THE PULP OF TAROT expands with "THE BONE ZODIAC" featuring 12 star-signs and 3 alternates. These cards are intended as signifiers for the Tarot querant, but can also be shuffled into the base deck in order to mix things up a bit. Expansion sets are not necessary for using the basic PULP deck, but provide an extraneous level of fun and weirdness for collectors and readers who wish to dive deeper...... [click here for more]
The second-to-last set features 3 new Tentacles cards, 3 Egg variants, 6 Super-Arcana, plus 26 alternates for the main deck, including 2 contenders for Emperor, a third Devil, and a 5 Of wands that will have everyone scratching their heads, but that is intensely personal to the author. for Fans ans Collectors only--this expansion set is not necessary in order to enjoy the basic Pulp Tarot deck, but... [click here for more]
The second PULP OF TAROT expansion deck includes ten more Super-Arcana cards, plus two Jokers, twelve alternate designs for the base deck, and a few tasty surprises. ... [click here for more]
NEWLY REVISED AND UPDATED! A deck of juicy esoterica that pays homage to classical designs and also manages to subvert them. THE PULP OF TAROT is a Frankensteinian creation, reimagined as a pastiche of Tarot fragments codged together from a dozen other decks collected from around the world. These cards feature monsters, ancient gods, gunslingers, burlesque dancers, UFOs, futuristic buccaneers, and... [click here for more]