AUTISM, DEMENTIA, PRESCHOOLBobcat & Beaver is for 2-4 players. No skills or reading required! The directions for Battle using this deck of cards is also included. Battle is for 2 players. No skills required here, either! This size is excellent for a classroom or for use with someone who needs larger cards.
65 6 inch x 6 inch cards... [click here for more]
AUTISM, DEMENTIA, PRSCHOOLBobcat & Beaver is for 2-4 players. No skills or reading required! The directions for Battle using this deck of cards is also included. Battle is for 2 players. Battle is well recieved by children with autism. Used in two different university research centers for autism. Parents say this makes all the difference... [click here for more]
"Scat" is a tasteful card deck about wild animal droppings that can prove to be hilarious for the whole family from preschool to senior adults! A great family game night addition with rules for several games. Who is going to be stuck with the empty toilet tissue roll? You! Oh, no, not you! Comes with a shrink wrap band. ... [click here for more]
DEMENTIA, PRESCHOOL, FAMILY"Skunked!" Contains 13 animals with 4 parts each (Head, Tail, Body, Legs) plus 7 skunk cards and directions for 2 fun games for the whole family to enjoy. 2-8 players.
For solitaire and memory training, put the animal body parts together of 13 different animals.
59 Regular U.S. Poker size cards wrapped with a plastic... [click here for more]
FAMILYNew Den (2 players, a game of strategy!) In every game, you must build the trail for your wolf mama to safely take her 4 pups to their new den. Thus every game is different and requires different strategies including food sources, crossing rivers, and that dreaded dark cloud! 51 U.S. Poker size playing cards wrapped with a plastic shrink wrap... [click here for more]
Preschool & Family
Little Girls like pink! So do a lot of boys!They also like unicorns! Brilliant combination for reading readiness as well as memory match for any age. We double dog dare you to win at triplet match! ... [click here for more]
You can make this game super simple for the younger set medium for the average "Joe", or increditbly hard for the "brainiacs". Your choice everytime you play this game. ... [click here for more]
Dinosaur Fun Time is a fun game for the whole family from ages 2-92. Follow the rules or make your own! For 1-6 players
Can you handle the challenge? Lots of laughter, lots of fun, lots of precious memories are coming your way when you order today. ... [click here for more]