Soloventure: Season Two Expansion is a set of cards to add to your existing Soloventure: The Warlock's Dungeon or Soloventure: Forest of the Mad Queen single-player RPG campaign. Adding encounters, equipment, and new dungeon tiles to expand your adventure, this set of cards features new mechanics not found in the original base game.
***Soloventure Base Game required to play***... [click here for more]
Soloventure: Season One Expansion is a set of cards to add to your existing Soloventure: The Warlock's Dungeon single-player RPG campaign. Adding encounters, equipment, and new dungeon tiles to expand your adventure, this set of cards features new mechanics not found in the original base game.
***Soloventure Base Game required to play*** ... [click here for more]
Soloventure: The Warlock's Dungeon is a self-contained, single-player RPG campaign that fits in a single deck of cards! Featuring a progressively generated dungeon with randomized encounters and and an easy but fun combat system Soloventure gives every player a chance to enjoy solo play while maintaining the tangibility of a tabletop game.
... [click here for more]