57 cards designed for Weird West Edition that were released at the Deadlands Anniversary Doomtown Destination Event in Deadwood itself. The cards have a specialized border. These promos were previously only available at that event and have been made public wtih the release of Doomtown Weird West Edition. Contains 54 promos, a reference cards, and 2 Outfit cards with special borders. All card updated... [click here for more]
Doomtown pack of 56 promotional cards: a 54-card poker deck of promos, double sided outfit card, and reference card.
Note this is a mixed pack of legality for 'Old Timer' and 'Weird West Edition' and does not include updated cards for Weird West Ediiton. This was a promo pack for attendees at the Tombstone Destination Worlds event. Each card has a special 'Tombstone' border. Cards marked * have an... [click here for more]