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 !!FIREBALL!! is a fast-paced, point-oriented game that gives you ample opportunities to plan ahead, mess with other players, and/or cause total chaos. It is simple to learn, dificult to master, and highly competitive! Almost anyone can learn to play within a few minutes, and works well in any enviroment due to the small number of cards!
The game is theme around being a bunch of wizards trying to build... [click here for more] |
Pacefactor |
12 Poka Dots is a game like Dominos, 1-4 players, 2 very easy solitaire games, Pappy's game with strategies. All ages. Play with skills or without. 28 regular U.S. Poker sizeed cards come wrapped in a shrink wrap band.
(You will need a glue glue to make this game tactical.) ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 24 PUNCH CARD GAME is Fun for All Ages and Groups.
There are 60 cards in a deck with 48 cards numbered from 1 thru 12 in the set of 12 cards in the colors of Orange, Purple, Green, Blue and Gold. The 24 PUNCH card cover is designed in 2D with multiple colors, Red, Purple, Yellow, Green and Blue with the number (24) and the word (PUNCH).
Special Cards are 6 Punch Cards... [click here for more] |
$17.95 $12.99

This special bundle product contains the following titles.
BLANK HEX MAPS IN DIFFERENT SIZES AND FORMATS VOLUME 1 Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $0.30 Format: Watermarked PDF
7 Blank Hex Sheets Whitefilled and Supplied in PDF Format.
A3 Sized
60 X 40 Hexes with placement grids drawn if you want to use them.
60 X 40 (Light Blue Covered ) Hexes with... [click here for more] |
Obscure Battles |
$151.76 $14.99
 7:7 - The Inverted Sepulcher is a versatile dying card game set in a dying world. You can play solo, play against an enemy with a deck for each player, or even use the cards as a Mork Borg Compatible adventure with pre-made characters (Scum), Monsters, Locations to explore, and Equipment and Omens to reward your players!
Each turn, you'll make risky decisions about whether to fight or flee, which... [click here for more] |
Haunted Hall Games |
 7:7 - The Whispering Grove is a versatile dying card game set in a dying world. You can play solo, play against an enemy with a deck for each player, or even use the cards as a Mork Borg Compatible adventure with pre-made characters (Scum), Monsters, Locations to explore, and Equipment and Omens to reward your players!
Each turn, you'll make risky decisions about whether to fight or flee, which dangerous... [click here for more] |
Haunted Hall Games |
Comprehensive rulebook for the 7th Sea: City of Five Sails Base Set card game. ... [click here for more] |
Pine Box Entertainment |
7th Sea City of Five Sails learn to play book for the Base Set card game. ... [click here for more] |
Pine Box Entertainment |
 7th Sea: City of Five Sails City Deck update (Digital version). This PDF is for the City Deck cards being used at Gen Con 2024 and releasing in 2025 with the Fate & Fortune expansion. ... [click here for more] |
Pine Box Entertainment |
7SFS Kickstarter Backer pdf delivery updated on March 13, 2023.
This is for the 7SFS Learn to Play Book, Comprehensive Rulebook, and Print and Play cards for you to print out and back for personal use.
https://pineboxentertainment.pledgemanager.com/projects/7th-sea/participate/ ... [click here for more] |
Pine Box Entertainment |
7th Sea: City of Five Sails Tooth & Claw expansion (Digital version). Physical version ships in July 2024.
This listing is for players interested in the digital files only for Tooth & Claw.
All out war has broken out in the City of Five Sails! The scheming Don Constanzo and his fate witches have successfully pitted each and every faction against the other. Now, each desperate leader must... [click here for more] |
Pine Box Entertainment |

3-4 Players | 30-45 Minutes | Illustrations: Kevin Lan | Design: John Clowdus
8 Gates is a tile laying and hand building card game for three or four players.
Players will draw and place Gate cards in the middle, next to existing Gate cards to trigger abilities and score points, depending on where the Gate card is placed. Each player has a single opportunity to have a double turn,... [click here for more] |
Small Box Games |
 WISE QUOTES + NAUGHTY CARDS = FUNNY S#!T ... [click here for more] |
Bionic Beaver Games |
 Stanley Schusters „A Game of Swords and Shields“ ist ein rundenbasiertes, kompetitives Deckbuilding-Kartenspiel für 2 Spieler ab 12 Jahren. Eine Spielrunde dauert etwa 30 bis 60 Minuten und jede Runde besitzt einen hohen Wiederspielwert. Es geht dabei weniger um Glück und Zufall als vielmehr um Strategie und darum die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Die Spielmechanik und... [click here for more] |
StenChuGames |
 Stanley Schuster's "A Game of Swords and Shields" is a turn based competitive deck building card battle game for 2 players from age 12. It lasts about 30 to 60 minutes and has a high replayability. It is less about luck and chance as about strategy and decisions. Its game mechanic and the fact, that you can apply card effects on almost any faced up card, will give you a very... [click here for more] |
StenChuGames |
 Action Expansion for Super Awesome Monster Cuddle Party!
You’re all awesome monsters who just want to cuddle the young’uns! And why wouldn’t you, they’re so cute! This expansion pack allows for players to create their own actions for the 6 monsters in the original game!
The Action Expansion Pack includes 6 regular cards for players to write in their own actions; one for each monster in the... [click here for more] |
Jack of Peace Games |
 Some Games one may play using the African Royalty Games Decks:
1. Play the Military Game known as Pug
2. Teach Mathematics to youth
3. Practice Shuffeling to show off to friends/family
4. Play Black-Jack/21...Disclaimer: The Royal Family of African Royalty Games does not promote gambling. If you or a loved one are suffering from a gambling adddiction then please seek aid.... [click here for more] |
African Royalty Games |

A catastrophic earthquake has struck the city. Save as many patients as you can before the hospital collapses!
After the Disaster: Triage is a solitaire game where you determine who will survive the aftermath of a terrible earthquake. As the disaster coordinator, manage your staff in admitting and healing patients, siphoning diesel for the generator, and keeping the hospital intact... [click here for more] |
Studio Tectorum |

AGAÞI (AG-ATH-EE) is a fast-paced duelling game played by ruffians in the underbelly of the arena. Using a simultaneous play, players have to out-think and out-manoeuvre their opponents to claim victory! ... [click here for more] |
Incunabula |
 Become a top-tier secret agent in Agent Challenge, a thrilling card game of skill, strategy, and surprises!
The Objective: Be the first to score 11 challenge points, proving your mastery of espionage.
Choose an agent and use their special ability to your best advantage.
Pick your challenge, complete it, upgrade your agent's skills!
Players: 2-4, Ages: 12+, Play time: 30-60 minutes.
Detailed instructions... [click here for more] |
Disintegrator, LLC. |
$19.95 $14.95
 Tus compañeros y tú os habéis atrincherado en un edificio escapando de la horda de zombis, pero os han seguido el rastro. Ahora toca defenderlo con uñas, dientes y cualquier cosa que os encontréis antes de que los zombis atraviesen la puerta principal.
En este juego de tablero, debes frenar el avance de los zombis, que irán apareciendo desde un extremo del tablero. Si los zombis llegan al otro... [click here for more] |
Midgard Ediciones |
 Dementia, Preschool
Airplanes - A very versatile game deck for various levels of dementia, memory training, and for preschoolers. There are four different airplanes, each a separate color and size. Can be played alone by matching the front of the plane with the back of the plane. For 1-4 players, several different directions come with this deck.There... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 A fun & fast game of strategy. School age kids to adults will enjoy this game. ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 Rules for the ALL HALLOWS EVE card game! ... [click here for more] |
Epic Age Media |
 ATZ : End of Days Card Deck Speed up play!
This 54-card deck covers all the Areas found in All Things Zombie – End of Days. Easy to use, the deck generates the Building you've found, Who or What you’ve met and much more. Here’s how we do it:
· Flip a Knock, Knock Card to see what Building you’ve found.
· Determine how many PEFs (Possible Enemy Forces) you must resolve... [click here for more] |
Rebel Minis |
 Ambyria: Legends of Ember is a stand alone card game, where players compete to win ember stones. ... [click here for more] |
Paw-Warrior Games |
 You can make this game super simple for the younger set medium for the average "Joe", or increditbly hard for the "brainiacs". Your choice everytime you play this game. ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 Anxiety is a beast. Try to survive and thrive while enduring breathing difficulties, sleeplessness, and intense worry and dread. Try to get through the entire deck without your Panic Level reaching 20 to win the game!
This is a solitaire card game that takes 15-30 minutes to play. 2-5 player cooperative rules are available.
All icons from www.game-icons.net CC BY 3.0 ... [click here for more] |
David Libby |

Archfiend is a competitive card game for two to four players. Players enter the game as one of the four fiends and fight to become the leader of the Archfiend's military forces. Card collecting games are fun, but they can be expensive and complicated. Archfiend is a simpler experience if you're having a family game night or even if you're a seasoned gamer who wants to play a few impromptu rounds without... [click here for more] |
Collins Games |
 This is a complete deck replacement for your Argute card game. ... [click here for more] |
Seattle GameCo |
 Travel to the outer reaches of the solar system and establish your own asteroid base in this fast-paced card game. Work quickly to complete your base before your competitors do.
The Objective: Be the first to score 25 points, by building the most impressive asteroid base!
Build, trade, and avoid meteors!
Players: 2-4, Ages: 12+, Play time: 15-30 minutes.
Detailed instructions in PDF format.
Print... [click here for more] |
Disintegrator, LLC. |
$19.95 $14.95
Contains two six card decks, two coins, and the rules to a game called Tric. ... [click here for more] |
Loca Games |
The Ator Tarot is a 78-card standard Tarot deck, from GlowInTheDark Press. Overall, the Ator Tarot is a charming, non-threatening and straightforward deck that has re-made, but still kept, the essence of the Rider-Waite-Smith symbols.
The simplicity and humor of the little blobby-nosed characters on these cards make it an appropriate deck for children to use, yet still suitable for all skill... [click here for more] |
GlowInTheDark Press |
Our Island Time Wellness Awakening Oracle Cards help you gain insight and clarity into your spiritual awakening! This deck contains 36 Awakening Oracle Cards that will assist you in breaking through to new levels of understanding in all of your relationships-... [click here for more] |
Island Time Wellness |
$10.00 $3.00
 We're so stoked to bring you our Island Time Wellness Awakening Oracle Cards Double Deck! It contains our two newest decks that are designed to go together. The Transformation Oracle Deck and the Relationship Picture Cards Deck.
Our Island Time Wellness Awakening Oracle Cards help you gain insight and clarity into your spiritual awakening and relationships (yes, even the one with yourself). Deck one... [click here for more] |
Island Time Wellness |
$10.00 $3.00
 We're so stoked to bring you our Island Time Wellness Awakening Oracle Cards Double Deck! It contains our two newest decks that are designed to go together. The Transformation Oracle Deck and the Relationship Picture Cards Deck.
Our Island Time Wellness Awakening Oracle Cards help you gain insight and clarity into your spiritual awakening and relationships (yes, even the one with yourself). Deck one... [click here for more] |
Island Time Wellness |
$10.00 $3.00
 A real-time dexterity game about pirates sneakily trading treasure behind their captain's back!
The game pits one visually impaired Captain against his mutinous Crew. The Crew try to exchange Treasure Cards, but if the Captain sees them, he shoots them at point blank range. If each Crewmember (living and dead) simultaneously reveals a complete set of 4 identical Treasure Cards, the... [click here for more] |
Bad Guy Board Games |
 FAMILY - especially helpful in learning some rules of the game.
B-Ball (Basketball 2-4 players, NO skill required). 42 regular U.S. Poker sized cards wrapped with a one inche cellephane band.
Incredible life rules from Southeast Missouri State University Women's basketball coach, Reka Patterson, on the backs! ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
 A beautiful Card Game of Art images to add a bit of allure and intrigue to your gaming experience. A must-have for Playing Card Collectors. Featuring 54 unique FULL-COLOR images.
Everette Hartsoe has been creating memorable Bad Girl Art for more than 25 years. ... [click here for more] |
House of Hartsoe |
 Baraja de Cartas de Oráculo del Amor #1 PDF Tamaño Póker Blanco A4 + Lectura del Tarot de los Estados Unidos Tiempo de Bienestar Llama Gemela Barajas de Almas Gemelas Asequible
Esta es una descarga digital. No hay tarjetas se enviará a usted. Se incluyen 8,5 x 11 tamaño de la carta de EE.UU. y A4 Europa con los gráficos (sin dorsos).
Se trata de 6 páginas de cartas de oráculo del amor... [click here for more] |
Island Time Wellness |
$10.00 $4.00
Bard is a casual game for 2-4 players. Build your hand to increase your score. Carefully choose which cards to keep and which cards to lose. Its simple gameplay makes it easy to learn while its unique deck and scoring creates a memorable experience. The game consists of one 72-card deck, tuckbox included. Rules available for download.
Visit us on Facebook @bardsearaven
Twitter @searaven_game ... [click here for more] |
Sea Raven Games |
 This deck contains a pyramid style set of rainbow numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 rainbow star cards.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
A game of Poetry for 1-4 players
Enjoy 70 of Mashuo Basho's best-known poems in a contemporary form - and spend some quality time with friends and family playing a card game.
Your copy of this card deck consists of 70 unique cards, each depicting an interpretation of one of Basho's poems on the front
and... [click here for more] |
Stefan Grossmann |
$9.00 $6.00
![Basho's Haiku - A game of Japanese Poetry [Anime Edition]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/26462/475959-thumb140.jpg) Bashō’s
[Anime Edition]
A game of Poetry for 1-4 players
Enjoy 70 of Mashuo Basho's best-known poems in a contemporary form - and spend some quality time with friends and family playing a card game.
Your copy of this card deck consists of 70 unique cards, each depicting an interpretation of one of Basho's poems on... [click here for more] |
Stefan Grossmann |
$9.00 $6.00
BAT (2-4 players) Fast moving fun game. Simple to learn but hard to master! A must for family nights, trips, airport waiting rooms, and rainy days. ... [click here for more] |
Linda L Culbreth |
Try to be the first player to rid of all of the bats in your belfry with clever play of cards and making the most of opportunity as it arrives! Easy to carry and playable anywhere you might find yourself!
84 cards with tuck box and rules cards included!
REMEMBER YOUR CUSTOMER NUMBER! Why? So you can possibly win a Starbucks gift card! Contest is though October 15th. Winner will be announced... [click here for more] |
Spare Change Games |
Try to be the first player to rid of all of the bats in your belfry with clever play of cards and making the most of opportunity as it arrives! Easy to carry and playable anywhere you might find yourself!
84 cards rules cards included! $1 plastic box optional (although we do recommend it). ... [click here for more] |
Spare Change Games |
A collection of four Battle Maps (12 inches x 18 inches Posters) for tabletop role-playing or other miniatures-based adventure games. The maps consist of two grassland maps, a dungeon map, and a rocky ground map. Each map includes a one-inch grid.
Print and Play Battle Maps
Download the PDF version of the 12" x 18" Posters, take the PDFs to your local printer and ask them to print the posters... [click here for more] |
WyldFurr |
Pay What You Want
 The elemental planes have converged, forming a new, uncontrolled world. Now begins the battle for control of this new world: The Battle of the Convergence
Join forces with the Plane of Air, blowing away the competition. Teach them to fear the oncoming storm.
Rulebook available for free on DrivethruRPG or DriveThruCards ... [click here for more] |
Mind Master Games |
 The elemental planes have converged, forming a new, uncontrolled world. Now begins the battle for control of this new world: The Battle of the Convergence.
Control the forces of the Plane of Fire in the battle for dominance of the convergent world. Burn your opponents, turn all who stand in your way to ash. Nothing will stop the spread of your fire.
Rulebook available for free on DrivethruRPG or... [click here for more] |
Mind Master Games |