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Healing The False Self Deck

Healing The False Self Deck

The Healing The False Self deck was designed to help you transform your life in way that is perfectly aligned to who you are in the current situation that you are in.  Knowing how to navigate this system will help you to transform your life in many different way.  Knowing this technique can help you when pulling the cards whether it is for daily inspiration or a daily reminder of where you are in...   [click here for more]
Oracle Wisdom Center  $20.77

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Lumerian Crystal Rainbow Tarot

Lumerian Crystal Rainbow Tarot

The Lumerian Crystal Rainbow tarot is an original channeled art form by Laura Molecavage. The tarot deck is based off of the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the fools journey as it is depicted, known and implied by the Rider Waite tarot. The pictures and the symbology in the Lumerian Crystal Rainbow deck go outside of the "box" to bring in more knowledge and wisdom through the utilization of...   [click here for more]
Oracle Wisdom Center  $31.34

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