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Ammo Counter CardsArrow Counter Cards
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1920's Ammunition Cards

1920's Ammunition Cards

The 1920's Ammunition Cards are a stylish munition tracker card pack that captures the aesthetics of the twenties. They are ideal for use in World War I, Lovecraft-inspired, or investigative role-playing games. This card pack helps create a deeper dramatic atmosphere during intense firefights, as players spend less time on paperwork tracking ammunition. Its usage is simple: players receive as many...   [click here for more]
Lazarus  $5.49 $4.99

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Ammo Counter Cards - Bullet Expansion

Ammo Counter Cards - Bullet Expansion

The Ammo Counter Cards Bullet Expansion includes 16 additional bullet cards form the standard deck. Support, community, and requests: Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute ...   [click here for more]
Lazarus  $3.49 $2.85

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Ammo Counter Cards - Bullets only Deck

Ammo Counter Cards - Bullets only Deck

The Ammo Counter Cards are card-shaped markers that allow you to keep track of your character's ammunition supply easily and without erasing. Less paperwork and more fun! Using the cards is straightforward: each player takes as many cards as they have ammunition for their character. When it comes to combat, a card must be discarded for each shot fired. If players manage to acquire...   [click here for more]
Lazarus  $5.99 $4.99

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Ammo Counter Cards - Hunting Arrow Expansion

Ammo Counter Cards - Hunting Arrow Expansion

The Ammo Counter Cards - Hunting Arrow Expansion includes 16 arrow cards expanding the standard deck with hunting arrows. Support, community, and requests: Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute ...   [click here for more]
Lazarus  $3.49 $2.85

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Ammo Counter Cards - Shutgun Shell Expansion

Ammo Counter Cards - Shutgun Shell Expansion

The Ammo Counter Cards Bullet Expansion includes 16 additional shutgun shell cards form the standard deck. Support, community, and requests: Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute ...   [click here for more]
Lazarus  $3.49 $2.85

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Ammo Counter Cards - Standard Deck

Ammo Counter Cards - Standard Deck

The Ammo Counter Cards are card-shaped markers that allow you to keep track of your character's ammunition supply easily and without erasing. Less paperwork and more fun! Using the cards is straightforward: each player takes as many cards as they have ammunition and grenades for their character. When it comes to combat, a card must be discarded for each shot fired. If players manage to acquire more...   [click here for more]
Lazarus  $5.99 $4.99

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Arrow Counter Cards - Arrow Expansion

Arrow Counter Cards - Arrow Expansion

The Arrow Counter Cards - Arrow Expansion includes 16 additional arrow cards form the standard deck. Support, community, and requests: Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute ...   [click here for more]
Lazarus  $3.99 $3.49

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Arrow Counter Cards - Bolt Expansion

Arrow Counter Cards - Bolt Expansion

The Arrow Counter Cards - Bolt Expansion includes 16 additional crossbow bolt cards form the standard deck. Support, community, and requests: Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute ...   [click here for more]
Lazarus  $3.75 $3.25

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Arrow Counter Cards - Dart Expansion

Arrow Counter Cards - Dart Expansion

The Arrow Counter Cards - Dart Expansion includes 16 additional dart cards form the standard deck. Support, community, and requests: Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute ...   [click here for more]
Lazarus  $3.99 $3.49

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Arrow Counter Cards - Standard Deck

Arrow Counter Cards - Standard Deck

The Arrow Counter Cards are card-shaped markers that allow you to keep track of your character's ammunition supply easily and without erasing. Less paperwork and more fun! Using the cards is straightforward: each player takes as many cards as they have arrows, darts and crossbow bolts for their character. When it comes to combat, a card must be discarded for each shot fired. If...   [click here for more]
Lazarus  $5.49 $5.02

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