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 !!FIREBALL!! is a fast-paced, point-oriented game that gives you ample opportunities to plan ahead, mess with other players, and/or cause total chaos. It is simple to learn, dificult to master, and highly competitive! Almost anyone can learn to play within a few minutes, and works well in any enviroment due to the small number of cards!
The game is theme around being a bunch of wizards trying to build... [click here for more] |
Pacefactor |
 Printable pdf 2 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement. ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 2 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement. ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
Devious Weasel Games |
 Printable pdf 4 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement. ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 4 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement. ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 52 Horror Game Hooks to Start Your Story
This deck of cards is 52 Horror Game Hooks to Start Your Story. We have created a set of beautifully designed cards each with one horror story hook.
There are enough cards that you can use one a week for an entire year or use several in a session to really up the tension of making your players choose which direction to go.
They work great for... [click here for more] |
Hero Level Games |
Fantasy Backpack Cards
When you look at your character sheet and see "Burglar's Backpack," do you need to look it up in the book each and every time? This deck has seven cards for each of the seven backpacks from the Fifth Edition of DnD.
Burglar's Pack
Diplomat's Pack
Dungeoneer's Pack
Entertainer's Pack
Explorer's Pack
Priest's Pack
Scholar's Pack
The back of each card shows an illustration of... [click here for more] |
Dread Unicorn Games, LLC |
 Printable pdf 6 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Collect other space station sets to form a huge battle area! ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 6 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Collect other space station sets to form a huge battle area! ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 6 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement. ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 6 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement. ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 6 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement. ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 6 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement. ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 6 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement. ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 This is a deck of cards with seven faces on seven suits.
I've designed a few card games using this basic structure and found it to be a very fun format. It's pretty handy to have "generic" deck, so I wanted to share it with you, too. Below are printed samples of the cards. (Right-click and view image to see them up close.) Please note that these are JUST cards, not a game... [click here for more] |
Smart Play Games |
$7.99 $7.74
 Printable pdf 8 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement. ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 9 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement. ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 9 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Color coded areas for water and high/low ground (your decision) ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 9 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Collect other space station sets to form a huge battle area! ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 9 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Collect other space station sets to form a huge battle area! ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 9 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Collect other space station sets to form a huge battle area! ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 9 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Collect other space station sets to form a huge battle area! ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 9 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Collect other space station sets to form a huge battle area! ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 9 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Collect other space station sets to form a huge battle area! ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 9 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Collect other space station sets to form a huge battle area! ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 9 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Collect other space station sets to form a huge battle area! ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
 Printable pdf 9 11x 17 sheet tabletop battlemap for any game rpg system. You supply the story, I just made a map to kick butt on for your game group! 1 inch square grid for easy movement.
Collect other space station sets to form a huge battle area! ... [click here for more] |
Smif Ink Games |
Invent games, add new depths to old favourites, or simply mix it up by using different suits and colours with this flexible extended playing card deck.
With 5 new suits and 4 new face cards, the possibilities are endless!
New suits and colour
The deck contains 9 suits, in 3 colours, with 17 cards per suit. In addition to the 4 traditional playing card suits (hearts, diamonds, spades, and clubs),... [click here for more] |
Tau Games |
 A deck of 52 poker cards and 2 jokers themed around what you might find in a general store in an rpg. ... [click here for more] |
Jessie Clark |
A Deck of Cards like no other!
What are the Equipment Cards?
During the creation process equipping a character can be a time-consuming task. To speed the process up, the ABP will include 34 different backpack options that include basic and expert dungeon backpacks, basic and expert overland backpacks and class related backpacks. Each backpack comes equipped with what your character needs to... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
 Den här kortleken innehåller kort med namn på personer, platser och organisationer, lämpliga att använda till science fiction-rollspel. Namnen är hämtade från en stor variation av namnkulturer, ofta med person- och familjenamn från två olika kulturer. Varje kort har två sidor, med ett namn på varje. Vita kort har ett mans- och ett kvinnonamn (eller könsneutrala namn), svarta... [click here for more] |
Simon Pettersson |
Yes, you are an Alien! All you need to know: Is it a predator or prey? You will send in a spawnling to find out. If it is prey, then this battle will be over quickly. If it is a threat, then caution and strategy may be required to take it down. Either way you will be the last thing standing when the acid blood is done spraying.
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
Pay What You Want
Alien Worlds is a Solar System Builder that provides a simple and detailed way to generate relistic solar systems. It is a full colour illustrated artwork of planets, it provides refrence for anybody who needs to create their own solar systems. ... [click here for more] |
Killer Goblin Publishing |
 Finally, playing cards designed for euro gamers. This is basically a 54-card deck (including 2 jokers) without the standard 'medieval' theme which can be a distraction when playing non-traditional card games. The design also incorporates a 'stealth dice' feature if you want to use the deck as a D6.
... [click here for more] |
Tacoma Boy |
Pay What You Want
 The Ammo Counter Cards are card-shaped markers that allow you to keep track of your character's ammunition supply easily and without erasing. Less paperwork and more fun!
Using the cards is straightforward: each player takes as many cards as they have ammunition for their character. When it comes to combat, a card must be discarded for each shot fired. If players manage to acquire... [click here for more] |
Lazarus |
$5.99 $4.99
An encounter deck for Amulet at Watcher's Pool!
This deck contains all stat blocks used in Amulet at Watcher's Pool and can be used to make running the game easier!
... [click here for more] |
T.M. van Dalen RPG |
 Portraits is a card-based role-playing game designed to be printed, then run from your home or any other venue with multiple rooms. Invitations and stationery templates are provided, along with guidelines for event planning, decorations, signage for the rooms, suggested helpful other items to use, and what to do for cancellations and other changes.
This... [click here for more] |
Vicarious Games |

Anatman är ett kortbaserat rollspel om identitet. I en nära framtid där hjärnans källkod är avkodad har vi lärt oss att skriva, att läsa och att radera information i neuroner. När dina minnen, dina kunskaper, din personlighet och dina djupaste övertygelser kan skrivas över, av dig själv eller av någon annan, vad innebär detta för vem du är? För hur samhället... [click here for more] |
Simon Pettersson |
Yes, you are an Archaeologist. You track down antiquities all over the globe. You don’t want trouble, yet trouble always seems to find you. But you are ready for anything with your whip, gun, and lucky hat.
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10 and up. Most games take about 15-30 minutes to play.
Sen So uses a unique set of octagon cards and card holders.... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
Pay What You Want
Yes, you are an Archer! You have sharp eyes and a steady hand. Distance is your ally and few can avoid your deadly shots. If you can see the target you can hit it. You have many targets to choose from; it is now just a matter of which one to start with.
The Archer brings 8 unique cards and introduces the full set of Aim cards to Sen So. If you like ranged combat and keeping your foes... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
Pay What You Want
 Architects of the Deep Forest Pack
Get 18 cards to design over 1,700 different Forest themed dungeons for your RPG. ... [click here for more] |
Dren Productions |
$5.00 $1.99
 Architects of the Deep Potions Pack
Get 18 cards describing 18 new and unique potions to use for your TTRPG. ... [click here for more] |
Dren Productions |
$5.00 $1.99
 Someone in this fallout shelter is a mutant! Can you and your fellow survivors root out the genetic deviant, or will mounting paranoia destroy what’s left of humanity?
Are You A Mutant? is a party game of paranoia, deception and distrust for 7-15 players. The players are assigned roles randomly and secretly. Most of the players will be Survivors, two or three will be the dreaded Mutants.
During... [click here for more] |
Dagon Industries, Inc. |
 The Arrow Counter Cards - Bolt Expansion includes 16 additional crossbow bolt cards form the standard deck.
Support, community, and requests: https://discord.gg/2zsvMkKeW5
Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute ... [click here for more] |
Lazarus |
$3.75 $3.25
 Neon drenched Sci-Fi / Horror TCG. 4 factions fight over a newly discovered energy opening a rift to the void attracting the attention of the Abhorrent Collective. Horible beings from outside of space and time. Fight for your faction. Save Atlas or destroy it and take control of the void for yourself. ... [click here for more] |
Matt Burks |
Pay What You Want

A complete 54-card Starter Deck for the Assassin Class. Add a second Assassin to your game or simply double down on destructive power by focusing on your favorite abilities.
The Assassin is mobile, deadly and versatile. Not one for a slugfest the Assassin is adept at avoiding harm entirely, at least for short stretches, and delivering massive lethal combos.... [click here for more] |
Protean Games |
A complete 54-card Starter Deck for the Champion Class. Add a second Champion to your game or simply double down on destructive power by focusing on your favorite abilities.
The Champion is a meat and potatoes brawler with a balance of damage dealing and defense, and can take the most punishment of any class. The Champion plays through cards at a normal... [click here for more] |
Protean Games |

A complete 54-card Starter Deck for the Inquisitor Class. Add a second Inquisitor to your game or simply double down on destructive power by focusing on your favorite abilities.
Borrowing the Assassin’s penchant for combos and the Magician’s ranged damage the Inquisitor specializes in shutting opponents down and crippling them early in a fight.... [click here for more] |
Protean Games |

A complete 54-card Starter Deck for the Magician Class. Add a second Magician to your game or simply double down on destructive power by focusing on your favorite abilities.
The Magician is the peak spell caster and ranged damage dealer, the Magician possesses tremendous capacity for dolling out punishment to both individuals and groups. Very fragile... [click here for more] |
Protean Games |