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This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Library - Abyssal Hunter - Ally Regular price: $0.35 Bundle price: $0.30 Format: Card(s)
Demon with 4 life. 3 strength, 0 bleed. Abyssal Hunter can inflict 1 damage on any minion as a (D) action. During your unlock phase, Abyssal Hunter inflicts 1 damage on a ready vampire you control. Burn Abyssal... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$3.96 $3.30
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Library - Create Gargoyle - Action Regular price: $0.35 Bundle price: $0.30 Format: Card(s) +1 stealth action. Requires a non-sterile vampire. Put this card in play. It becomes a 2-capacity (non-unique) slave Gargoyle enslaved to the acting vampire's clan with basic Visceratika [vis] and flight [FLIGHT]... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$4.20 $3.60
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Library - Alamut - Master Regular price: $0.48AUD Bundle price: $0.41AUD Format: Card(s)
Unique location. After an Assamite you control successfully bleeds a Methuselah, put the pool lost by that Methuselah on this card. Burn X blood from this card during the polling step of a political action to... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$8.64 $7.20
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Library - Acquired Ventrue Assets - Master Regular price: $0.35 Bundle price: $0.30 Format: Card(s) Put this card in play with 1 blood for each Giovanni you control. During your master phase, you can move 1 blood from this card to a Giovanni you control. Burn this card if it has no blood. Any non-Ventrue... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$9.35 $7.80
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Library - Ahriman's Demesne - Combat Regular price: $0.35 Bundle price: $0.30 Format: Card(s)
Only usable at long range. Not usable during the first round of combat. [obt] Strike: 1R aggravated damage. [OBT] As above, and if the opposing vampire would go to torpor during the resolution of this strike,... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$11.88 $9.90
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Library - Baal's Bloody Talons - Combat Regular price: $0.35 Bundle price: $0.30 Format: Card(s) Only usable before resolution of a melee weapon's strike. [qui] The damage from this weapon's strikes is aggravated. Burn this weapon at the end of this round. [QUI] As above, and this weapon inflicts an... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$12.60 $10.50
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Library - Baleful Doll - Equipment Regular price: $0.35 Bundle price: $0.30 Format: Card(s) Unique. [nec] Choose a vampire controlled by your prey. The bearer can lock themselves and burn this equipment during their unlock phase to burn 3 blood from the chosen vampire. [NEC] As above, but choose a... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$14.40 $12.00
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Library - Canopic Jar - Equipment Regular price: $0.35 [ser] Choose a ready minion. The bearer gets +1 intercept against the chosen minion. If the bearer blocks the chosen minion, the bearer can burn this equipment before block resolution to cancel comba...Library - Cobra Fangs - Combat Regular price: $0.35 [ser] Strike:... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$14.76 $12.30
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Crypt - Alejandro Aguirre [3] - Tremere antitribu Regular price: $0.35 Sabbat: If Alejandro is ready, he can lock before range is determined in a combat not involving him to inflict 1 unpreventable damage on both combatants....Crypt - Antonio d'Erlette [4] - Tremere antitribu Regular price: $0.35 Sabbat: While Antonio... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$15.75 $13.50
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Crypt - Aaron Duggan, Cameron's Toady - Lasombra Regular price: $0.35 Sabbat....Crypt - Alvaro, The Scion of Angelica - Lasombra Regular price: $0.35 Sabbat Archbishop of Pittsburgh: After resolution of any political action, if Alvaro abstained (even in torpor), he can gain 2 blood. +1 bleed....Crypt - Ambrosio Luis... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$17.28 $14.40
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Crypt - Accorri Giovanni - Giovanni Regular price: $0.35 Independent....
Crypt - Almodo Giovanni - Giovanni Regular price: $0.35 Independent....
Crypt - Ambrogino Giovanni (ADV) - Giovanni Regular price: $0.35 Independent: During your unlock phase, Ambrogino can remove seven cards in your ash heap from... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$19.08 $15.90
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Crypt - Aabbt Kindred - Follower of Set Regular price: $0.35 Independent: Aabbt Kindred cannot perform directed actions unless /Nefertiti/ is ready. Aabbt Kindred can prevent 1 damage each combat. Non-unique....
Crypt - Abdelsobek - Follower of Set Regular price: $0.35 Independent: Abdelsobek can unlock a vampire... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$19.80 $16.50
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Crypt - Abd al-Rashid - Assamite Regular price: $0.35 Independent: Blood cursed....
Crypt - Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut - Assamite Regular price: $0.35 Independent: Al-Ashrad can burn a location requiring a clan as a (D) action that costs 2 blood. Blood cursed. +1 bleed....
Crypt - Ali Kar - Assamite Regular... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$20.52 $17.10
This special bundle product contains the following titles. V5 - Banu Haqim - Latin Regular price: $24.00 Bundle price: $18.00 Format: Card(s) LATIN VERSION
Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.
Crypt (12 cards) 1 Asmin Kobane 1 Bijou 1 Farah Sarroub 1 Greg Mazouni 1 Kalinda 1 Kasim Bayar 2 Kassandra... [click here for more] |
Black Chantry Productions |
$88.00 $72.00