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Grand Etteilla Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards

Grand Etteilla Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards

Grand Etteilla Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards Grand Etteilla was the first tarot deck created for cartomancy. Invented in late 18th century, and named after the pseudonym of Jean-Baptiste Alliette (28 August 1738 — 12 December 1791), this deck marked the moment in tarot history of its transformation from a deck of playing cards to the dedicated divination device as it is known today, and continues...   [click here for more]
C in London  $34.74

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The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards

The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards

The 1909 'Roses and Lilies' deck was the first ever Rider-Waite deck created. It was the deck from which the entire lineage of Rider-Waite decks was born. It is the most historically significant and the most authoritative Rider-Waite deck of all. The 'Roses and Lilies' deck contained the original imagery—now widely recognisable as the RWS tarot cards—which all later decks reproduced from, including...   [click here for more]
C in London  $34.74

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