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 Hottest Word Games, 5 and up
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Crazy A's (Level 1)

Crazy A's (Level 1)

Crazy A's is a fast-paced phonics game series that teaches the sounds of the English language. Designed by a dad and perfected by teachers, this series of phonics games keeps kids engaged in learning. Kids learn phonics basics quickly and completely while they have fun. Played similar to crazy 8's, this game is easier than memorization and more fun than flashcards. Crazy A's help kids learn by using...   [click here for more]
Wiggity Bang Games  $10.00

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Alphabetimals Photo Safari

Alphabetimals Photo Safari

Collect animal pairs and learn the alphabet ... just don't get stuck holding Albert! Learning the ABCs is fun with the Alphabetimals! In this beautifully-illustrated take on "Old Maid", players pair letter-shaped animals with their adorable lower-case babies, while trying to avoid getting stuck with Albert. Bonus: Take out Albert and spread the cards out face-down...   [click here for more]
David L. Hoyt Puzzles and Games  $11.99

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AlephBet and Nekudah Mnemonics-Litvish

AlephBet and Nekudah Mnemonics-Litvish

Embedded mnemonics for Aleph-Bet and Nekudot ...   [click here for more]
Kriative Solutions  $12.62

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Palabras de Navidad

Palabras de Navidad

Palabras de Navidad es un juego de palabras con el espíritu navideño. Dale una carta a otro jugador, haz una palabra más larga y ambos ganarán puntos.    Las letras aparecen con la frecuencia con la que aparecen en español.    Hay reglas para adultos y niños, y también un juego de solitario y un juego cooperativo para dos.  ...   [click here for more]
Dean Howard  Pay What You Want

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Song Stump - Music Trivia Card Game

Song Stump - Music Trivia Card Game

Song Stump is the world's easiest song title trivia game.   Created Bloat Games to have a game easy enough to play while driving to conventions, Song Stump is perfect for the kitchen table, in the car, at the bar, while gathered around a campfire, or whatever location you find yourself in. PLAYING THE GAME: To play Song Stump, a player simply flips the card and reads the description...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99

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Text Hold'Em

Text Hold'Em

Wild West word games for everyone from little varmints to steely-eyed gunslingers. This finely crafted deck can be used to play most Poker variants by replacing sets like Full Houses and Flushes with high-falutin’ words. Seven custom games have been designed expressly for this deck. ...   [click here for more]
Games For Bryan  $9.99 $9.95

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