This unique Poker deck is a twist on the traditional lineup of Spades, Hearts, Clubs, and Diamonds. A Cat in King Arthur's Court features Fish Bones (Spades), Paws (Hearts), Catnip (Clubs), and Mice (Diamonds). Use as you would any traditional playing card set - makes a great gift for the catlady or catdaddy in your life. Drawings by illustrator/certified cat whisperer Alex Page. Also includes two... [click here for more]
This unique Poker deck features richly illustrated portraits of dogs in 1940s American dress. Dogs Playing Poker are based on the artists dog friends from her family and the patients she saw while working for several years in a veterinary clinic. Now you can join man's best friend with spades (dog houses), clubs (trees), hearts (noses), and diamonds (dog paws) to play classic cards games like euchre,... [click here for more]
The Legend of Tarot - Major Arcana Pack!
This set is a 23-card divination deck based on a popular video game series full of magic, puzzles, and mystery. Each card is a richly illustrated collaboration between Alex and Rinoa Page. The purpose of the deck is to encourage new practitioners by using the visual language that they are familiar with: video games.
The deck as purchased... [click here for more]