Prepare for battle...
The time of the Apocalypse is nigh. The Garou take their place on the battlefield, ready to earn glory and Renown and crush the minions of the Wyrm under their heel. Only one pack will emerge victorious from the fray, and the competition will be fierce.
When will you Rage?
The greatest Rage resource to date! With Fang and Claw is a... [click here for more]
This is an addendum to the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Player's Guide for the Kindred Most Wanted expansion set.
Topics such as Trophy Hunting, new allies, and tools for the Assamites are covered in this addendum. ... [click here for more]
A howl travels across the fields at night - the call to battle. Werewolves from all corners of the Earth leave their hidden glens to join the combat. They struggle for supremacy against the hordes of the devouring Wyrm, weird creatures from the Umbra and their own kind. With Spirits their allies and claws their weapons, only one pack will win. One pack to lead the Garou in the final war of the Apocalypse....... [click here for more]
Elevate Your Game This full-color strategy guide and exhaustive encyclopedia of cards offers both new and veteran VTES players insight into the strategies and tactics of the game. Every card is included and every strategy examined. A Strategy Guide and Visual Encyclopedia
Over 100 pages of strategy advice from the world’s top rated players, including sample deck... [click here for more]