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 What's Your Favorite? is the creation of 2 dads based on a game they play with their kids at the pool. They would ask "What's Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor (for example)?" and the kids would jump into the pool screaming their favorite ice cream flavor. The kids (ranging in age from 7 to 11 at the time) loved the game and still do. As a result the "What's Your Favorite" card game was born.
Do you... [click here for more] |
2FunDads |
$7.99 $6.90
 The story of the conflict between Orcs & Wizards is almost as old and the battle of the elements. In Orcs & Wizards you will have the opportunity to build an army and then when you feel the time is right, declare war. The style of the game play changes to let your armies battle it out.
Orcs & Wizards is a duel phased strategy card game for 2-4 players. The object of the... [click here for more] |
$1.99 $0.99
 That's Beez Wax is an exciting points based card game for 3-6 players. Everyone will anxiously try to empty their hand while covering up dishonest plays. Take turns playing cards faced down in sequence. All plays are called out as players build "The Hive." Hiding among the combs is a mad Hornet terrorizing the colony. Bee careful not to get caught concealing this villian as he will sting you!... [click here for more] |
$10.99 $8.99
 Dive into a world of enchantment and embark on an extraordinary card game adventure! Get ready to immerse yourself in the whimsical realm of fantasy with this captivating twist on the beloved classic, Go Fish. This deck of 52 cards showcases orginal fantasy art by Brent Barnett. Enjoy playing together as a family or add as a fun addition to your next campaign. Regardless where you play, it will be... [click here for more] |
abrentis Gaming |

Questa è l'edizione del Player 1, versione italiana, di Dragon Fighters: Dragon Cards. Il retro di queste carte è monocromatico.
Ricorda sempre: ogni giocatore ha bisogno di un set di carte per poter giocare a questo gioco. Non è obbligatorio che ogni giocatore possegga un mazzo del Giocatore 1 e del Giocatore 2, ma dato che il retro di questi mazzi è diverso... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |

Questa è l'edizione del Player 2, versione italiana, di Dragon Fighters: Dragon Cards. Il retro di queste carte è dorato.
Ricorda sempre: ogni giocatore ha bisogno di un set di carte per poter giocare a questo gioco. Non è obbligatorio che ogni giocatore possegga un mazzo del Giocatore 1 e del Giocatore 2, ma dato che il retro di questi mazzi è diverso (monocromatico... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
 Halloween Haul is a fast and fun card game where players grab as much candy as they can! ... [click here for more] |
Adam Lane |
 BRCSD970 – The Art of Kaiju Kaos - Coloring Book #1
Contains black & white illustrations of the following characters:
Earwig the Battler Beetle vs. Orcco the Orchid Titan by Joseph Whiteford
Sauro, Anconian Confederation Sharpshooter by Jimmy Rommel
Darkrider, Raven, and Beng-Arii Syndicate soldiers by Clint Basinger
Dr. Kaos, Beng-Arii Syndicate Evil Scientist by Clint Basinger
Naja... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
 BRCSD971 – The Art of Kaiju Kaos - Coloring Book #2: Drawlloween 2015
Contains black & white illustrations of the following characters:
Haunted House
The Creature
8-Bit Zombie
Black Cat
This... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
 This deck contains a pyramid style set of black numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 black star cards.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
 This deck contains a pyramid style set of rainbow numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 rainbow star cards.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
 This deck contains rainbow colored numbers from 1-10. 5 of each number and 2 each of combo cards 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, and 9/10.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
Hubbly Bubbly Brew is a playful potion brewing card game for 2-4 players in which magical ingredients have to be combined into powerful concoctions. You are a student at Madam Pompadour's School of Magical Mixing. All magical creatures come to her School to study the art of potion crafting.... [click here for more] |
Black Zeppelin |
 Song Stump is the world's easiest song title trivia game.
Created Bloat Games to have a game easy enough to play while driving to conventions, Song Stump is perfect for the kitchen table, in the car, at the bar, while gathered around a campfire, or whatever location you find yourself in.
To play Song Stump, a player simply flips the card and reads the description... [click here for more] |
Bloat Games |
 Hand-illustrated storytelling prompts - shuffle the deck and tell a story!
Everyone loves a good story. This simple game uses bright, whimsical illustrations as storytelling prompts. Draw a few cards and see if you can “connect the dots” to construct a compelling narrative.
Science has shown that telling a story is the most powerful way to activate our brains. It’s the fundamental... [click here for more] |
Bridgeforth Design |
Contemporary Bible trading cards presenting scripture and images that kids will love to collect . . . Great for churches and homeschooling families!
These decks consists of 107 individual cards featuring Characters, Events, and Items from the Bible. Each card is illustrated and has an accompanying quote from the International Children's Bible. Kids enjoy collecting and trading with... [click here for more] |
Broken Arise Books |
 A family-friendly card game with a quick playtime featuring whimsical animals dancing in a unique art style. Each game typically takes around 5-15 minutes.
The game is optimized for 4-6 players, but also includes alternative rules with a Solo Mode and a Party Mode (for up to 10 players).
Game Mechanics
The gameplay is incredibly... [click here for more] |
Burley Games |
Christian Ahlin |
 Otters is a quick, kid-friendly card game for 2 players ages 6 and up. Players take turns sending otters from their hand to the lake playgrounds on the board, playing 2 cards per turn. If you add enough otters to a playground to fill it up, you win that playground! Whoever has the most valuable collection of playgrounds at the end of the game is the winner.
Most of the game is... [click here for more] |
Clay Crucible Games |
 Concolorans is an easy & entertaining game of matching colors and shapes.
There are four Shape Families: Curves, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, & Stars.
Each Shape Families has four Shapes.
Curves: Ellipse, Circle, Semi-Circle, & Crescent
Triangles: Equilateral Triangle, Isosceles Triangle, Right Triangle, & Scalene Triangle
Quadrilaterals: Square, Rectangle, Rhombus, &... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
 Dominos is a classic game, which many grew up playing.
The typical domino set is bulky and the pips (dots) are often small.
This deck has the numeral, as well as the pips, in addition to the number word written.
It is a great set for learning and reinforcing numbers.
This card variation of the classic game has larger pips, so that those with failing eyesight can see the dominos easier.
This... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
 Construct Shapes. Conform Colors. Collect Points. Win the Game.
Build the shape with the most sides and match the colors up for extra points.
This fun, easy-to-learn game provides entertainment for the whole family while teaching children basic shapes and colors.
Multiple rule variants provide varying levels of challenge for players with different degrees of skill.
The Rulebook comes with... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
The classic game of outwitting and outguessing your opponent has evolved!
In the Super RPS strategic card game, you represent one of these three elemental forces in a duel of wits, using all of your cunning to manipulate them into exposing themselves to your ruthless attack.
Slice, crush, and smother your enemies in a game of shifting fortunes and short-lived alliances.
The Rulebook gets you... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
Cloven Fruit Games |
 It is raining! And the kids want to play tag... But that Ming vase seems a bit precariously placed for such indoor rowdiness. The solution is "TAG! You're IT", the card of… well, tag.
Players secretly pass cards t other players, attempting to sluff off the IT card. The IT card can be avoided, by use of the Dodge card. Quick to learn and fun to play.
One card is marked IT, some... [click here for more] |
Cloven Fruit Games |
 A complete collection of Tarot cards based off of the MMO Game, Generation Prognosis! With 21 choices ahead, each choice leaving it's own calling card collection. Fate doesn't choose everyone but a rare glimpse of what's too come can certainly make or break your own little reality! ... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
 The 1st Deck set of the V-Card series that will be associated with future Comix-Blade cad games and the games of the like. This deck contains the following data cards that will be assocated with future titles: - 3 Character Cards
- 3 Stage Cards
- 3 Music Cards
- 3 Mini Game Cards
... [click here for more] |
Comix-Blade |
Pay What You Want
 Collect animal pairs and learn the alphabet ... just don't get stuck holding Albert!
Learning the ABCs is fun with the Alphabetimals! In this beautifully-illustrated take on "Old Maid", players pair letter-shaped animals with their adorable lower-case babies, while trying to avoid getting stuck with Albert.
Bonus: Take out Albert and spread the cards out face-down... [click here for more] |
David L. Hoyt Puzzles and Games |
 Palabras de Navidad es un juego de palabras con el espíritu navideño. Dale una carta a otro jugador, haz una palabra más larga y ambos ganarán puntos.
Las letras aparecen con la frecuencia con la que aparecen en español.
Hay reglas para adultos y niños, y también un juego de solitario y un juego cooperativo para dos. ... [click here for more] |
Dean Howard |
Pay What You Want
Discover a New Era of Gaming with Pokedes!:)
Transform your life with Pokedes, the revolutionary card game that blends the excitement of traditional gaming with real-world activities and rewards. Created by Grandmaster Radan Chrobok, Pokedes challenges you to not only play but to grow and thrive through positive actions and knowledge. Are you ready to overcome your inner demons?
**Why Pokedes?**
-... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Paper Toss is a fast, fun, new card game where players compete to deliver the most newspapers on their paper route.
Paper Toss can be played by 2 to 6 players in anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes (more players make longer games), and the rules are very simple and easy to learn, making it suitable for ages 5 and up. NOTE: You'll need to supply tokens (pennies, poker chips, whatever you... [click here for more] |
Endymion Games |
 Olá, este é um projeto para um trabalho da nossa faculdade, ele consiste em um jogo para amigos e para a familia, o jogo tem a ideia de educar sobre a reciclagem. Aceitamos criticas e dicas para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, obrigado. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello, this is a project for a work at our college, it consists of a game... [click here for more] |
Equipe B.E.S |
The Story: It is the dawn of man. You are a cave dweller. Stones mean everything to you. Your Goal: Get all the stones you can. How do you do that? Any way you can. ... [click here for more] |
Frugal Mule Games |
 SHO SHO DINOSAUR Card Game is Fun for Ages 5 - 8 years & Older.
Sold as a Paper Card Deck Product: Includes 26 cards divided into the colors of; Green, Red, Gold, Purple, and bordered by Black and a Black cover with Dinosaurs.
Key Cards: Play Cards are designed with four Dinosaurs cards in sets of 4 equaling to 16 in all. The colors are Green, Gold, Purple and Red .
Special... [click here for more] |
$7.00 $5.30
A card game inspired by that famous Kickstarter project, personally approved by Zack Danger Brown.
Collect the ingredients to be the first to make your potato salad recipie.
For 2-4 players, 10 minute playing time.
This game is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, and offered here as a free print-and-play download and with no publisher... [click here for more] |
Game Company No. 3 |
Pay What You Want
RPGs involve a lot of improvisation. Because of this, sometimes things can go in unplanned directions.
People are complicated things. Sometimes they have something that they're not happy dealing with, even in a fictional context.
These two factors can sometimes combine to cause what should be a fun activity to turn into something decidedly unfun. Maybe things go too far, and the game gets derailed.... [click here for more] |
Games 4 Geeks |
 Wild West word games for everyone from little varmints to steely-eyed gunslingers. This finely crafted deck can be used to play most Poker variants by replacing sets like Full Houses and Flushes with high-falutin’ words.
Seven custom games have been designed expressly for this deck.
... [click here for more] |
Games For Bryan |
$9.99 $9.95
 UTOPIAN CHESS FOR KIDS is a chess derivative designed for grade school boys and girls, ages 10 and up, whose parents are interested in their children learning chess, or seeking a quick-play chess method where a game may be played in a short period of time. The 72-card-chess deck includes seven rules cards with descriptions and diagrams of chess moves for beginners. The 65 full-color chess cards,... [click here for more] |
 UTOPIAN CHESS FOR KIDS is a chess derivative designed for grade school boys and girls, ages 10 and up, whose parents are interested in their children learning chess, or seeking a quick-play chess method where a game may be played in a short period of time. The 72-card-chess deck includes seven rules cards with descriptions and diagrams of chess moves for beginners. The 65 full-color chess cards,... [click here for more] |
 Earth has begun to colonize the vastness of space, and we are not alone. The Star Elders, its self appointed guardians, have put Earth beneath their watchful eye gauging their threat to the galaxies. The Blight continues to terrorize everyone, and the Neutral Zone just won't listen to reason.
This stand alone game is a great pick up game, combining the easy play of crazy eights with the strategic... [click here for more] |
Gifted Vision inc |
 The newest release from Morton's List co-creator, Ninja Nate (Nathan I. N. J. Andren) . . .
88 PHOTO CARDS Spark 1-minute stories around tables and campfires
Everyone, especially you, is walking around with a gold mine of stories in their heads. Fact is,... [click here for more] |
GivinGames |
The Ator Tarot is a 78-card standard Tarot deck, from GlowInTheDark Press. Overall, the Ator Tarot is a charming, non-threatening and straightforward deck that has re-made, but still kept, the essence of the Rider-Waite-Smith symbols.
The simplicity and humor of the little blobby-nosed characters on these cards make it an appropriate deck for children to use, yet still suitable for all skill... [click here for more] |
GlowInTheDark Press |
 Color Zero is a cooperative game for 1-8 players. The game is best described as "Cooperative Uno," and the goal is to end the game with all players having 0 cards in hand. Most cards have an effect that do something. The challenge comes with successfully managing this with the effect of some cards that do not let them be traded, given, or discarded. If an effect cannot resolve completely and legally,... [click here for more] |
Gordian Knot Games LLC. |
Pay What You Want
 Control the elements.
Build an empire.
Objective: Build the strongest empire, capture the opposition and protect your home. Control pairs of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water elements. Use tactical and strategic game mechanics to maintain a stronghold that leads to victory! The most advanced level negotiates an additional 5th element - Spirit.
3 challenge... [click here for more] |
Illuminating the Best |
 C-QNS is an abstract strategy game, where every card you place presents your opponents with opportunities! You're trying to get rid of your cards by laying out combos of connected numbers, but what you don't use, your opponents can! Designed to teach patterns and numbers, C-QNS is a great family game designed to be accessible and fast!
Small, separate decks
Emergent strategies
Combo out to win!
To... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |
 Everyone's played that classic game of connecting pipes before the water starts to flow. You need to make sure you can get the water from one point to another, urgently juggling pipe sections and keeping an eye on the clock!
But what if you weren't just racing the clock, but other plumbers?
In the tradition of Water Works, Downspout is a pipe-laying... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |
Foxtail is a very fuzzy card game, where you'll help your cute fox friend grow a long. lovely tail. Make patterns from the seasonal card symbols to score points, or grow your own way to make the tail you think is prettiest.
Foxtail is a restful, meditative card game for players of all ages, It focuses less on victory,... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |
![Foxtail ~Four Seasons Bundle~ [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/9145/188083-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Foxtail ~Autumn~ Regular price: $15.00 Bundle price: $15.00 Format: Card(s) Foxtail is a very fuzzy card game, where you'll help your cute fox friend grow a long. lovely tail. Make patterns from the seasonal card symbols to score points, or grow your own way to make the tail you think is prettiest.
Foxtail... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |
$60.00 $42.03
 Foxtail is a very fuzzy card game, where you'll help your cute fox friend grow a long. lovely tail. Make patterns from the seasonal card symbols to score points, or grow your own way to make the tail you think is prettiest.
Foxtail is a restful, meditative card game for players of all ages, It focuses less on victory,... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |
 Foxtail is a very fuzzy card game, where you'll help your cute fox friend grow a long. lovely tail. Make patterns from the seasonal card symbols to score points, or grow your own way to make the tail you think is prettiest.
Foxtail is a restful, meditative card game for players of all ages, It focuses less on victory,... [click here for more] |
Invincible Ink |