Poisoned Chalice is a card game for 2 to 6 players. In it, you are competing nobles at a banquet table. As talk passes around the table you are adding wine (cards) to a shared chalice (common pile). When the chalice is full, the player holding it drinks (wins the trick).
However, as well as wine you can choose to add poison. Not too much (adding up to exactly 31) has no effect, but too much (adding... [click here for more]
Terrible Worm is a solitaire (patience) card game using a 78 card Tarot deck.
Leaders from the four families form armies and fight till only one remains, while putting down bandits, withstanding plagues, facing down madness, enduring unexpected visits from the Pope, and more.
A Round of play represents a year and may have many battle events. Rounds continue until the Seven Provinces are cleared... [click here for more]