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PowerMage 54

PowerMage 54

PowerMage 54™ is a stand-alone card game where players use superheroes (known as powermages) to defeat their opponents. Through the strategic use of attack items to decrease points, defense items to block , health items to increase points, powermages’ abilities, and the unique specialty “thump” cards, players slug it out to determine who is the last...   [click here for more]
CLiK Productions LLC  Pay What You Want

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Whimsy Cards

Whimsy Cards

Whimsy Cards are a narrative accessory that allow players to add to the story of any tabletop roleplaying game. Distribute one card to each player at the start of play. Players may use them at any time by revealing a card and describing how the current scene or situation changes as a result. The Gamemaster is allowed to suggest modifications and even veto the use of the card, but he...   [click here for more]
Nocturnal Media  Pay What You Want

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X-Card from Hounds and Jackals - Proceeds will go to Doctors Without Borders

X-Card from Hounds and Jackals - Proceeds will go to Doctors Without Borders

As a big believer in psychological safety in games and simulation, I love the "X" Card. No point causing traumatic experiences when a few easy actions can reduce the chance of them occurring! A really great review of some of the tools and techniques can be found at Safety Tools for Tabletop RPGs from Thomas Weinbeger, of Dramadice. I truly believe in tools such as the “X” card.  Although it’s...   [click here for more]
Hounds and Jackals Games and Magic  Pay What You Want

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  Path of the Necromancer: Anubis Structure Deck