling and improvement cards.
Fight against fantastic creatures and opponent players, siege enemy castles and become the one and only King of the Land.
Inspired by ancient mythologies the game offers a unique gameplay, you will need to earn Army Units and Improvement cards for your... [click here for more] |
Teamclockworks |
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 In Mutiny: A pirate's jolly game of dice and backstabbing, players take on the roles of 2-6 pirates, trying to horde gold while attempting to escape a steadily sinking ship. In this case, the captain may not go down with the ship, but you can bet everyone else will!
Mutiny was introduced in concept during the 2014 rpggeek.com VirtuaCon digital convention event. At that time it was... [click here for more] |
Wooden Robot Games |
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King of Kings: a card & dice game (Version 3.8)
Overview A competitive strategy card and dice game in which you take on the role of a King - lead your Kingdom into Glorious Battle in pursuit of Righteous Victory!
Requirements A standard deck of playing cards (including Jokers), some 6-sided dice and 2-4 friends
Object of the... [click here for more] |
adrian young games |
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A collection of four Battle Maps (12 inches x 18 inches Posters) for tabletop role-playing or other miniatures-based adventure games. The maps consist of two grassland maps, a dungeon map, and a rocky ground map. Each map includes a one-inch grid.
Print and Play Battle Maps
Download the PDF version of the 12" x 18" Posters, take the PDFs to your local printer and ask them to print the posters... [click here for more] |
WyldFurr |
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Whimsy Cards are a narrative accessory that allow players to add to the story of any tabletop roleplaying game. Distribute one card to each player at the start of play. Players may use them at any time by revealing a card and describing how the current scene or situation changes as a result. The Gamemaster is allowed to suggest modifications and even veto the use of the card, but he... [click here for more] |
Nocturnal Media |
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 RAZE: Lords of Warfare is a military-based tabletop-trading-collectible-lving-story card game that starts in the Stone Age and progresses through time as an alternative history.
RAZE is very similar to Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Yugi-Oh and other card games available on the market and is played liked a tabletop miniatures RPG. For comparison purposes, RAZE is like playing MTG, Pokemon, Yugi-Oh,... [click here for more] |
Zombie 'N' Horde LLC |
Pay What You Want
 RAZE: Lords of Warfare is a military-based tabletop-trading-collectible-lving-story card game that starts in the Stone Age and progresses through time as an alternative history.
RAZE is very similar to Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Yugi-Oh and other card games available on the market and is played liked a tabletop miniatures RPG. For comparison purposes, RAZE is like playing MTG, Pokemon, Yugi-Oh,... [click here for more] |
Zombie 'N' Horde LLC |
Pay What You Want
 RAZE: Lords of Warfare is a military-based tabletop-trading-collectible-lving-story card game that starts in the Stone Age and progresses through time as an alternative history.
RAZE is very similar to Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Yugi-Oh and other card games available on the market and is played liked a tabletop miniatures RPG. For comparison purposes, RAZE is like playing MTG, Pokemon, Yugi-Oh,... [click here for more] |
Zombie 'N' Horde LLC |
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Yes, you are an Archaeologist. You track down antiquities all over the globe. You don’t want trouble, yet trouble always seems to find you. But you are ready for anything with your whip, gun, and lucky hat.
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10 and up. Most games take about 15-30 minutes to play.
Sen So uses a unique set of octagon cards and card holders.... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
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Yes, you are an Archer! You have sharp eyes and a steady hand. Distance is your ally and few can avoid your deadly shots. If you can see the target you can hit it. You have many targets to choose from; it is now just a matter of which one to start with.
The Archer brings 8 unique cards and introduces the full set of Aim cards to Sen So. If you like ranged combat and keeping your foes... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
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 Take on the mantle of the Defender of the Crown and protect your King (and his body double) during the Grand Banquet.
Watch out for assassination attempts and stay away from those troublesome Court Jesters.
Captain of the Guard is a simple card game for Two Players.
It takes 10 to 15 minutes to play and is suitable for all the family.
You will need a standard deck of playing cards with jokers,... [click here for more] |
Plus One Games |
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Custom Card Backs is not a game, but a game supplement for use with Sen So Combat Board Games. It provides custom backs for each of the currently released Sen So variant card sets.
We hope you enjoy these custom backs.
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10 and up. Most games take about 15-30 minutes to play.
Sen So uses a unique set of octagon cards and card... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
Pay What You Want
 In order to play Empyrean Conflict you will also need the
Empyean Conflict Pt.2 Mini-card Deck
Climb aboard your airship, destroy your enemies, and become Lord of the Empyrean in Spare Change Games Empyrean Conflict. 6 airships, 4 rules cards and tuckbox. 2-6 players ages 8+.
* 114 Mini-cards available in Empyrean... [click here for more] |
Spare Change Games |
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Yes, you are a Gladiator! You have two strong arms, one for each weapon. The enemies are new, but this is nothing new, arena combat is your life. The crowd and you grow restless; it is time once again to bask in yet another victory.
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10 and up. Most games take about 15-30 minutes to play.
Sen So uses a unique set of octagon cards and... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
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 The Supernatural Fox
Kitsune-Ken (Fox Fist) is a traditional Japanese hand-gesture game that originated in China. Often played by Samurai, as a drinking game, and Geisha for entertainment, in Kitsune-Ken, a Supernatural Fox (Kitsune) defeats the Village Head (shōya), who defeats the hunter (ryōshi), who defeats the fox.
Fox Becomes Paper
Eventually, Kitsune-Ken made it’s way to Europe and... [click here for more] |
Famed Games |
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This is only the Rulebook for the game. Full Game requires Security Tokens, Tension Deck, and Research Deck, and free digital rulebook.
M.A.D - A game about cold war, hot conflict, and ending the world
This is a strategy game about sneakily building your "Superweapon" to eliminate... [click here for more] |
Pacefactor |
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 Wars of Eagles and Empires is a rule set of division-level Napoleonic engagements. The rules are based on the popular Wars of Ozz system. The Double Random Activation(TM) system and the Reaction Test mechanic give the rules a bit of an old-school feel with new, streamlined mechanics.
This booklet is a supplement for the Mexican-American War. It includes a brief history of... [click here for more] |
BuckSurduPublications |
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The Octagon Combat Arena is not a game, but a game supplement for use with any and all of the Sen So Combat Board Games. The 13”x13” octagon game board is made up of 129 (1 inch) octagons. The octagons are colored to provide the ideal combat space for 2 to 8 players.
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10 and up. Most games take about 15-30 minutes to... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
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Poisoned Chalice is a card game for 2 to 6 players. In it, you are competing nobles at a banquet table. As talk passes around the table you are adding wine (cards) to a shared chalice (common pile). When the chalice is full, the player holding it drinks (wins the trick).
However, as well as wine you can choose to add poison. Not too much (adding up to exactly 31) has no effect, but too much (adding... [click here for more] |
BoswellAN |
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As a big believer in psychological safety in games and simulation, I love the "X" Card.
No point causing traumatic experiences when a few easy actions can reduce the chance of them occurring!
A really great review of some of the tools and techniques can be found at Safety Tools for Tabletop RPGs from Thomas Weinbeger, of Dramadice.
I truly believe in tools such as the “X” card. Although it’s... [click here for more] |
Hounds and Jackals Games and Magic |
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