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 Hottest Titles from Fabio Djyn Bertho Jr
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Rock´n´Cards is a game about bands. Each player will choose their members for their band and set up their formation on the Stage. After all players have positioned their band on the Stage, Dueling starts between the Attributes of each musician. You will be able to combine the Skills of the Musicians and increase the Attributes to be able to defeat the opponents. As soon as your band loses members,...   [click here for more]
Fabio Djyn Bertho Jr  $10.00

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RocknCards Expansion Pack

RocknCards Expansion Pack

Rock´n´Cards is a game about bands. Each player will choose their members for their band and set up their formation on the Stage. After all players have positioned their band on the Stage, Dueling starts between the Attributes of each musician. You will be able to combine the Skills of the Musicians and increase the Attributes to be able to defeat the opponents. As soon as your band loses members,...   [click here for more]
Fabio Djyn Bertho Jr  $7.00

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