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3Deep Combat Cards

3Deep Combat Cards

3Deep Combat Card Deck All your combat rolls at a flip of a card 3Deep has a very interactive combat system, defenders can try and use their shields, or use your combat skill to dodge, duck or dive. As you attack you can roll to attack, roll your damage, hit locations, and for knockback to send your target flying. If you are using everything combat can get slow. Speed it up with these combat tarot...   [click here for more]
Parts Per Million  $4.99

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Cepheus Solo Oracle Deck

Cepheus Solo Oracle Deck

Cepheus Solo Oracle Deck Simple Oracle Cards that compliment Player's Guide to Solo Roleplaying This oracle deck includes inspiration prompts and the yes-no oracle from the Player's Guide to Solo Roleplay as well as a visual representation of the Drama Dice mechanic and 2d6 rolls for use by NPCs, or your character if you prefer. The digital download includes the 72 card deck and instruction...   [click here for more]
Parts Per Million  $4.99

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Rogue Handler Oracle Deck

Rogue Handler Oracle Deck

Rogue Handler Oracle Deck Solo Roleplaying in a World of Conspiracy and Cosmic Horror This deck makes solo roleplaying most d100 Modern Setting Cthulhu Mythos games a real possibility. These cards add a simple yes-no oracle, for answering questions, along with dedicated oracles for parts of a mystery, including the oracles for means, motive, culprit, and victim. Other oracles give sensory promotes...   [click here for more]
Parts Per Million  $4.99

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Solo Space Marine Skirmishing - Skirmish Decks 1 Alien Bugs

Solo Space Marine Skirmishing - Skirmish Decks 1 Alien Bugs

Solo Space Marine Skirmishing Encounter Deck One This project is for the PDF and printed Solo Space Marine Skirmishing rules booklet. although the game was written as a solo game it can be played with more than one player. In solo mode, there are d6 tables for each enemy unit's actions, making them act independently.  When played in two player mode one side can control the marines and the other player...   [click here for more]
Parts Per Million  $4.99

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THE SOLO ADVENTURER'S QUICK REFERENCE TO Barsoom Solo Game Master's Screen Landscape

THE SOLO ADVENTURER'S QUICK REFERENCE TO Barsoom Solo Game Master's Screen Landscape

The solo tools on this GM screen were developed by me, to play a John Carter of Mars game. The rules are very similar to the 2d20 system and uses either a d6 or Challenge die if you have one. This product comprises four different elements. 1. Instruction Leaflet. This is a brief, four-page description of the different solo rules and tables presented on the GM Screen panels. 2. Home Print PDF. This...   [click here for more]
Parts Per Million  $4.99

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THE SOLO ADVENTURER'S QUICK REFERENCE TO Barsoom Solo Game Master's Screen Portrait

THE SOLO ADVENTURER'S QUICK REFERENCE TO Barsoom Solo Game Master's Screen Portrait

The solo tools on this GM screen were developed by me, to play a John Carter of Mars game. The solo rules are very similar to the 2d20 system and uses either a d6 or Challenge die if you have one. This product comprises four different elements. 1. Instruction Leaflet. This is a brief, four-page description of the different solo rules and tables presented on the GM Screen panels. 2. Home Print PDF....   [click here for more]
Parts Per Million  $4.99

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