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Dolphins vs. Unicorns: Card-Based Espionage

Dolphins vs. Unicorns: Card-Based Espionage

Dolphins vs. Unicorns: Card-Based Espionage is a competitive card game for 2 players. In Dolphins vs. Unicorns, you and your friends will take the roles of spymasters and engage in fast-paced, strategic card battles to deploy squads of secret agents and attempt to overcome each other’s counter-espionage defenses to win the game. Competitive Card Game Mechanics....   [click here for more]
Nightpath Publishing  $14.99

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Dolphins vs. Unicorns: Card-Based Espionage (Rulebook Only)

Dolphins vs. Unicorns: Card-Based Espionage (Rulebook Only)

NOTE: This product page is for the Dolphins vs. Unicorns: Card-Based Espionage rulebook only.  For the full game, head to the game page. Dolphins vs. Unicorns: Card-Based Espionage is a competitive card game for 2 players. In Dolphins vs. Unicorns, you and your friends will take the roles of spymasters and...   [click here for more]
Nightpath Publishing   FREE 

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Entromancy: Hacker Battles

Entromancy: Hacker Battles

“Entromancy combines simple gameplay with an extremely immersive theme of being a hacker, battling against other hackers...I can see the intricate designs put into making the game simple, but with interesting decisions to make; which is what I'm all about! Not only is the gameplay fun, but it makes you feel like a hacker!” -Vincent Baker of Vindicated Entertainment Entromancy:...   [click here for more]
Nightpath Publishing  $14.99

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Entromancy: Hacker Battles (Rulebook Only)

Entromancy: Hacker Battles (Rulebook Only)

NOTE: This product page is for the Entromancy: Hacker Battles rulebook only.  For the full game, head to the game page. “Entromancy combines simple gameplay with an extremely immersive theme of being a hacker, battling against other hackers...I can see the intricate designs put into making the game simple, but with interesting decisions to make; which...   [click here for more]
Nightpath Publishing   FREE 

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  Path of the Necromancer: Anubis Structure Deck