With the formula contained in the deck of 100 cards found in this set, you’ll be able to run an entire hockey league, complete with real-like statistical records.
Each individual card represents one 20-minute period of play. Flip three cards over and you've got yourself a hockey game! Play games using... [click here for more]
"Ends" is a popular betting game for 2-11 players (best for 5+ players), meant for observers of curling games, especially during bonspiels.
This 'Standard' Deck includes cards of various colors, to allow for playing with most typical combinations of rock/house colors: 1-5 of yellow, red, and blue rocks, plus "O" (blank end) cards for Red/Blue, Blue/Red, and Green/Blue houses; plus an instruction card.... [click here for more]
Cards With The Right Moves
Feel the impact of every blow with Fight to Survive: Combat Cards. If you're looking to train up your game of the table-top RPG Fight to Survive: Role-playing Martial Arts Meets Heart, this deck of Combat Cards has all the right moves! This deck includes:
30 Move cards—enough for two fighters... [click here for more]
"Ends" is a popular betting game for 2-11 players (best for 5+ players), meant for observers of curling games, especially during bonspiels.
This 'Complete' Deck includes cards of various colors, to allow for playing with almost any combinations of rock/house colors: 1-5 of yellow, red, blue, and green rocks, plus 12 different "O" (blank end) cards for each possible combination of Red/Blue/Green/Yellow... [click here for more]
For use with "The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0" or later.
Box score sheets to record your game results, and roster sheets to more easily identify the players competing. ... [click here for more]
"Ends" is a popular betting game for 2-11 players (best for 5+ players), meant for observers of curling games, especially during bonspiels.
This 'LARGE format' Deck uses extra-large 8"x10" tiles, to allow your friends on the ice to see which card you have, even from the most remote upper-deck warm room! The deck includes cards of the most common colors: 1-5 of yellow, and red rocks, plus a "O" (blank... [click here for more]
For use with "The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0" or later. All five ready-made Team Packs conveniently combined into one listing. 50 teams to choose from!!! ... [click here for more]
Welcome The S*H*L’s “Look-See” Edition. This will give you a little taste of how the "The S*H*L Basic Edition 1.0" is played. Included in this edition will be an FAQ, a brief card description, a sample of the card formula itself, and recorded stats from playing the game. ... [click here for more]
This special bundle product contains the following titles.The Statistical Hockey League - Basic Edition 1.0Regular price: $7.75 Bundle price: $4.77 Format: Print-and-Play PDF BUY DIRECT AND SAVE 25% -@-
With the formula contained in the deck of 100 cards found in this set, you’ll be able to run an entire hockey league, complete... [click here for more]