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The Everdeck

The Everdeck

The Everdeck is a card game system that can be adapted to play many traditional and modern games.  It’s a portable travel companion, universal proxy deck, and game designer’s prototyping tool all in one. This isn’t just a deck with extra ranks and suits. Its 120 cards can map to many distinct game systems: Two copies of a standard 52-card deck Two...   [click here for more]
efofecks   FREE 

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The Everdeck - Print and Play

The Everdeck - Print and Play

This is a 9 card/page Print and Play copy of the Everdeck, in letter and A4 formats. The Everdeck is a card game system that can be adapted to play many traditional and modern games.  It’s a portable travel companion, universal proxy deck, and game designer’s prototyping tool all in one. This isn’t just a deck with extra ranks and suits. Its 120...   [click here for more]
efofecks  $3.00

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Cards Against Mundanity - Teamwork & Employee Retention Game

Cards Against Mundanity - Teamwork & Employee Retention Game

#1 Teamwork game and program for remote, hybrid, international, and multi-location teams. More than 100,000 people are using it. Please email me directly at with any questions.  “Trust is the one thing that changes everything.” All the greatest teams have one thing in common - extremely high levels of trust, caring, and connection that brings out the absolute...   [click here for more]
Jason Treu Executive Coaching Services  $59.97

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Sophisticuffs Series 2022

Sophisticuffs Series 2022

Crab Fragment Labs presents the 2022 print-your-own series of Sophisticuffs, "A Battle of Two Seconds." This product is cards-only. The extremely simple rules are found at Crab Fragment Labs. In short, each player selects one card from their collection. The two cards are held head-to-head, and the numbers are compared in the one column where they are the same color. The higher number wins, and captures...   [click here for more]
Crab Fragment Games  $17.95

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The Baron's Proxy and Lots More

The Baron's Proxy and Lots More

This deck has special markings on the 1's, 6's, 7's, and 9's to denote the points in the game of Mu. Additionally there are 2 extra 1 cards in each suit and 1 extra 7 card which will allow you to proxy Mu, Last Panther, or Nyet! The Baron’s Proxy and Lots More is a proxy deck made to play some of your favorite card games that require cards beyond the standard French pack playing card deck. Included...   [click here for more]
Baron Jon Games  $39.99 $35.99

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SoM 2016 Promo Card Set

SoM 2016 Promo Card Set

Devious Weasel Games  $7.62

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Baron's Proxy Black Pyramid Deck

Baron's Proxy Black Pyramid Deck

This deck contains a pyramid style set of black numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 black star cards.  This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them.  ...   [click here for more]
Baron Jon Games   FREE 

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Baron's Proxy Red Pyramid Deck

Baron's Proxy Red Pyramid Deck

This deck contains a pyramid style set of red numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 red star cards.  This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them.  ...   [click here for more]
Baron Jon Games  Pay What You Want

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Trailblazer Deck

Trailblazer Deck

Be sure to click the "ADD TO CART with deckbox" option to get your cards in a clear plastic deckbox for an additional $1. If not, your card deck will not come with a box.  The Trailblazer Deck aims to assist educators in designing and planning leadership learning and development initiatives. The Trailblazer Deck includes five subdecks of cards for use in a variety of exercises....   [click here for more]
GPS Educational Tools  $33.99

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Bird Bucks

Bird Bucks

Bird Bucks are point counters for refined gamers. Why sully your feathers with a score pad? Invite John D. Rockefeather and all the other regal gentlebirds to your game table instead! Use them as money in your favorite game or you can make up your own games with them! This bundle includes the following denominations and quantities 1 (x20), 3(x10), 5(x5), 10(x5),...   [click here for more]
Smart Play Games  $6.99 $5.99

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The Deck of Tales

The Deck of Tales

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words... The Deck of Tales is a set of 120 card faces (not counting the instructions) that provide images as inspiration for story telling. Roleplayers, solo gamers, and authors can take advantage of 360 pictures, 240 unique combinations of symbols, and more! Those numbers may sound relatively small, but consider this: Relying solely on the primary pictures,...   [click here for more]
Larcenous Designs, LLC  $4.99

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Sophisticuffs Series 2023

Sophisticuffs Series 2023

Crab Fragment Labs presents the 2023 version of of Sophisticuffs, "A Battle of Two Seconds." This product is cards-only. The extremely simple rules are found at Crab Fragment Labs. In short, each player selects one card from their collection. The two cards are held head-to-head, and the numbers are compared in the one column where they are the same color. The higher number wins, and captures the losing...   [click here for more]
Crab Fragment Games  $14.95

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Fifty Quick Ideas To Improve Your User Stories

Fifty Quick Ideas To Improve Your User Stories

Companion card deck for Fifty Quick Ideas To Improve Your User Stories book. ...   [click here for more]
Neuri Consulting  $14.92

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The Baron's Proxy 7 More Suits

The Baron's Proxy 7 More Suits

7 more suits to go with the Baron's Proxy deck. All 7 new suits rank from 0-15 and included is one suit marking card This deck has the same card back as other Baron's Proxy decks and can be combined for up to 12 traditional suits in the same deck. This will allow you to play games such as: Corsari - 10 suits ranked 1-11 each Circus Flohcati - 10 suits ranked 0-7 each Arboretum - 10 suits ranked...   [click here for more]
Baron Jon Games  $35.99 $31.99

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9 Suit Extended Deck

9 Suit Extended Deck

Invent games, add new depths to old favourites, or simply mix it up by using different suits and colours with this flexible extended playing card deck. With 5 new suits and 4 new face cards, the possibilities are endless! New suits and colour The deck contains 9 suits, in 3 colours, with 17 cards per suit. In addition to the 4 traditional playing card suits (hearts, diamonds, spades, and clubs),...   [click here for more]
Tau Games  $30.72

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Combat Patrol Set A

Combat Patrol Set A

Set A of the cards (4 Action Decks and one Activation Deck) for $32.  The Basic rules are a free PDF download.  The PDF of the Advanced Rules is an additional $5 purchase.   Make sure you click the correct radio buttons when you order. Combat PatrolTM is an exciting set of skirmish rules that allows players to focus on the game instead of the rules. Combat PatrolTM  is a unique...   [click here for more]
BuckSurduPublications  $5.00

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Needs & Feelings Cards

Needs & Feelings Cards

Needs and Feelings are often used in Nonviolent Communication, but have many other uses. What sets this deck apart from other feelings and needs cards is that these have other words that are similar in the middle section, which can lead to more precision and clarity.   I use them most for what I call "Needs Studies", in which you can gain a better understanding of what is driing your desires, behaviors,...   [click here for more]
Intended Being  $25.25

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WOMBAT! The game of Word Combat!

WOMBAT! The game of Word Combat!

IMPORTANT! The game doesn't include a box unless you buy one! It costs 1 dollar, and it's a lovely box. Click the Add to Cart with Deckbox button above. Without a box, you're just buying a deck. WOMBAT! is the one-upping, buzzer-beating, shoutout showdown countdown smackdown game of Word Combat! Shout out words that fit the cards. Shout the last word to grab the donuts and win! 12...   [click here for more]
Kid Beyond Games  $9.99

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SoM 2019 Memorial Card Set

SoM 2019 Memorial Card Set

This is a special set of crds for use with Shadows of Malice, released as a memorial in memory of a departed friend. ...   [click here for more]
Devious Weasel Games  $7.55

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Pixel Loot - Overland Travel

Pixel Loot - Overland Travel

Update! As of August 2017, this deck now includes the 14-card expansion available originally on our Patreon, and a custom tuck box to fit the whole deck, at no extra cost! As the dungeon master, when your adventuring group leaves town and begins trekking to the next objective (whether it's another town or a distant dungeon), it can sometimes be difficult to come up with new ideas...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $2.99

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Combat Patrol Starter Set Deck

Combat Patrol Starter Set Deck

Combat PatrolTM is an exciting set of skirmish rules that allows players to focus on the game instead of the rules. Combat PatrolTM  is a unique card-based minatures game.  The unique Double Random ActivationTM mechanism provides a leap-ahead method for activating units that provides the friction and drama of card-based systems with none of the drawbacks.   More importantly, Combat PatrolTM uses...   [click here for more]
BuckSurduPublications  $18.26

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Skill Prompt Cards for Fate

Skill Prompt Cards for Fate

Fate Skill Prompt Cards supercharge character creation in Fate Core with questions and other prompts based on central axis of action for your characters: their skills. This deck contains 18 skill cards for use while playing Fate Core, plus an instructions card replicating the instructions below. HOW TO USE FATE SKILL PROMPT CARDS These cards map to the 18 default skills...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  $2.00

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The Sound Cypher: Open Format Edition (2021)

The Sound Cypher: Open Format Edition (2021)

The Sound Cypher Open Format Edition is the most dynamic music game ever created. This deck features 90 different cards that work with any genre of music containing lyrics. So whether you’re into Rock, Country, Hip-Hop, R&B, Soul, Reggae, Disco, etc. this is the game for you! Not a music person?!? Yeah, we’ve heard that before! After the first round those words will never exit your mouth again!...   [click here for more]
Aristocrat Games  $21.49

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The Baron's Proxy

The Baron's Proxy

This proxy deck contains 5 suits each ranked -3,-2,-1,0, 1-15, with an additional suit that is ranked 0-21 plus 3 star cards, one red, one black, and one rainbow.  Negative numbers allow you to proxy games like Schadenfreude and Skyjo This deck can be used to proxy countless games that use a standard deck, require 5 suits, require negative numbers, or need tarot cards.  This deck can be used to...   [click here for more]
Baron Jon Games  $34.99 $29.99

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Pixel Loot - Dungeon Maker

Pixel Loot - Dungeon Maker

Pixel Loot - Dungeon Maker features 72 unique cards, each with a series of four interchangeable plot hooks. Drawing four Dungeon Maker cards and linking these plot hooks together will fill in the backstory for a random dungeon, and may even provide a motivation for your characters to explore it. More importantly, it gives you a series of ideas to trigger your own inspiration, keeping...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $2.99 $1.99

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What's Your Game Plan?

What's Your Game Plan?

**For Teachers, Presenters, Training Managers, Instructional Designers, Content Designers, & Game Designers** (Great for professional development workshops!)   by Prof. Joe Bisz   Turn any idea into a game!   UPDATED FIRST EDITION   What does the lesson “Finding Citations,” the game “Trivial Pursuit,” and the mechanic “Bluffing” all have in common? WHAT’S...   [click here for more]
Prof Joe Bisz  $20.04

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Rainbow Deck 4.0

Rainbow Deck 4.0

If you are interested in short filler card or board games, or portable boardgames to bring along on travel trips, then the Rainbow Deck is for you! It is basically a 100-games-in-1 cardgame system. The Rainbow Deck 4.0 is a cardgame system that has a total of 162 cards. There are 12 suits with each suit having 13 ranks, and total 6 Joker cards. The suits are represented by colour and digit. The ranks...   [click here for more]
Chen Changcai  $2.99 $0.99

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Something is on these tapes. We do not know what it is. We need you to watch them and take notes. However, please be safe. Something is in these tapes. We do not know what it is. We are the Silver Key Society. Our archives contain video records related to unusual occurrences: vanishings, paranormal events, hauntings, encounters....   [click here for more]
Memento Mori Theatricks  $5.00

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Pixel Loot - Adventuring Gear 2

Pixel Loot - Adventuring Gear 2

Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, flavor text, and game stats (cost and weight, compatible with 3.5, 4e, 5e, and Pathfinder). There are a variety of unique items in each deck (40 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly draw when creating loot for their campaigns, or...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $2.99

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Pixel Loot - Arms & Armor

Pixel Loot - Arms & Armor

Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, and descriptive text. There are a variety of unique items in each deck (50 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly draw when creating loot for their campaigns, or for players to conveniently keep track of what their character carries....   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $2.99

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Pixel Loot - Familiars & Companions

Pixel Loot - Familiars & Companions

Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, flavor text, and game stats (cost and weight, compatible with 3.5, 4e, 5e, and Pathfinder). There are a variety of unique items in each deck (20 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly draw when creating loot for their campaigns, or...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $3.49

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Pixel Loot - Mounts & Vehicles

Pixel Loot - Mounts & Vehicles

Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, flavor text, and game stats (cost and weight, compatible with 3.5, 4e, 5e, and Pathfinder). There are a variety of unique items in each deck (20 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly draw when creating loot for their campaigns, or...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $1.49

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Rainbow Numbers Deck with Combo Number cards

Rainbow Numbers Deck with Combo Number cards

This deck contains rainbow colored numbers from 1-10. 5 of each number and 2 each of combo cards 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, and 9/10.  This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them.  ...   [click here for more]
Baron Jon Games  $12.99

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Pixel Loot - Trade Goods 2

Pixel Loot - Trade Goods 2

Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, flavor text, and game stats (cost and weight, compatible with 3.5, 4e, 5e, and Pathfinder). There are a variety of unique items in each deck (20 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly draw when creating loot for their campaigns, or...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $1.99

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Pixel Loot - Curious Effects

Pixel Loot - Curious Effects

Pixel Loot - Curious Effects features 30 unique cards, each with a different effect that can be applied to any item. As a dungeon master, you can use Curious Effects on pretty much anything your players find in a dungeon or chest. The effects range from magical to mundane, from magical properties to annoying odors. Some effects are readily apparent, and you can hand the player...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $2.49

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Pixel Loot - Adventuring Gear 1

Pixel Loot - Adventuring Gear 1

Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, flavor text, and game stats (cost and weight, compatible with 3.5, 4e, 5e, and Pathfinder). There are a variety of unique items in each deck (40 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly draw when creating loot for their campaigns, or...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $1.99

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Pixel Loot - Exotic Armaments

Pixel Loot - Exotic Armaments

Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, and descriptive text. There are a variety of unique items in each deck (30 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly draw when creating loot for their campaigns, or for players to conveniently keep track of what their character carries....   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $2.99

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Pixel Loot - Trade Goods 1

Pixel Loot - Trade Goods 1

Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, flavor text, and game stats (cost and weight, compatible with 3.5, 4e, 5e, and Pathfinder). There are a variety of unique items in each deck (20 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly draw when creating loot for their campaigns, or...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $1.49

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Pixel Loot - Gemstones

Pixel Loot - Gemstones

Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, flavor text, and game stats (cost and weight, compatible with 3.5, 4e, 5e, and Pathfinder). There are a variety of unique items in each deck (18 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly draw when creating loot for their campaigns, or...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $0.99

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Pixel Loot - Racial Armaments

Pixel Loot - Racial Armaments

Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, and descriptive text. There are a variety of unique items in each deck (30 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly draw when creating loot for their campaigns, or for players to conveniently keep track of what their character carries....   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $1.99

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The Baron's Proxy 50 Blank Cards

The Baron's Proxy 50 Blank Cards

50 blank cards with the Baron's Proxy card back. Make your own cards to match the existing proxy decks ...   [click here for more]
Baron Jon Games  $19.99 $9.99

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Malicious Content 2024

Malicious Content 2024

Release: Malicious Content 2024 What you get: 120 shiny cards, including 1 instruction card and 2 blanks (1 blue, 1 red) to add your own ideas 1 box Snark and professional pain must be provided by the players Version Notes Now with AI! Or at least some prompt engineering cards. We're totally sure this won't cause any downstream problems, but didn't, like, do tests...   [click here for more]
Jon Camfield  $20.00

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Baron's Proxy Rainbow Pyramid Deck

Baron's Proxy Rainbow Pyramid Deck

This deck contains a pyramid style set of rainbow numbered cards. One 1, two 2's, three 3's, all the way to ten 10's. Additionally there are 8 rainbow star cards.  This deck has the same card back as all other Baron's Proxy decks and can be used with any one of them.  ...   [click here for more]
Baron Jon Games  $12.99

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Praise for Criminals "The great thing about Criminals is that it's very deductive based on a large set of known information, which feels really good and new for players that already love similar games." --The Escapist "Despite the similarities to Werewolf, Criminals is definitely worthy in its own right due to the rich subtleties of the "tells"...   [click here for more]
Critical-Hits Studios  $1.00

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Pixel Loot - Art Objects

Pixel Loot - Art Objects

Pixel Loot is an ever-expanding series of treasure cards decks and dungeon master tools for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each treasure card represents a different item, with a name, picture, flavor text, and game stats (cost and weight, compatible with 3.5, 4e, 5e, and Pathfinder). There are a variety of unique items in each deck (20 in this set), intended for DMs to randomly...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $1.99

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Malicious Content: 0day - Blanks

Malicious Content: 0day - Blanks

This is literally just a deck of blank Malicious Content cards.  30 Red Team cards, 20 Blue Team cards. As if the real world is as balanced.  Create your own cards and 0day your 'friends' ! But seriously. These are all blank. If you want cards with built-in jokes, join the other skiddies and buy the actual Malicious Content game. ...   [click here for more]
Jon Camfield  $10.00

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Pixel Loot - Blanks

Pixel Loot - Blanks

Pixel Loot is a series of treasure card decks for use in any fantasy-themed table-top role-playing game. Each card represents a different item, with a name, picture, and descriptive text. There are between 20 and 50 unique items in each deck (this set has 30 blank cards), intended for players or DMs to randomly draw when looting enemies or treasure chests. Pixel Loot cards have a retro 16-bit style...   [click here for more]
Endymion Games  $0.75

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Malicious Content: Internet Freedom Bonus Pack

Malicious Content: Internet Freedom Bonus Pack

This is a 40 card bonus back focusing on the wild world of Internet Freedom, with 6 bonus blank cards to document further sadness. These cards might - just might - help you land that cost extension.  If the term "Internet Freedom" doesn't have very specific meaning for you, or if 2 CFR 200 doesn't send a chill down your spine, these might not be for you. But of course, you'll really need the core...   [click here for more]
Jon Camfield   FREE 

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Bird Bucks Reducks (100 Billion)

Bird Bucks Reducks (100 Billion)

This is a single pack of one denomination of Bird Bucks! Check out the printed sample below. (Right-click and view image for a closer look.) More denominations are available as individual packs or as a bundle, just search this site for Bird Bucks for a complete listing! ...   [click here for more]
Smart Play Games  $3.00 $2.07

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Combat Patrol Set B

Combat Patrol Set B

Set A of the cards (4 Action Decks and one Activation Deck) for $32.  The Basic rules are a free PDF download.  The PDF of the Advanced Rules is an additional $5 purchase.   Make sure you click the correct radio buttons when you order. Combat PatrolTM is an exciting set of skirmish rules that allows players to focus on the game instead of the rules. Combat PatrolTM  is a unique...   [click here for more]
BuckSurduPublications  $5.00

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