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The Everdeck is a card game system that can be adapted to play many traditional and modern games. It’s a portable travel companion, universal proxy deck, and game designer’s prototyping tool all in one.
This isn’t just a deck with extra ranks and suits. Its 120 cards can map to many distinct game systems:
Two copies of a standard 52-card deck
Two... [click here for more] |
efofecks |
Promo Pack #2 from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®. This deck contains more alternate character cards for Cauldron hero and villain decks. These decks (the Cauldron Base Set, Cauldron: Experimental, and Cauldron: Stormfall) are available separately and are needed to play.
Set:... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
The Decktet is a fabulous thing from another world, a six-suited deck of cards that can be used to play dozens of different games.
The classic Decktet was released a decade ago. Five years ago, the Decktet and its companion book were judged the best card game by Games Magazine. Now there's the Double Decktet, with twice the art and charm of the original.
This double deck is two copies of the Decktet,... [click here for more] |
P.D. Magnus |
Promo Pack # from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®. This deck contains more alternate character cards for Cauldron hero and villain decks. These decks (the Cauldron Base Set, Cauldron: Experimental, and Cauldron: Adrift) are available separately and are needed to play.
Set: The... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
Screamachine, a villain deck from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®.
Set: The Cauldron: Adrift (set #4)
Deck type: Villain ... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
Dungeons of Terror, an environment deck from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®.
Set: The Cauldron: Unexpected (basically set #5)
Deck type: Environment ... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
Superstorm Akela, an environment deck from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®.
Set: The Cauldron: Stormfall (set #3)
Deck type: Environment ... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
Oblask Crater, an environment deck from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®.
Set: The Cauldron: Unexpected (basically set #5)
Deck type: Environment ... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
The Cybersphere, an environment deck from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®.
Set: The Cauldron: Experimental (set #2)
Deck type: Environment ... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
Promo Pack #1 from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®. This deck contains alternate character cards for Cauldron hero and villain decks. These decks (the Cauldron Base Set and Cauldron: Experimental) are available separately and are needed to play.
Set: The Cauldron Base Set and... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
Drift, a hero deck from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®.
Set: The Cauldron: Adrift (set #4)
Deck type: Hero ... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
 This is a 9 card/page Print and Play copy of the Everdeck, in letter and A4 formats.
The Everdeck is a card game system that can be adapted to play many traditional and modern games. It’s a portable travel companion, universal proxy deck, and game designer’s prototyping tool all in one.
This isn’t just a deck with extra ranks and suits. Its 120... [click here for more] |
efofecks |
Lady of the Wood, a hero deck from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®.
Set: The Cauldron Base Set
Deck type: Hero ... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
The Decktet is the kind of tarot deck they use in the alternate universe where Charlemagne was a badger, if you can imagine such a thing. It is a deck of cards with suits, ranks, and named images. It is structurally unlike an ordinary pack of cards, meaning that you can do different things with it. There are literally dozens of original games that you can play only with the Decktet.
What people are... [click here for more] |
P.D. Magnus |
The Premier Title Bout II: Set 2 is now ready for purchase. This 50-card deck covers most of the best fighters from the late 1940's to the Late 1950's. All-time Greats like Rocky Marciano, Ezzard Charles, Sonny Liston, Floyd Patterson, and Ingemar Johansson are perfect to recreate historry (Liston vs Patterson; Patterson vs Johansson; and Marciano vs Charles.
In addition, a number of top contenders... [click here for more] |
Straight Jab Media |
$22.00 $19.00
This deck contains the 23 event cards that come with the Sellswords and Spellslingers cooperative miniatures game.
There are also other decks on sale on this site with 8 potion cards, 30 monster cards, and 16 spell cards. ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Impact, a hero deck from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®.
Set: The Cauldron: Stormfall (set #3)
Deck type: Hero ... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
Battle new Titanspawn enemies, earn new lore-filled loot, and play as new adventurers from Scarred Lands.
A 50-card booster that expands Expedition: The Roleplaying Card Game into Onyx Path's world of Scarn.
21 new enemies, including gorgeous art by the amazing Chris Gebhart
13 new abilities
10 new loot cards
6 new adventurers
3 new official quests for epic adventuring
Unlimited playtime... [click here for more] |
FabricateIO |
Cricket, a hero deck from the unofficial fan expansion "The Cauldron", intended for use with the Sentinels of the Multiverse® card game by Greater Than Games®.
Set: The Cauldron: Experimental (set #2)
Deck type: Hero ... [click here for more] |
Matthew Bishop |
This deck contains the 16 spell cards that come with the Sellswords and Spellslingers cooperative miniatures game.
These cards are more than enough to play the 10 scenarios in the book and provide more spells than a magic user will learn in a whole campaign.
There are 23 event cards, 8 potion cards, 30 monster cards, and 16 spell cards in the game. Make sure you order all decks.... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
This deck contains the 30 monster cards that come with the Sellswords and Spellslingers cooperative miniatures game.
These cards are more than enough to play the 10 scenarios in the book, and will even let you replay the scenarios with a variety of opponents.
Make sure you also buy the event cards, the potion cards, and the spell cards. ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
This deck contains the 8 potion cards that come with the Sellswords and Spellslingers cooperative miniatures game.
These cards are more than enough to play the 10 scenarios in the book.
There are 23 event cards, 8 potion cards, 30 monster cards, and 16 spell cards in the game. Make sure you order all decks. ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Eight suits in classic playing card style! With this one deck, you can play classic card games like Poker, Tichu, Hearts, Spades, and Clubs as well as the best of modern card games like Lost Cities, Battle Line, En Garde, Parade, and more.
You get the four conventional suits -- spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs -- as well as four new suits inspired by historical playing card decks -- cups, shields,... [click here for more] |
mpowers LLC |
 This deck has special markings on the 1's, 6's, 7's, and 9's to denote the points in the game of Mu. Additionally there are 2 extra 1 cards in each suit and 1 extra 7 card which will allow you to proxy Mu, Last Panther, or Nyet!
The Baron’s Proxy and Lots More is a proxy deck made to play some of your favorite card games that require cards beyond the standard French pack playing card deck.
Included... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
$39.99 $35.99
There are literally dozens of original games that can only be played with the Decktet. Some of them require tokens to represent resources in the six Decktet suits. These mini-cards serve as tokens for those games.
This is not a complete game. A copy of the Decktet is required to make use of this supplement.
What people are saying about the Decktet
The Decktet was deemed best card game in... [click here for more] |
P.D. Magnus |
 This deck contains a pyramid style set of black numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 black star cards.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
 This deck contains a pyramid style set of red numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 red star cards.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
Pay What You Want

Dicecards generate random stuff for games. The cards feature more than thirty random elements that can be used in any game you can think of: from poker to D&D, historical and new games, fortune telling around the world, and even a full set of Werewolf roles! A deck instantly starts conversations.
I love peculiar dice, weird widgets and cool little thingumies. These cards have plenty.... [click here for more] |
Dicecards |
Booster for Expedition: The Roleplaying Card Game (a lightweight RPG for 1-6 players ages 8+). Adds 10 new Dragon and Giant enemies to take your adventures to the next level.
Requires the base game (but no expansions) to play, available at expeditiongame.com.
Matches the size of the existing cards, though there may be a slight variation in color and / or weight. ... [click here for more] |
FabricateIO |
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words...
The Deck of Tales is a set of 120 card faces (not counting the instructions) that provide images as inspiration for story telling. Roleplayers, solo gamers, and authors can take advantage of 360 pictures, 240 unique combinations of symbols, and more!
Those numbers may sound relatively small, but consider this: Relying solely on the primary pictures,... [click here for more] |
Larcenous Designs, LLC |

7 more suits to go with the Baron's Proxy deck. All 7 new suits rank from 0-15 and included is one suit marking card
This deck has the same card back as other Baron's Proxy decks and can be combined for up to 12 traditional suits in the same deck. This will allow you to play games such as:
Corsari - 10 suits ranked 1-11 each
Circus Flohcati - 10 suits ranked 0-7 each
Arboretum - 10 suits ranked... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
$35.99 $31.99
Revisiting classic playing cards. A pretentious idea? No, simply a funny idea I had in mind for many years. Get K6T and play most of the game you have played so far, expend them with new rules and invent new games of your own.
This is the 2017 edition. The back is now symmetrical (some photos below are not updated yet). The deck comes within a nice tuckbox.
What's K6T?
There are 6 suits. All have... [click here for more] |
Jean-Louis Cazaux |
Invent games, add new depths to old favourites, or simply mix it up by using different suits and colours with this flexible extended playing card deck.
With 5 new suits and 4 new face cards, the possibilities are endless!
New suits and colour
The deck contains 9 suits, in 3 colours, with 17 cards per suit. In addition to the 4 traditional playing card suits (hearts, diamonds, spades, and clubs),... [click here for more] |
Tau Games |
 The Singularity Deck Third Edition: Fantasy (symmetric) This is a special deck created in collaboration with my patrons. For discount links to pick up this deck at a reasonable price check out the Singularity Games Patreon.
The Singularity Deck is a universal playing card system that allows for an immense number of games to be played from traditional classics to modern favorites. To read... [click here for more] |
MTRoss Design |
 This proxy deck contains 5 suits each ranked -3,-2,-1,0, 1-15, with an additional suit that is ranked 0-21 plus 3 star cards, one red, one black, and one rainbow.
Negative numbers allow you to proxy games like Schadenfreude and Skyjo
This deck can be used to proxy countless games that use a standard deck, require 5 suits, require negative numbers, or need tarot cards.
This deck can be used to... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
$34.99 $29.99
The Decktet is an alternate deck of cards, most noted for its multi-suited cards. It's a bit like a standard playing card deck would be if there were a five that had both Clubs and Diamonds on it.
The standard Decktet has fantasy-world illustrations, but this is an alternate form of an already alternate thing. It has exactly the same structure of suits, ranks, and marks as a standard Decktet, but... [click here for more] |
P.D. Magnus |
Happy to present you restored Art Only edition of Original Pamela Colman Smith 78 Tarot card Illustrations this time without text numbers & borders!:)
Note this listing is for *cracked back edt! Visit my profile for original lily & rose back & Vintage edition as well as other Tarot & bridge-sized cards!^^
Note: For All orders outside US, VAT/Import tax/custom charge/post collecting... [click here for more] |
LuckyCardStudio |
 1-6 Players | Ages 10+ | 15-30 Minutes
You’re a merchant of Sherwood Forest trying to get rich by making good deals. Be careful! If you’re too rich, you’ll be robbed! It's a balancing act between being rich enough to win, but not so rich that you make yourself a target. Try your best to wheel and deal or you'll shout "CURSE YOU, ROBIN HOOD!"
Check out the video below for a... [click here for more] |
Smart Play Games |
$10.99 $9.99
If you are interested in short filler card or board games, or portable boardgames to bring along on travel trips, then the Rainbow Deck is for you! It is basically a 100-games-in-1 cardgame system.
The Rainbow Deck 4.0 is a cardgame system that has a total of 162 cards. There are 12 suits with each suit having 13 ranks, and total 6 Joker cards. The suits are represented by colour and digit. The ranks... [click here for more] |
Chen Changcai |
$2.99 $0.99
 This deck contains rainbow colored numbers from 1-10. 5 of each number and 2 each of combo cards 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, and 9/10.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
Note: The Poker-size cards come in a tuckbox. The Quickstart Rules are a free PDF download. Complete rulebooks are sold separately.
Dungeon Solitaire: Labyrinth of Souls is a fantasy game for tarot cards. Defeat monsters, disarm traps, open doors, and navigate mazes as you explore a dangerous dungeon. Collect treasure... [click here for more] |
Matthew Lowes: Weird Fiction & Games |
 50 blank cards with the Baron's Proxy card back. Make your own cards to match the existing proxy decks ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
$19.99 $9.99
 This deck contains a pyramid style set of rainbow numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 rainbow star cards.
This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them. ... [click here for more] |
Baron Jon Games |
 You are a Jeweler. Your mission: to disrupt the power of the Gemstones and free society from their shackles by stealing the jewels from their strongholds.
GEMS is a cooperative game for one to four players. Each player takes the role of a jeweler, an elite thief with specialized talents and abilities, as they embark on heists to steal the various magical Gemstones... [click here for more] |
MonarcWriter |
This is an extended deck of cards, with the usual red and black suits plus two more blue ones.
There is a long history of six-suited card decks. In 1895, Hiram Jones added Bullets and Crosses. Other designers have added Rackets and Wheels, Crowns and Anchors, or Valentines and Kites. The Blue Sea Deck stands in that long tradition.
Here the fifth and sixth suits are the blue suits of Stars and Squids.... [click here for more] |
P.D. Magnus |
Note: The Poker-size cards come in a tuckbox. The Quickstart Rules are a free PDF download. Complete rulebooks are sold separately.
Dungeon Solitaire: Devil's Playground is a fantasy adventure card game. Fight monstrous diabolisms, overcome obstacles, and endure misfortunes as you delve into the darkest dungeon in... [click here for more] |
Matthew Lowes: Weird Fiction & Games |
 This is a single pack of one denomination of Bird Bucks! Check out the printed sample below. (Right-click and view image for a closer look.) More denominations are available as individual packs or as a bundle, just search this site for Bird Bucks for a complete listing!
... [click here for more] |
Smart Play Games |
$3.00 $2.07
 This is a single pack of one denomination of Bird Bucks! Check out the printed sample below. (Right-click and view image for a closer look.) More denominations are available as individual packs or as a bundle, just search this site for Bird Bucks for a complete listing!
... [click here for more] |
Smart Play Games |
$3.00 $2.07
 A small expansion for the Earth set that allows for additional games to be played (such as Onirim) and functions as a stand-alone deck compatible with the game Skull. It includes three copies of the alpha card and one copy of the omega card for each suit.
... [click here for more] |
MTRoss Design |
This is a single pack of one denomination of Bird Bucks! Check out the printed sample below. (Right-click and view image for a closer look.) More denominations are available as individual packs or as a bundle, just search this site for Bird Bucks for a complete listing!
... [click here for more] |
Smart Play Games |
$3.00 $2.07